
(아스 칼론)
A powerful dragon made of solid gold from the distant past. Awakened from deep hibernation by the power of El, Ascalon seeks to protect the fragments of El from those who are wicked.
Z Attack X Attack C Attack
Z Attack
Release a short ranged but penetrating breath of fire.
Flame Breath: 328% x2
Jump Z, Dash-jump Z
Unleash a downward breath of fire onto enemies.
Flame Breath: 219% x3
X Attack
Spins around and slams with a tail to deliver a powerful blow.
Tail Strike: 1800%
Dragon's Roar
Let out a powerful roar to overwhelm enemies.
Dragon's Authority: 875% x5
Special Movement (Law of Dragon's Flight)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Tough Scales [Rider])
Burning and Petrifying (+2%)