Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak/es

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Espacio-tiempo alterado - Drabaqui

La 'Puerta del Tiempo' ha aparecido en el mundo de Elios. ¿Qué secretos esconderá en su interior...?
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • Se puede acceder una vez cada 2 horas.
  • Los jugadores podrán acceder más veces utilizando el objeto 'Llave para el espacio-tiempo alterado' File:HyperKey.png.
  • Para poder entrar, el jugador debe haber alcanzado el nivel de Transcendencia.
Horarios de disponibilidad
Servidor KR Servidor NA
  • 13:00 ~ 15:00 KST
  • 17:00 ~ 19:00 KST
  • 21:00 ~ 23:00 KST
  • 1:00 ~ 3:00 KST
  • 1:00 ~ 3:00 PDT
  • 5:00 ~ 7:00 PDT
  • 9:00 ~ 11:00 PDT
  • 13:00 ~ 15:00 PDT
  • 17:00 ~ 19:00 PDT
  • 21:00 ~ 23:00 PDT

Tras los acontecimientos sucedidos en Elianod, se abrió una Puerta del Tiempo desconocida que sólo se muestra de forma ocasional.

Asombrado, el grupo Buscador del Éldrit le preguntó a Galveo si había sido cosa suya, pero para su pesar, Galveo tampoco parecía saber la razón que se oculta tras este extraño fenómeno.

Lo siento. Por una vez, yo no he tenido nada que ver. Jijiji... aunque suena muy interesante. Quizá deberíais ir a echarle un vistazo.

Aceptando la sugerencia, el grupo Buscador del Éldrit decidió adentrarse en la Puerta del Tiempo. Tras la puerta, se encontraba el Drabaqui Corrupto – El Guardián de la Oscuridad, quien aguardaba la llegada del grupo.

  • Pueden acceder hasta 8 jugadores (también se puede acceder en grupo de 4 jugadores)
  • Hay un tiempo de espera de 40 segundos antes de que el combate dé comienzo.
  • La batalla empezará en cuanto los 8 jugadores se hayan reunido dentro.
  • Tiempo límite : 8 minutos
  • Botín : Nuevos títulos, Potenciadores de Habilidades (incluyendo una nueva Habilidad Legendaria, "Niebla mortal"), Invitaciones de guardián de Elianod, equipamiento Elianod y varios objetos de recuperación.
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Drabaqui corrupto de Henir - Drabaqui, el Guardián de la Oscuridad, ha retornado bajo la influencia de la Semilla de la Vida y el culto de Henir. Ahora se ha vuelto aún más mortífero.

Amenazas del entorno

Mientras Drabaqui realice sus ataques, pueden aparecer otra serie de fenómenos que entorpecerán el combate.

  • Lluvia de energía oscura: Drabaki's dark energies cause meteors to periodically fall towards the ground, passing through all platforms and causing a shockwave on contact with the ground. Happens at set intervals during the entire fight and randomly targets one player for its impact location.
  • When below 70x HP - An intense wave disperses from the gap of time and space.:
    • Tormenta del espacio-tiempo: La influencia de Henir puede causar varios efectos dañinos:
      • Silencio : Spacetime pockets will vibrate all across the stage, silencing everyone on the map for 10 seconds. The debuff will be constantly reapplied until 5 seconds after the attack.
      • Envenenamiento : Massive stormclouds will cover the entire field. Breathing in these toxic clouds causes a 2 second debuff that will rapidly drain massive amounts of health. The debuff will be constantly reapplied until 5 seconds after the attack.
      • Reflejo de daño : A targetting light will follow all players around until a laser strikes the field, causing everyone to be inflicted with a 2 second debuff that causes all the damage they deal to Drabaki to be burned from their own HP as well. The debuff will be constantly reapplied until 5 seconds after the attack, even if the laser strike did not hit you initially. The laser strike itself does not do damage or cause hitstun.
      • Poción enfermiza : Provoca que todas las pociones de los jugadores entren en período de reutilización durante 30 segundos.
      • Congelación : Una ventisca cubre el escenario, causando a todos los jugadores un debuff de 20 segundos que reduce drásticamente la velocidad de movimiento.


  • Powerful Tail - Crush: Drabaki slams his tail vertically onto players, indicated by a single orange targetting area.
  • Powerful Tail - Swipe: Drabaki uses his tail to sweep the field, indicated by 4 orange targetting areas
  • When below 70x HP:
    • Dark Energy Storm: Drabaki shoots a large dark energy sphere into the air that splits into smaller ones that rain down in a concentrated area.

Drabaki - Center

  • Transition: Drabaki changes positions by sliding around the map, creating shockwaves as its body grinds against the ground, dealing damage to all in its path. It's new position will be in the middle, his head hovering slightly above the top middle platform.
  • Blitz - Center: Drabaki will aim his head either left or right, then slam into the floor in the targetted area.
  • When below 70x HP:
    • Dusk Inferno: Drabaki positions it's head and starts sweeping the field with dark fire, once towards the left, once towards the right.
  • When below 40x HP - The warden of darkness, Drabaki, has become enraged.:
    • Enrage: Drabaki becomes enraged, purple fumes coming from it's mouth and its eyes glow a deep dark pink as it angrily hisses at the players in front of it. All attacks from Drabaki will deal more damage.

Drabaki - Left

  • Transition: Drabaki changes positions by sliding around the map, creating shockwaves as its body grinds against the ground, dealing damage to all in its path. It's new position will be on the far left, his head resting on the top platform.
  • Blitz - Left: Drabaki will try to eat all players near his head, before ramming into the area down below.
  • Vile Shockwave: Drabaki will position itself directly above the top platform and fire a dark orb downward, creating a large shockwave when it hits the ground.
  • Light Ray: Drabaki will cause several laser beams to target the field at various angles, before they strike all at once.

Drabaki - Right

  • Transition: Drabaki changes positions by sliding around the map, creating shockwaves as its body grinds against the ground, dealing damage to all in its path. It's new position will be on the far right, its head hanging in midair and difficult to reach.
  • Blitz - Right: Drabaki will hover its head behind the stage, then quickly slam into the area right below its head's resting spot.
  • Dusk Blaze: Drabaki will exhale a large breath of dark fire to damage players.
  • Black Hole: Drabaki will create a large dark void above the field that sucks in players, dealing extremely high damage. It will then ram through the void devouring all that were still alive.
  • Coiling Crush: Drabaki rapidly coils itself around a majority of the right side of the stage, crushing anyone unfortunate enough to be in its path.


Image Name Boss Character Stats
Drabaki's Wings
Drabaki's Wings
Henir Corrupted Drabaki

Accessory (Top Piece):
[Unidentified * ?]
[Unidentified * ?]
[Unidentified * ?]

  • Henir Infused Drabaki fights exactly like his previous incarnation at Fahrmann's Peak. The new additions in this fight are all exclusively field hazards with a variety of debuffs.
  • Exiting the dungeon during the countdown before the fight begins, before 8 players have entered the instance, will not initiate the 2-hour rest debuff, allowing you to re-enter if necessary.
  • Item drops can occur even if you have no stamina.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 뒤틀린 시공 - 파르만 봉우리 Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak
Germany Verzerrte Raumzeit - Gipfel des Parman Twisted Spacetime - Fahrmann's Peak
Brazil Tempo e Espaço Distorcido - Pico de Fahrmann Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak

  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous