
The absolute Nightmare from the underworld! An underworld motorcycle fueled by demonic power. Pay close attention and handle with care.
Z Attack X Attack C Attack
Z Attack
Strikes the enemy with a fast spinning wheel that consecutively hits the enemy.
109% x6
Jump Z :
Rotating front wheel that collides with the enemy at high speed.
109% x6
X Attack
Creates a wheel of fire from the underworld that sets fire to enemies around you for 5 seconds.
53% x51 (2 wheels have their own hitboxs)
God of Nightmare
Fire demonic spirits that charges towards the enemy.
156% x56
Special Movement (Baby P1001 Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Mithril Body [Rider])
Burning and Plagued (+2%)