[Special Active] Use a powerful energy to cause a spatial distortion, launching a condensed black hole forward.
The condensed black hole will suck in enemies while it travels forward, causing a big explosion to inflict damage in a wide area.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.


Class Level Required Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Storm Trooper 50 54 63

Skill Information

Character Level Black Hole Explosion (Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
50 2447% 200 MP 21 Seconds

Skill Traits

Gigantic X-1 Extruder Reversed X-1 Extruder
Level Required Attribute Effect Level Required Attribute Effect Details
MP Usage Cooldown
54 Skill size increased to 120% 63 MP Usage decreased to 85%
Cooldown increased to 120%
170 MP 25.2 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • Enemies do not lose their collision box due to this skill, so if they are behind an object or on a platform, they will not be able to be pulled.
  • Like most suction-based skills with the Gigantic attribute, the size increase only applies to the explosion hitbox and the visual appearance of the skill, not the suction range.


  • 1/7/2016 KR
    • Cooldown decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea X-1 익스트루더 X-1 Extruder
