• sorry, i think the better word for what i meant is white space. here are some pic

  • my point is that the info can be added as 2 lines of text while here its stuck on top of each other which is about 8 lines of regular text.
  • the minibosses should be under the mob because they need to have their own section. by putting them next to each other, the words are pushed together, making it unorganized. its already bad enough where the new format is putting monster images right on the line of the text instead of putting it in a chart like the original ruben dungeons
  • under development. fine then
  • what im trying to say is, this new format is squeezing information right next to each other when in the old format, it gave all info a certain section where we can directly link them, such as going to Elsword#Specialty instead of only Elsword