
Super short legs! A dog with a breathtaking butt. When a Corgi runs, it's hard to see their legs, but don't take them for granted because they're stubby.
Official Trailer, Feat. Party Corgi by Cristina Vee
Z Attack X Attack C Attack
Z Attack
Attack enemies in front with your short legs.
Flounder: 420%
Jump Z, Dash-jump Z
Flounder your legs midair to attack enemies in front.
Flounder: 420%
X Attack
Charge forward excitedly, then land on your butt to create a shockwave. Landing attack is 100% critical.
Want to Play?: 40% Multiple Hits
Breathtaking Butt: 1200%
Dog Treat Discovery!
A dog treat has appeared! A dog treat will fall onto the ground and deal a great amount of damage to enemies. The Corgi is super excited to see the treat.
Small Dog Treat: 180% Multiple Hits
Giant Dog Treat: 1680%
Giant Dog Treat Explosion: 420%
 Special Movement (Short-legged Counterattack)
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
 Elemental Activation Chance (Woof! Woof-woof-woof! [Rider])
Burning and Plagued (+2%)