File:TAI-HO-MING.png [Special Active: Bravery]
Move forward and deliver multiple kicks. The damage increases and also lands a stomp kick when used in an awakened state.
NF Consumption Skill
  • Uses 3 NF on hit
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Black Hole feature added when charging forward.


Class Level Required
Combat Ranger 35

Skill Information


Required Level Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal/Awaken Awaken
Side Kick Continuous Kick Spinning Kick Side Kick Continuous Kick Spinning Kick Downward Slam Side Kick Continuous Kick Spinning Kick Downward Slam
35 1736% 310% 2422% 2700% 482% 3767% 1382% 1 17 1 1 250 MP 23 Seconds


Required Level Damage (Physical)
Normal Awaken
Side Kick Continuous Kick Spinning Kick Side Kick Continuous Kick Spinning Kick Downward Slam
35 465% 83% 649% 629% 112% 881% 323%

Skill Traits

Heavy Dive Kick Bombing Critical Dive Kick Bombing
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Cooldown MP Usage
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
27.6 Seconds MP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
300 MP

Tips and Details

  • Dive Kick Bombing can deal 9,428% (2,525% in PvP) Physical Damage, assuming all hits connect. When awakened it can deal 16,043% (3,737% in PvP) Physical Damage.
    • With Heavy it can deal 13,576.32% (3,636% in PvP) Physical Damage, assuming all hits connect. When awakened it can deal 23,101.92% (5,381.28% in PvP) Physical Damage.
  • In Awakening, the Downward Slam will lift and knock down the enemy.


Old Icon of Dive Kick Bombing.
  • 11/07/2013 KR
    • Damage decreased, hit count increased.
      • Overall damage increased.
    • Wind blast explodes after each kick.
    • Awakening cyclone hitbox size increased.
  • 07/30/2015 KR
    • Damage increased.
  • 08/06/2015 KR
    • Damage increased.
  • 10/29/2015 (KR) / 03/16/2016 (NA)
    • "Ruthless" attribute changed to "Heavy".
  • 06/30/2016 (KR) / 07/13/2016 (NA)
    • Casting Speed is increased by 10%.
    • Reversed attribute changed to be Critical.
    • Change location of Critical and Heavy.
  • 11/16/2016 KR
    • Fixed issue where Rena can be pulled during the skill.
  • 01/12/2017 KR
    • Slide Kick damage decreased.
    • Continuous Kick damage increased.
    • Spinning Kick damage decreased.
    • Downward Slam damage decreased.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • PvE damage increased.
  • 02/22/2018 KR
    • Damage increased.
  • 04/05/2018 (KR) / 04/18/2018 (NA)
    • PvE damage increased.
    • PvP damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 다이브킥 봄잉 Dive Kick Bombing
  Japan ダイブキックボミング Dive Kick Bombing
  China (Simplified Chinese) 狂性之舞 Madness Dance
  Germany Kamikaze
  Spain Kamikaze
  France Kamikaze
  Italy Kamikaze
  Poland Kamikadze Kamikaze
  Brazil Valsa Final Final Waltz
