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  • Sigue el código de país aquí.
  • Todos los enlaces allí también deberían contener /es como [[Maximum Cannon/es]].
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  • Use [[Media:file_name.file_extension|description]] for your direct (raw) file link. E.g. [[Media:SGTopRight.png|SG Top Right]] give the link to .
  • Since pages might be transcluded somewhere else, PLEASE CLOSE YOUR TAGS IN YOUR PAGES!!! If you failed in doing this, you will waste the time of others in debugging your page when they transclude!
    • In previous editions, some editors had <b> without </b> (History of User_Created_Combos/LK), and had <tr> without </tr> (History of Template:Infobox/row), which caused serious structure breaking, and cost hours in debugging.

That's all! Thanks.