• English

2:Before Joining 2

Before Joining 2

 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy separates from his company and begin investigating alone.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Yuria: Hm... I think we got everything we can here. The only place left are the rooms further inside.
  •   Yuria: I'm going to go take a look over there. Let's come back here if we find anything! Alright?
  •   Noah: Huh? Yuria, wai...!
  •   Noah: ... And she's gone just like that. I hope we could move as a group...
  •   Clamor: It should be fine though, since we're the only ones here.
  •   Noah: Yes... It's suspiciously quiet.
  • Noah was slightly worried that the investigation was to light-hearted, but he decided not to worry about it. If the place was actually dangerous, then the Wind Master wouldn't have allowed them to investigate so easily.
  •   Clamor: Hm... hey, Noah. Would you say you're not afraid of anything?
  •   Noah: Huh? What brought this about?
  •   Clamor: You know, earlier. It didn't seem like you were scared at all from what the Wind Master said.
  •   Noah: Hm... I don't think it was that scary.
  •   Noah: It reminded me of House of Rosso's lab... and thought there might be something I could do.
  •   Clamor: I see...
  •   Noah: Why? Were you worried I might be scared? Weren't you the scared one?
  •   Clamor: Ha! As if. I'm way too old for that. I simply thought there might be a problem if you're easily scared.
  •   Clamor: If there are actual ghosts, and you get scared and run away, leaving me here in the process...
  •   Noah: Uh huh...?
  •   Clamor: Then I'll be left all alone in a haunted building!
  •   Clamor: Don't ever let me go, you hear me?
  •   Noah: Sigh, I was wondering what you were on about. Don't worry. There's no way that would happen.
  •   Clamor: Right? So I was worried for nothing! Haha...
  •   Clamor: But just in case, let's find a string and tie us together.
  •   Noah: You're so persistent....

  •   Noah: It doesn't seem like we were here for a while but the sun's already setting.
  •   Clamor: Yeah. Did you find anything?
  •   Noah: Mmhm, nothing special. It felt like a nice stroll.
  • Standing by the window, as the sun sets, Noah noticed a bright light coming from the room across and tensed up.
  • 'SHINE-!!'
  •   Clamor: W, what was that? There was light...!
  •   Noah: That's where Yuria went...! Come on!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy hurries to the room that shines.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Surprised, Noah quickly ran towards where Yuria went, and almost collided into her.
  •   Yuria: KYAAAA!! HOLY EL!
  •   Noah: Whoa! Yuria, are you alright? I noticed a sudden light coming from this direction.
  •   Yuria: Oh my gosh, it's just you! You scared me!
  •   Yuria: I'm fine. I was looking elsewhere, when the window suddenly opened with a shining light... I ran out without thinking because I was so scared.
  •   Yuria: I heard a loud noise as I ran out... I think there's really a ghost!
  •   Clamor: Hm...
  •   Noah: Maybe it's a monster. It might be tough if it's been around for a long time... Stand back.
  •   Clamor: Hm... Actually, I think it's fine.
  •   Noah: Huh? What do you mean?
  •   Yuria: Yeah, Clamor! I'm telling you, there was a loud sound with a sudden light! It could be dangerous!
  •   Clamor: Mm. I think it's fine. Trust me.
  • Noah and Yuria stared at each other, scared.
  • Though it didn't seem like Clamor was lying, they can hear something like there are multiple people whispering at the same time, giving them a chill.
  •   Noah: Let's just check what's in there... Alright?
  • The two slowly approached the door and peaked through the slight opening when they gasped from surprise. The room was filled with beautiful colors and a warm breeze.
  • The window was open, but the wind wasn't from the outside. It was strangely unfamiliar, but it wasn't ominous or creepy.
  •   Noah: This feeling... All this... is somehow familiar. I feel like I've been somewhere like this before.
  •   Yuria: Really? Where?
  •   Noah: Yeah, it's not as intense, but this peaceful feeling... It's like the sanctum.
  •   Clamor: Of course, that's to be expected. There are lots of spirits in this room.
  •   Noah: Spirits?
  •   Clamor: Yeah. I think they gathered here because of mana inside that nightlight.
  • The two looked more closely. In midst of all the spirits, there was one light fixed on the table.
  •   Yuria: These spirits don't seem to fear us. This is really rare...
  •   Clamor: These spirits are pretty weak. I suspect they were also swept by the El Explosion.
  •   Clamor: They're probably struggling to keep form because of Henir's energy outside of Elrianode and the unstable El energy.
  •   Yuria: So that's why they followed that light in here... Because of the mana...
  • Noah inspected the lights. As Yuria said, he could also feel the flow of mana from the light.
  •   Noah: ... It's kind of unfortunate.
  • As he looked at the spirits gathering around the light, Noah felt complex emotion grow iwithin him. He too, was swept by the El Explosion, but he lost consciousness immediately after the incident and was sealed at the temple.
  • Those who didn't, must have endured the changes that came with the El Explosion, whether they be humans, or spirits.
  •   Yuria: ... Let's leave them be, so the spirits can charge their mana in peace.
  •   Noah: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.


  • The three of them moved slowly towards the door in order to not startle the spirits. That moment, a small light landed on Clamor.


  • Noah: Huh...?
  • Clamor: .......
  • Clamor: ... Yes, let's see each other next time.


  • Yuria: Wow... Did the spirits recognize Clamor?


  • Clamor: Yeah. They thought I was a spirit, not an elf, but I think they were also fascinated to see us.
  • Clamor: Shall we get going? If we don't hurry, the sun will set completely.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The three heads back to Elrianode.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • The trip back to El Tower felt shorter than their way to the abandoned building. On the way back, Noah suddenly asked Yuria.
  •   Noah: Did you manage to find anything, Yuria? I didn't really find anything.
  •   Yuria: Me neither. The nightlight was pretty cool, but it's not like we can take it when it's so important to the spirits.
  •   Yuria: Hm. At first, I was disappointed when we couldn't find anything in a magician's lab, but looking back, I think it was fine.
  •   Yuria: Because the fact that there wasn't anything special for us to find, means the people there managed to escape, right?
  •   Noah: Yeah. Since they would have taken anything useful with them.
  •   Yuria: Mmhm, it's a relief. Anyway, isn't it curious?
  •   Yuria: How that nightlight had enough mana after all these years? I wonder what it's made of? It only seems to work at night, should we go check it out during the day again?
  •   Clamor: ... Huh? I thought you activated it, Yuria.
  •   Yuria: It wasn't me. I told you, I was scared when the light came on all of a sudden.
  •   Clamor: What? I thought you forgot after you activated it.
  •   Yuria: I wouldn't forget something like that. Why? What's wrong?
  •   Clamor: T, that doesn't make any sense. Magic is a natural phenomenon. You need a lot of components to hold it in one place.
  •   Clamor: A gadget like that has no chance. Think about it Yuria. The light wasn't anything special.
  •   Noah: Then who activated the nightlight?
  •   Yuria: Uh... Didn't Master Ventus say it's been happening for quite a while?
  •   Noah: Clamor, how long would it last if you turn it on?
  •   Clamor: I don't know... Considering the size... Maybe 2 to 3 days...?
  •   Yuria: Then... ... Someone must have turned it on at least within the last 3 days...? Kya!!
  •   Noah: Calm down, Yuria! Maybe it was someone else! Like... Someone from your camp, or...
  •   Yuria: But, I didn't even know about it until Master Ventus told me! Nobody knows except us!
  •   Clamor: Yiiikes, N... Noah! Don't let go!! Remember our talk earlier, right??
  •   Yuria: R, run! Noah!
  •   Noah: Wait! Yuria, hold on... Don't leave me here!
  • The three began running toward Elrianode. Ventus, who was watching from afar, started chuckling in amusement.
  •   Lincy: You're so mean. You really had to prank the little ones?
  •   Ventus: Haha, don't be like that, Lincy. They're scared now, because it's dark outside, but they'll figure out it's me in no time once they have a moment to think.
  •   Lincy: Hmph, I'm sure.
  •   Ventus: It's a little harmless fun. Clearing out their heads while we're at it.
  •   Ventus: It seems kids can't even wait to grow up, not knowing that the world they're in already pushes them to be one.
  •   Lincy: Yeah, it's a good charge of pace for the little ones who's trying to act grown up.
  •   Ventus: Now, let's follow them slowly, in case they get hurt in the dark.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0


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