
Lives in the mysterious ice covered caves. Very rarely will this reindeer approach humans. However, it will appear in the human world to stop destruction.
Z Attack X Attack C Attack
Z Attack
Surges a sharp icicle at enemies.
Ice Gimlet: 667%
Jump Z
Wraps the body in cold air for a rushing attack.
Cold Rush: 328% x3
X Attack
Wrap yourself in cold air then rush forward.
Cold Rush of Sound: 202% x10
Frozen Explosion
Create a storm composed of ice crystals to fly forward.
Ice Crystals: 72% Multiple Hits
Frozen Explosion: 365% Multiple Hits
Special Movement (Frost Walk)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Frost Aura [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)