For the previous iteration of this dungeon, see Wally's Underground Laboratory (Old).

Wally's Underground Laboratory

Podziemne Laboratorium - Przybyliśmy tu, by zniszczyć pozostałe Nazoidy. Z wnętrza zamku słychać dziwne odgłosy na podobieństwo pracujących maszyn.


Najgłębsze miejsce w Podziemnym Laboratorium Lorda Robo. Przebudził się ostatni Nazoid Lorda Robo.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Have 1   Secret Dungeon Entry Permit in your inventory.
  • Must be Level 70 or higher.
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
  Ognisty Bełtomiot - These crossbowmen are similar to those at 2-5, except it has high attack speed (when not in the Bunker).


  • Crossbow Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire a arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Burn.
  • Rapid Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire a continuous stream of arrow. Arrows will inflict Burn.
  • Dodge Roll: While knocked down, they will dodge roll backwards out of harm's way.

In Bunker:

  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Burn.
  Trujący Bełtomiot - These crossbowmen are similar to those at 2-5, except it has high attack speed (when not in the Bunker).


  • Crossbow Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire a arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Poison.
  • Rapid Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire a continuous stream of arrow. Arrows will inflict Poison.
  • Dodge Roll: While knocked down, they will dodge roll backwards out of harm's way.

In Bunker:

  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Poison.
  Bunkier - A bunker can protect soldiers inside it. Be careful of Crossbow Soldiers in the bunkers when destroying them!


  Goryl - These Knights are similar to Wally's Guardian in 2-5, but can activate super armor if hit 10 times. Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack.
  • Heavy Slash: Prepares in super armor then performs a single overhead slash.
  • Leap Slash: Jumps in the air and slashes forward.
  • Counter Slash: Recover with an overhead sword swing.
  Główny Naganiacz - These Knights are similar to Vergnert in 2-5 and will activate super armor if hit 10 times. Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack.
  • Smash: He swings his club downward.
  • Double Swing: He performs a two hit combo with his club with super armor.
  • Counter Slash: Recover with an overhead sword swing.
  Szczur Laboratoryjny - Their attack style is very similar to the Giant Phorus.
  • Claw Slash: Infected Rat attacks three times with his claws, can poison you.
  • Charge Attack: Infected Rat rushes forward with super armor.
  Mini Robo N82 - These are smaller, brown colored variants of Wally No. 8.
  • Air Smash: While in the air, Wally will sometimes boost down to try and smash you on the ground. A large amount of debris will fall randomly to either side of itself each time it smashes the ground.
  • Spin Thrust: Wally rushes towards you and slides while dealing damage using its heavy arms, he then flails it around, knocking you down.
  Mini Robo N87 - These are smaller, red colored variants of Wally No. 8.
  • Laser: Wally will fire out a massive yellow blast of energy out of his eye.
  Mini Robo N85 - These are smaller, yellow colored variants of Wally No. 8.
  • Homing Missile: Wally will extend his arms and launch two guided missiles out of his hands that will home in on a random player.
  • Carpet Bombing: Wally sends up missiles into the sky that'll fly down in both sides of him, dealing heavy damage to those all around him.
  190mm działo - Wally has build defense cannons, the 190mm Howitzer.
  • Up Tilt Shot: Fires a shell at an upward arc attacking players at a range.
  • Down Tilt Shot: Fire a shell immediately in front of it attacking players near it.


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Monster Image General Description General Moves
  Bezlitosny Ogień Krzyżowy - A powerful larger Fire Crossbow Soldier.


  • Crossbow Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire three arrows in succession from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Burn.
  • Rapid Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire three continuous streams of arrows. Arrows will inflict Burn.
  • Dodge Roll: While knocked down, they will dodge roll backwards out of harm's way.

In Bunker:

  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Burn.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.
  Bezlitosny Trujący Anos - A powerful larger Poison Crossbow Soldier.


  • Crossbow Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire three arrows in succession from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Poison.
  • Rapid Shot: Ready themselves with super armor then fire three continuous streams of arrows. Arrows will inflict Poison.
  • Dodge Roll: While knocked down, they will dodge roll backwards out of harm's way.

In Bunker:

  • Crossbow Shot: Reads themselves then fire a single arrow from their crossbow. Arrows will inflict Poison.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.
  Bezlitosny Kuno - A powerful Royal Guard.
  • Heavy Slash: Prepares in super armor then performs a single overhead slash.
  • Leap Slash: Jumps in the air and slashes forward.
  • Counter Slash: Recover with an overhead sword swing.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.
  Bezlitosny Jas - A powerful larger Royal Big Brother with a significantly larger club.
  • Smash: He swings his club downward.
  • Double Swing: He performs a two hit combo with his club with super armor.
  • Counter Slash: Recover with an overhead sword swing.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.
  Bezlitosna Ściana - A powerful Big Soldier.
  • Leaping Undercut: Jumps in the air and punches the ground.
  • Punch Combo: A two punch combo.
  • Uppercut: Moves forward and delivers and uppercut sending player flying.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.
  Bezlitosny Illy - A powerful version of the soldier, Illy.
  • Dagger Combo: A quick short dagger combo.
  • Air Slash: Slash targets while jumping.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
  Robo N7 - Wally No. 7 - is an upgraded form of Wally No. 8. This Nasod is now capable of using the same attacks faster and activating super armor during almost all of its attacks.
  • Thrust: Wally will spin his arms to attack you.
  • Fly: Given the opportunity, Wally will fly up into the air towards another platform to try and make distance. Differs from the next move in that he moves STRAIGHT up.
  • Smash: While in the air, Wally will sometimes boost down to try and smash you into the ground.
  • Homing Missile: One of his strongest moves, Wally will extend his arms and launch two guided missiles out of his hands that will home in on a random player.
  • Laser: His strongest move. Wally will fire out a massive yellow blast of energy out of his eye. It does tremendous damage all with incredible range.


  • Has a stoic threshold of 25 hits. Instead of a normal reaction when reaching the Stoic Threshold, Wally No. 7 will instead use Thrust, Smash, Homing Missile or Laser.
  • Wally No. 7 will stoic after every 3 hits outside of super armor frames. Also, whenever it does a downward smash, debris will fall randomly to both sides of itself.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
  Pułapka Parowa - Similar to that of 2-3, there will be vents that will exert steam at regular intervals that can damage you.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
  Deus ex Nazoid - After the Secret Dungeon Reorganization, all robot based monsters are much smaller, including the Nasod Inspector. The Nasod Inspector is the gargantuan blue robot boss found in Wally's Underground Laboratory.

Defense Mode

There is a Signal Lantern located at the center of Nasod Inspector's chest. At the beginning of the battle it is inactive. When damaged Nasod Inspector will activate it.
The color of lantern indicates the defense mode of Nasod Inspector and will change over time.
Yellow means Nasod Inspector is highly resistant to all physical attacks.
Note : The Physical Defense buff is currently bugged. (It has an abnormal large additional Physical Defense so it will still deal low damage even with Stack III Water)
However this bug has been fixed after 03/19/2015 Secret Dungeon Revamp in KR.
Blue means Nasod Inspector is highly resistant to all magical attacks.
The defense boost is high enough that all damage of the type it resists will be reduced to 1.(No Damage in KR)


  • Fire Laser: The Nasod Inspector can fire a beam of yellow laser (similar to that of the Cockatrigles in Velder) from his signal lantern across a long distance, dealing substantial damage.
  • Cannon Fire: The Nasod Inspector aims its cannon forward and fires, the attack is fairly short ranged but the damage is high.
  • Cannon Slam: The Nasod Inspector slams his giant cannon vigorously onto the ground and fires, causing a series of giant explosions. This does extremely high damage, more so if you are carried along with the blast wave. Players hit by the cannon will be stunned for several seconds. Requires full mana bar to use, mana resets upon execution.
  • Cannon Slam II: The Nasod Inspector slams its arm into the ground and then follows up by slamming its giant cannon against the ground as well but does not fire. This hits closer to itself and both the arm and cannon can deal moderate damage as well as launching you a significant distance upwards. A danger of this attack is that it can launch you into multiple yellow flares for incredible damage.
  • Fire Yellow Flares: The Nasod Inspector aims his mini-cannon towards the ceiling and fires, causing yellow flares to start floating down slowly. These flares do high damage. These flares will usually fall near the Nasod Inspector.
  • Fire Blue Flares: The Nasod Inspector aims his mini-cannon towards the ceiling and fires, causing blue flares to start dropping down to the floor quickly. These blue flares detonate after a set amount of time and do minor damage. These can fall anywhere and everywhere except for near the Nasod Inspector itself.
  • Crawl: If you are too far away from the Nasod Inspector, it will put its arms on the ground and pull itself to you, then stumble and fall, then pick itself up again. This move can flatten you and cause moderate damage.
  • Defense Mode: The Nasod Inspector will change its defense mode depending on its current remaining HP, the Signal Lantern will change color to indicate which defense mode it has entered. Whenever it does this it will recover a large amount of health.
  • System Crash: When the Nasod Inspector's health is reduced to critical levels, the Nasod Inspector's attack speed and movement speed will be greatly increase like crazy and increase damage by 20% as if it were malfunctioning.


The Nasod Inspector's pattern will follow the behavior as shown above. Health values are a rough approximate. An example of how the chart works: when the Nasod Inspector reaches 80% HP, he will activate Magic Defense mode and will regain HP to 100%.

The Nasod Inspector is always super armored and thus will not be stunned by attacks. It can however be frozen temporarily with Light Enchantment (petrifying) on weapons, Awakening, or freezing attacks like Blizzard Shower.

The best move is always to KEEP OFF THE GROUND. Especially for melee characters, stay at the top platform of either side of the stage and wait for the Nasod Inspector to come to you. The Mini-Cannon would be just jutting out for you to hit and spam skills. Also as he crawls over, his hitbox becomes much wider and thus more susceptible to damaging AOE attacks like Gungnir.

When the Nasod Inspector starts shooting yellow flares, run to the opposite end of the map. They are extremely lethal.

A more advanced strategy is to knock Nasod Inspector's HP to just above a threshold where it will activate a defense mode and regenerate, then freeze it and deal enough damage to knock it down to the threshold of a different defense mode causing it to skip that phase.

  • The HP thresholds are 35.9, 31.2, 17.9, and 7.4 Bars.
    • Knocking it from over 35.9 to under 31.2 will cause it to skip Magic Defense phase.
    • Knocking it from over 17.9 to under 7.4 will cause it to skip Physical Defense phase.
  • An alternative to freezing the Nasod Inspector is to wait till it tries one of its downward cannon slam attacks, it cannot cancel out of that animation allowing players to use multiple skills before it can activate or change defense modes.
    • It is possible for it to "System Crash" and activate "Physical Defense Mode" at the same time if the skill chain reduces a large amount of HP while failing to kill it.

It can be useful to have a Code Nemesis who has learned Atomic Shield to be in your party since the shield can block the Yellow Flares that the Inspector fires.

If you fail to skip the Magical/Physical Defense Mode Phase (Meaning it will use Magical/Physical Defense Mode) you can break its defense by inflicting any defense reduction like Armor Break, Water Element Enchant Debuff, or any active/passive skill which can reduce its defense. Wind orbs are also effective in nullifying its defense increase.

  • Only Armor Break will be sufficient for you to deal significant damage due to the increased defense from level difference.


  • Elsword
  • Aisha
  • Rena
  • Raven
  • Eve
  • Chung
  • Ara
  • Elesis
  • Add
  • Lu/Ciel
  • Rose
  • Ain
  • Elsword: Lord Robo, ten wymoczek, to on to wszystko zbudował? Ten wielki nazoid na końcu był naprawdę silny.
  • Elsword: Do cholery, ile jeszcze tych puszek blaszanych wylezie tutaj?!
  • Elsword: Nie wysyłaj ciągle kogoś za siebie. Stań do walki jak prawdziwy mężczyzna!
  • Elsword: Dlaczego oni tak pilnują tych starych nazoidowych rupieci? Nieważne, spokojnie możesz przynieść mi ich jeszcze więcej! Wszystko zniszczę!
Secret Set
Icon Name Stats Set Bonus
Mechanized MK-6 Top Piece Lv. 80 Top Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]
Polarize +6%

Secret Dungeon:

2-Piece Effect:

  • Critical +5%
  • Maximize +5%
  • Action Speed +5%

3-Piece Effect:

  • All Skill Damage +5%

4-Piece Effect:

  • +5% Physical Attack Power
  • +5% Magical Attack Power
Mechanized MK-6 Bottom Piece Lv. 80 Bottom Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]
Damage Dealt to Boss Monsters +6%

Mechanized MK-6 Gloves Lv. 80 Gloves:

[Unidentified * ?]
All Skill Damage +25%

Mechanized MK-6 Shoes Lv. 80 Shoes:

[Unidentified * ?]
Ignore Physical Defense Power +6%
Ignore Magical Defense Power +6%

Mechanized MK-6 Goggles Lv. 80 Face Accessory (Middle):

[Unidentified * ?]
HP Increase +2%

Secret Dungeon Accessory:

3-Piece Effect:

  • +3% Physical Attack Power
  • +3% Magical Attack Power
Mechanized MK-6 Weapon Lv. 80 Weapon:

[Unidentified * ?]
[Unidentified * ?]
Critical +5%
Maximize +3%
When attacking, there is a 2% chance to summon Nasod Inspector (Cannon Slam) (Dungeon)


Grand Master Gameplay by 'SSKillYes183'

  • In the past Nasod Inspector's defense modes would merely boost its defense slightly instead of giving it enough defense to be completely immune to a damage type, it would change defense modes more often and regain much less HP from each mode change.
  • There also used to be a third platform on the left which was high enough that none of Nasod Inspector's attacks could reach it with exception of its Yellow Flares, allowing players to attack it with near impunity. Yellow Flares while dealing much less damage than they did now fall in two waves, one wave falling much faster than the other.
  • In the absolute earliest versions of this dungeon there was no Nasod Inspector, instead a larger version of the Wally #7 Mk.II which now serves as the mid-boss would fight alongside a Red and Yellow Mini Wally in its place. Also in this version many of the enemy spawns were different (it included many Ghost Mages and player-sized Giant Rats) and the stage went straight to the boss after the sewer portion.
  • Mechanized MK-6's special effect uses Nasod Inspector's old, larger model despite his actual boss size having been decreased for a long time.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
  South Korea 월리의 지하 연구실 Wally's Secret Laboratory
  Japan ウォーリーの地下研究所 Wally's Underground Institute
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 瓦利地下研究所 Wally's Underground Institute
  China (Simplified Chinese) 瓦利的地下研究所 Wally's Underground Institute
  Germany Untergrundlabor Underground Laboratory
  Spain Laboratorio subterráneo de Lord Robon Lord Robon's Underground Laboratory
  France Laboratoire souterrain Underground Laboratory
  Italy Laboratorio Sotterraneo Underground Laboratory
  Poland Podziemne Laboratorium Underground Laboratory
  United Kingdom Underground Laboratory
  Brazil Laboratório Subterrâneo do Wally Wally's Underground Laboratory

  • Other
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Miscellaneous