[Special Active] Reveal the garden of haures.

The garden grows at regular intervals and does not disappear until the mother's HP reaches 0.
The mother gradually loses 10% HP every 3 seconds after it has been summoned for 30 seconds.

Switching Skill (Ciel)
  • Lu will switch to Ciel when skill is used.
  • Gain 2 Combination Points after hitting the target when switching.


Class Level Required Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Demonio 55 61 62

Skill Information

Character Level Haures Summoning (Physical) Max Hits Demon Realm Garden CP Gain MP Usage Cooldown
Mother Continuous Hits Plant Continuous Hits Plant Count Hit Frequency All Speed Decrease All Defense Decrease Mother Health Initial Duration HP Drain after 30 Seconds
55 957% 3 38% 32% 6 1 per second 35% 15% 50% 30 Seconds 10% HP every 3 Seconds 2 100 MP 18 Seconds

Skill Traits

Haste Garden of Haures Regenerating (1) Garden of Haures
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect Details
Cooldown MP Recovery
61 Cooldown decreased to 80% 14.4 Seconds 62 100% chance of regaining 100% of the MP Usage 100 MP

Tips and Details

  • The garden will attract nearby enemies, switching their focus away from you. This is great for gathering enemies without having to worry about being targeted.
  • Enemies can take damage from multiple plants at once. Exceptionally wide enemies could theoretically take hits from all 6 plants + the main flower.
    • On average, enemies will take damage from at least 2 plants, or 1 plant + the mother flower near the center.
    • Over the full duration, the mother flower will deal 59 hits, while the smaller plants will deal 57, 55 and 53 hits respectively from when they spawn.
      • The theoretical maximum damage this skill can deal is thus 15,673% Physical Damage. (Assuming all 7 plants connect and the mother flower remains alive for the maximum duration, including the summoning damage).
    • Unfortunately this skill cannot stay active very long against Bone Dragon, as the plants would spread into the fire where it is standing, killing the garden very quickly.
  • This is the only 100 MP available to Ciel in the entire job path, not counting the Madness skill, Shadow Fury, making it extremely vital for gaining CP without spending all your MP on the path's numerous 200 MP skills.
    • On top of that, with Regenerating (1), it may not even cost you any MP at all, effectively giving you 2 CP for free.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 하우레스의 정원 Garden of Haures
