User:Lord Aurora

From Elwiki
Dragonic Archer
"kukuku I go by many names... Refer to me as Deity, God, Perfectio- OW! Fine, you may call me Lord... Aurora or Eclipse is fine too.
Class File:IOF.png Dragonic Archer
Age Unknown
Weight Unknown
Height Unknown
Weapons Bow, Martial Arts, Wind bombs, Fire magic, Dark magic
You may have defeated me once, but you merely won the battle... To win the war, I shall take a new form; one familiar to you all kukuku...

The Risen Dragon Lord

[Once again roaming the world of Elios, however this time, as a familiar face...]

The Legendary Dragon Perkisas rises once more...
With pride stolen he returns stronger, quieter and dangerously unrecognizable.
Returning with a bow in hand and El by his side, defeat is no longer an idea he will entertain.

[Spirit Arrows]
"It's almost as if these arrows have a mind of their own?! What is this power?!"
[Aurorean Strike]
Sacrificing all the energy and spirits around me, I call forth the Aurorean Phoenix. Perish with the mighty winds.
[Resonance of Harmony]
With nature now on my side, I need not worry of your attacks as nature shall protect me.
[Instantaneous Movement]
I've was defeated before by your nimble ways. Now, let us see you try that again.


Main Article: Downfall

Over time, Perkisas has grown weary of the endless slaughter. He begins to lure adventurers into his lair, with a promise to grant his power and treasure to the one who defeats him. According to legend, a human who passes 3 trials by Perkisas will acquire tremendous power and fortune. No one has succeeded... Until they took the trial.

With humiliation, riches stolen and almost no power to call his own, Perkisas swallowed his pride and rested with Nature. Ashamed to be asking for healing from El and the spirits around him, he meditated and rejuvenated extremely quickly. At first, his body didn't react too well to all the natural energy... but the more pride he sucked up and allowed El to help resurrect his power, the quicker the process became; until he amassed so much natural energy that his form changed.

Now, disguised as a smaller, red haired Elf, Perkisas demands to get back what was stolen from him. Nature may have humbled him, but his darkness remains and gradually spread throughout Nature unnoticed.

"That El Search Group may have been getting stronger whilst I was away, but this time, things will end differently kukuku..."

Signature Combos

Combo Description
Undercross Stomp

Now you see me, now you don't.

Phoenix Express

Thought you almost got away huh? kuku sorry but the alliance I've made with the Phoenix clan always has me covered. You're not going anywhere...

(On Platform)
Stomping Bombs / Sudden Circles

Oh you were so fast against my back in my Lair... How does it feel to have the tables turned? kukuku...

+, +File:Siege.PNG
Slip and Slide

Sigh, you could at least entertain me and keep up... What happened to you El Search Party? Losing your touch, or can't keep up?

I'm still not completely used to this body so this is only the beginning kuku... although speaking of which, I don't understand why I always get these rather peculiar stares from humans... Humans should not be able to see through my disguise right?

Title Collection

Back when you all first entered my lair, I remember all of you were branded in these, so called Titles. Well upon venturing throughout Eliros, I've realized gold and treasure aren't the only things worth collecting... and with this new Elf form of mine, it seems titles are compatible with me too kukuku...

Title Description Effect
File:SecretBarrierGuardian.png Guardian of Secret Closed Space

A title that allows you to get more titles?! You must be out of your mind not to get this! The moment I had the chance, it was mine! If only I was luckier dammit!

Experience points received increases by 20% (Dungeon)
Damage dealt to Boss Monsters +10% (Dungeon)
Activate Fever when awakening (Cooldown of 180 seconds) cannot be overlapped (Dungeon)
2% chance of getting 1 additional count towards title cannot be overlapped

This title is known by many names, however my favourite must be God of Death. Upon using this title, swords of the underworld will come to my aid and further dismember everyone last one of you. Are you afraid of the Reaper?

While attacking:
5% chance of summoning Sword of the Evil Spirit
5% chance of summoning Sword of the Dead Soul
5% chance of summoning Sword of the Dead Spirit
Dragon Slayer

So I paid my rival dragons a visit and honestly, was disgusted by such weakness. Such weakness should not any treasure to begin with, thus everytime I find out they have more, I shall claim it as my own!

Critical Hit Rate +2%
Attack Speed +5%
Deal 20% more damage to Ancient Bone Dragon (Dungeon)
100% chance to evade Ancient Bone Dragon's attack
Flame Resistance +50%
Souless Ego

After my defeat, I went mental... Could not believe I was defeated by mere humans! On the brink of instability, came in incredible power however...

Physical Defense -2000
Magical Defense -2000
Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Max HP -50%
Max MP -33%
Active Skill Damage +50%
Special Active Skill Damage +50%
Curse of Chaos

Seems like I finally had a lucky catch and found a contract of luck. Curses to those who wish to immobilize me as their weapons phase out of existence inconsistently... and occasionally their armor too kukuku...

5% chance of decreasing target's attack by 90% for 3 seconds when hit
5% chance of decreasing target's defense by 90% for 3 seconds when attacking
Critical +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Attack Speed +1%
MP Gain when attacked by cursed player +100%
File:IsThisMe.png Is This Me?

Turns out the Hall of El is a lot bigger than I thought... after countless searches I never managed to find the Remaining Aspiriation and furthermore almost lost myself. Every now and again I still see doubles of myself attacking my opponent alongside me...

15% chance of casting double attack when attacking (not including special actives)
Attack Speed +6%
File:10-6Title3.png Shadows Descent

You may think you're stronger than me, but with each time I strike you with my arrows you are weakened... Lets see how many hits you can take...

Critical Hit Rate +6%
Maximize +6%
Decrease target's Element Resistance by 20 for 7 seconds when attacking (Max: 15 stacks)
Increase physical and magical attack by 1% for 20 seconds when attacking (Max: 10 stacks)
Stand Alone

They say strength comes in numbers, but for me, I don't have to worry about wiping out my so called "friends" this way kukuku...

When without a group, All stats +20%
File:10-6Title2.png Man Against The Sun

You dare challenge me in a battle of speed?! You'll regret that. Since I've returned, aside from Glave himself, I am second to none in terms of speed! Don't believe me? Fine. Catch me if you can.

Attack Speed +15%
Movement Speed +15%
Jump Speed +15%
7% chance to Inflict Panic on target when attacking.
7% chance to inflict Confusion on target when attacking.
Grim Gaze

Do not make me angry... I swear will slaughter you, everything you protect and destroy everything around it. I'm warning you.

17% chance to inflict Fear when attacked.
5% chance to inflict Faint for 3 seconds and be knocked down when hit


  • All that aside, I'm just a quiet Rena main really that travels around servers. Think I've played them all at least once at this point.
  • Whilst I mainly focus on Daybreaker, getting her the images she needs, I do check up on the other 2 paths from time to time too; along with other characters as well.
    • If there are any gifs people need but can't do/make, I recommend downloading GifCam. Very easy and simple to make gifs with. If you don't feel comfortable downloading it based off my recommendation that's fine too. If you let me know what gif you may want/need, provided I have the character, I'll see what I can do!
  • Most of the information I add to pages are based off what I find on KR players streams; most of it should be fairly accurate but apologies if I get anything wrong!
  • That and just a side note to never forget:
Combos is love, combos is life. Never forget that.