Attaque brutale

From Elwiki
File:Violent Attack.PNG [Spéciale active] Devant tes adversaires, tu effectues une série de coups de pied dans les airs pour terminer ton attaque par un coup ultime.
Consommation d'EN
  • Max. 3 cases en cas de coup parfait.


Classe Niveau requis Niveau pour l'attribut de gauche Niveau pour l'attribut de droite
Voyageuse du vent 35 49 58

Informations de la compétence

Niveau du
Dégâts (physiques) Coups max. Coût en PM Temps de rechargement
Ascension tournante Coup de pied tournant Vaincre Ascension tournante Coup de pied tournant Vaincre
35 1344% 2015% 192% 1 2 Illimités 300 PM 25 secondes

Attributs de compétence

Retourné Attaque brutale Plus utile Attaque brutale
Niveau requis Effet d'attribut Détails Niveau requis Effet d'attribut Détails
Coût en PM Temps de rechargement Dégâts Coups max.
Ascension tournante Coup de pied tournant Vaincre Ascension tournante Coup de pied tournant Vaincre
49 La consommation de ressources baisse et passe à 60%.
Le temps de rechargement est prolongé de 150%
180 PM 37.5 secondes 58 Les coups maximaux augmentent.
La force d'attaque baisse et passe à 70%
940.8% 1410.5% 134.4% 1 2 Illimités

Détails et astuces

  • The initial attack hits all opponents in front of the user.
  • The descent of the skill continues until you reach a platform, making it possible to increase the overall damage output when used from higher ground.
  • Enemies cannot mana break out of this skill except for the first hit.
  • The skill is more consistent now, dealing 8.2k% from ground level on most (non-Super Armor) targets, as most of the damage comes from the initial hits, and the drill now pulls enemies with it slightly.
    • It no longer launches enemies, but instead pushes them forward, so platforms actually increase the chance of missing the attack entirely.
    • It will still fly over most small Super Armor enemies because it will be unable to push them forward.
    • The somersault was replaced with 2 high damage kicks. These have sufficient range to hit small enemies despite launching Rena herself into the air in preparation for the Drill attack.
    • The Drill attack has a black hole effect, which pulls enemies to the center of the hitbox.
    • With the Reversed attribute, the skill will cost 180 MP, making the Damage / MP ratio exceptionally good. However, it does increase the cooldown significantly and its NF consumption goes to 2, reducing the total damage.
    • It is best used in tandem with Dive Kick Bombing, which also is able to have the Reversed attribute, allowing Rena to deal 13.2k% (in Awakening) for 330 MP. (Although the skills both refund an incredible amount of MP, making the actual consumption much lower)
    • Although giving extra hits, Useful Violent Attack does less total damage in most circumstances.

Noms alternatifs

Serveur Nom Traduction
Corée du Sud ??? Attaque violente
Japon バイオレントアタック Attaque violente
Chine (chinois simplifié) 风神腿 Jambe d'Aeolus
Amérique du Nord Violent Attack Attaque violente
Brésil Turbilhão de Chutes Toubillon de coups de pied