Château Robo

Mais qu'est-ce que Robo compte faire de l'Eldrit ?
L'endroit où Lord Robo a enfoui son secret. Les créatures qui s'y trouvent ne sont pas humaines.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description Attaques
  Fantassin 2de classe - A small knife-wielding soldier. Careful, don't get stabbed by it!
  Fantassin 1ère classe - A big soldier that uses its metal gauntlets to punch you.
  Fantassin arbalétrier - As small as the Little Soldier, the sneaky Crossbow Soldier can use its crossbow to shoot you from a distance. Some Crossbow Soldiers may appear inside of a Bunker.
  Bunker - Un bunker qui peut protéger les soldats à l'intérieur. Faites attention aux fantassins arbalétriers qui sont à l'intérieur !
  Gardien Robo - Un puissant chevalier qui attaque avec sa grande épée.


Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
  Ostrogoth - The mercenary leader of Wally's soldiers, Vergnert isn't one to be taken lightly. Careful of his spiked club - he's faster than he looks!

-Smash: Vergnert swings his club downward.
-Double Swing: Vergnert performs a two hit combo with his club with super armor.
-Mortal Blow: Vergnert smashes his club into the ground and creates an erupting shock wave of earth and rock. }}

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Image Description Attaques
  Robo N8 - You finally confront Wally, but he isn't going to give up so easily! Watch out for his Nasod robot!

-Thrust : Wally will spin his arms to attack you.
-Fly : given the opportunity, Wally will fly up into the air towards another platform to try and make distance. Differs from the next move in that he moves STRAIGHT up.
-Missile à tête chercheuse : one of his strongest moves, Wally will extend his arms and launch two guided missiles out of his hands that will home in on a random player.
-Attaque laser : his strongest move. Wally will fire out a massive yellow blast of energy out of his eye. It does tremendous damage all with incredible range. Requires a full mana bar, mana resets upon use.

-To Dodge : Avoid the guided missile by running from it - it self-destructs if it doesn't hit anything within around 5 seconds.
-To Dodge : to avoid his laser, move right next to or behind No.8 quickly before he fires it. If you are too far away, quickly get above or below the beam.

  • Do NOT : try to get out of its range by running away from him - it has infinite horizontal range.


Butins de bossMusique de fond

Image Nom Boss Personnage Effets
Bazooka inachevé en alliage nasod
Un bazooka à base d'alliages nasods recyclés, récupérés sur des pièces incomplètes des Nasods de Lord Robo.
Robo N8

Arme pour Chung niv. 18 :

Attaque +1661

Attaque magique +1661

Coup critique +2%

Rapidité +2%






