




倍加托克 - 这是最基本的托克类怪物。它们对你进行拍击。

变异托克 - 这种托克像贝斯马峡湾暗影蜥蜴人杀戮者那样使用回力镖攻击。它们遭受攻击的话会霸体逃走一小段距离。

波奇托克 - 这种托克会发射骷髅形魔法弹,这种魔法弹无法被反弹。它们也会施法加强友军的攻击。

铁格拉托克 - 这种托克在遭受正面攻击时用盾牌减免所受伤害,它们也会抓住空当攻击。防御机制和沛塔地区副本的格雷特盾牌兵相似。

波克塔托克 - 这种托克在接近你之后霸体自爆,它们的生命值很高。击破他们可以获得经验道具奖励,但若他们自爆则不提供奖励。

凯丝绮 - 一种形似恐龙的小动物,它们会爬到你身上进行多段撕咬攻击。这个攻击进行过程中他们没有被击判定。

火牙凯丝绮 - 一种更大更强的凯丝绮,它的攻击使你遭受火伤

毒牙凯丝绮 - 一种更大更强的凯丝绮,它的攻击使你遭受中毒

红沙漠饿鬼 - 这些地下住民随心所欲地遁地或跳出,刺伤或啃咬敢于经过它们身边的人。

沙漠豹 - 这些在沙地穿行的海豹会用胖脑袋把你拱开。它们不会遁地。

哈耳皮埃巢穴 - 在你击破它前它不会有任何行为。被击破后约过三秒会在原地生成3~4只小哈耳皮埃。有一定概率生成一只加鲁派巨大哈尔皮埃并取代其中的一只小哈耳皮埃。此外如果你在一个关卡里最后击破它,那么将不会有怪物生成。

小哈耳皮埃 - 刚出生的它们还挂着半截蛋壳,但它们依然会努力地朝你撞过去。

加鲁派哈耳皮埃 - 较小的鸟人形怪物,它们只在空中活动,对你进行俯冲攻击或划出两道风刃攻击。

加鲁派巨大哈耳皮埃 - 更大更强的红色哈耳皮埃。它们可以走在地上并用爪子和翅膀连击敌人,也可以在空中进行俯冲攻击。顺带一提它们起飞时是霸体的。

飓风哈耳皮埃 - 更大更强的紫色哈耳皮埃。它们可以走在地上并用翅膀刮起像紫黑色的像高阶魔导所用的那种龙卷风,也可以在空中发出声波攻击。



黑暗翅膀:奥克琵特 - A massive black-feathered Harpy dressed in black with long white hair. She has a black-steel disk floating behind her.
-Flight: Like all Harpies, Okypete can fly.
-Shadow Dive Bomb: Okypete gathers dark energy into her talons and rushes into you.
-Dark Slicer: Okypete will throw her disk at you. If it makes contact with the ground or a platform it will begin moving back and forth, dealing massive damage to anybody in it's path.
-Ground Recovery - Combat: When knocked out of the air, Okypete will then continue to attack on the ground. She will take flight again sooner or later.
-Wing Slash: While on the ground Okypete will use her wings to slash around her, damaging anybody close to her. She will usually go into Piercing Rush after this.
-Piercing Rush: While on the ground Okypete will thrust her wings forward, damaging anybody in front of her.
-Shadow Tempest: While on the ground Okypete will summon a massive dark Cyclone, dealing heavy damage to anybody in it's path.

-Miniboss only appears on Hard and Very hard and will be selected at random at the start of the dungeon alternatively fighting Gold Wing Aello.
-All of Okypete's moves have stoic.
-Shadow Tempest can be deadly if not avoided. Its vertical range is good but, it can be jumped over if timed correctly. It is slow moving so its generally easy to outrun as well.
-Dark Slicer is Okypete's most dangerous attack. Its fast, it has a massive hit count, and it can stick to platforms to deal even more damage while increasing the hit count further. Avoid this at all costs.

黄金翅膀:阿耶罗 - A massive golden-feathered Harpy dressed in yellow with long brown hair. She has two golden disks floating behind her.
-Flight: Like all Harpies, Aello can fly.
-Blinding Shower: Aello throws 8 disks diagonally at you from above.
-Crossfire: Aello throws 5 disks at you. They then stop and scatter, moving in the left or right direction more than once.
-Ground Recovery - Combat: When knocked out of the air, Aello will then continue to attack on the ground. She will take flight again sooner or later.
-Wing Flash: While on the ground Aello will use her wings to slash around her and send out 4 disks at the same time, damaging anyone near or in front of her.
-Light Rush: While on the ground Aello gathers light energy into her talons and dash kicks you.
-Shining Storm: While on the ground Aello uses her wings to spin rapidly while moving forward and throwing multiple disks.

-Miniboss only appears on Hard and Very hard and will be selected at random at the start of the dungeon alternatively fighting Dark Wing Okypete.
-All of Aello's moves have stoic.
-Crossfire can cause major damage due to the massive amount of hits it can do. It's range is considerably good as well. It's best to avoid this at all costs.
-Try not to get too close to Aello when she is using any of her ground based disk attacks. The wing slash and the disks hitting you at close range is a deadly combo.


沙尘暴 - Jumping into the sandstorm will propel you into the air at a given direction.


钢铁翅膀:卡莱诺 - One of Karis's followers who kidnapped the Wind Priestess Anudran.
-Scratch: She will super armor and fly upwards slightly before coming down to scratch at the player with her claws.
-Steel Dive Bomb: Kelaino will become invincible then launch upwards out of view. She will then perform a heavy dive attack on your location. If hit, the player will be launched away and knocked down.

  • She is able to use this even when stun locked.
  • When landing from this she is momentarily super armored and vulnerable to attack before she is able to take action.

-Retreat: She will fly into the background. She will summon 6 large spears across the length of the stage as well as generate a powerful tornado that will disable all player skills as well as the ability to jump and slowly push them outward from the center of the stage. After a set amount of time, the spears will fall and explode.

  • Will use this skill at 8, 18, and 28 lifebars.
    • May be possible to bypass these points by defeating her within a very short span of time at the start of the battle.
  • Even though she is too high up after positioning herself to target with most attacks, she is not invincible and can still be hit with a sufficiently far reaching attack.
  • This skill often has a safe zone on each side.
    • When Kelaino uses this move the 3rd time, 7 spears will appear instead of 6, meaning one side will not have a safe zone.
    • You can also use a passthrough (such as Chung's >>X) to get across the middle to a safe zone on the other side.
  • When Kelaino uses this skill, any attacks that home in (such as Guide Arrow, Chain Lightning, Energy Drain, or any of Battle Seraph's attacks under influence of Induction or Fusion Mode) and Mana Steal will home into the center of the tornado she summoned instead of herself, meaning homing attacks will not inflict damage on her. However, you can still drain her mana and HP with Mana Intake, Energy Drain, or Vital Drain.

-Sandstorm: She will super armor and spin to create four Cyclone(s) similar to that used by the Elemental Master. They will be spaced to both reach the players on the platforms as well as those on the ground behind her.
-Nine Impaling Blades: She will do a somersault in super armor then launch nine blades which will fall down from above in front of herself, one after another.

  • She will occasionally cancel out of this mid-animation into her Retreat where she escapes into the background but this attack will still activate and play out as well.

-Berserk(?): Usually when damaged to around 8 bars of health she will gain a pink aura and appears to become faster, more aggressive, and do 50% more damage. (The entirety of how this effects her is not yet known.)
-Wind Bombing: When at full MP this skill becomes available to her. In a similar style to Shelling Guardian's Carpet Bombing, she will fly across the stage twice, launching two orbs reminiscent in appearance to Super Nova each pass. Each orb can hit multiple times, potentially dealing over 25,000 damage. Each bombing wave will strike 1\2 of the map. The direction of the first bombing wave is random, her second wave will always target the other half of the stage.

  • When she uses this skill, there will be a large Danger warning accompanied with its skill name.
  • She will instantly disappear when initiating this without an animation and start bombing without delay.
  • It is possible to avoid this skill by hiding under the platforms in the center and moving to the side farther away from the wind bombs.
  • It is possible to knock her out of the air during the animation.

-Over 6 million HP on Very Hard (35 Life bars)
-High resistance against all elements in general (roughly 250\500 against everything).
-She will always fly when her health is 7 bars (trap her easily for a combo with Sakra Devanam's ^ZZ).
-Kelaino does not have a stoic threshold. As long as you don't knock her down, she can easily be defeated.

Boss掉落物 BGM
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Blue Scale
Coral Sea Serpent

Accessory (Top Piece):

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

[Unidentified * ?]

Awakening Charge Speed +1%





  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他