
  • Pretty sure the skill is bugged right now, at least on NA. Sometimes the summoned Homunculus lats 78s, as if you had the Killing Blow (1) trait. Happens even if there's no trait chosen or you have Regenerating (1). It's also not a permanent thing, sometimes it's 78s, other times it's 60s, just like normal. May need some more testing, but I definitely saw it as 78s more than once. Happened both on MA and after Trans.--Kacperus333 (talk) 18:58, 8 December 2021 (CET)
    • I've tried to replicate this in Free Training, but I've been consistently getting 60s regardless of what I've tried, even having all three Arches active at once. So maybe it's some external factor that's causing it to go up to 78s? I'm not sure. FlareKyn (talk) 19:38, 8 December 2021 (CET)
      • Decided to check some things upon getting Lord Azoth. Funnily, managed to get the bug. Bug As you can see on the buff bar, Homunculus is longer than it's supposed to be with my trait.--Kacperus333 (talk) 00:32, 9 December 2021 (CET) Edit: Another thing worth mentioning, happened to me before lvl 70. So even before being able to choose any trait for it.