Eve KD discussion

Eve's Z's KD was never 1 to begin with. This can easily be verified by doing Z ... Z ... Z [...] in PvP from 0 KD.

ZZZX's KD was listed as 0.75... wasn't it 0? I use it pretty often myself and AFAIK it's always been 0, that's one of the main perks of the combo õ.o

Same about ZZZvZ, are you guys sure the KD is 0.5? I've never tested the combo accurately enough myself, but still... I'll be sure to test it later.

I don't know if MDA's initial hit will ever have KD, and I am unable to test it myself (in the BR server, MDA is still 0 KD for all hits, and that's considering we already have Power Balance), so I left it as is. I intend to test the other moves later, though, when I have access to a CEm and a CBS.

Naï (talk) 10:23, 4 April 2014 (EDT)