I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)
G123u (talkcontribs)

You left your IGNs in the screenshots!

I've got some free time and I'm procrastinating on the costume pages so I can help add them! I'll start with Aisha's.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

I don't think that's a good thing to joke about.

Thank you for doing this for me. I just noticed that some of the lines I took screenshots of were already on the wiki, which I assume were added after I took them since I haven't been paying attention to them for a while, so can you let me know when you finish with these ones?

G123u (talkcontribs)

..You're right, I was being too forward and that was rather insensitive of me, my apologies. I just finished Resiam Outskirts. I can post another message in this thread when I've finished the others. o7

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

I think they want the clear lines to be typed up with the exact wording that's used in the game. There are some clear lines with genuine in-game typos, which is why I included some invisible notes about said typos on their respective pages.

G123u (talkcontribs)

It is all done now! \o/

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Now I can delete these images.