File:ImpactSmashR.png [Special Active: Strength]
Crash down from the air into the ground to attack nearby enemies. (Can only be activated in midair)
Destruction Skill
  • Consumes Destruction gauge and acquire Vitality gauge
  • Attack Power ↑ when Destruction is activated
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Shockwave range is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Sword Knight 30

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
30 3735% 200 MP 14 Seconds


Level Required Damage (Physical)
30 1423%

Skill Traits

Heavy Impact Smash Light Impact Smash
Attribute Effect Cooldown Attribute Effect MP Usage
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
16.8 Second MP Usage decreased to 80% 160 MP

Total Damage

Mode Regular Knighthood
Normal Destruction Normal Destruction
Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy
PvE 3,735% 5,378.4% 5,602.5% 8,067.6% 4,108.5% 5,916.24% 6,162.75% 8,874.36%
PvP 1,423% 2,049.12% 2,134.5% 3,073.68% 1,494.15% 2,151.58% 2,241.23% 3,227.36%

Related Skills

File:Knight.png Knighthood

Tips and Details

  • At [Enhanced], the shockwave will reach up to two platforms above you and one platform below you and cover a significant portion of the screen towards both sides, making it an excellent clearing tool.

Old Version

  • In the past, Impact Smash was an active skill that had Elsword smash his sword into the ground in front while cancelling Mana Break and having a chance to Stun.


Date Changes
07/04/2013 -

Changed from 30 to 50 MP.

05/15/2014 -

Hit's afterimage removed.

07/23/2015 -

Moving distance increased.

Skill's hitbox becomes larger.

10/29/2015 03/16/2016
  • "Gigantic" attribute changed to "Empowered".
01/12/2017 -

Turning Attack damage increased.

Swing Attack damage decreased.

04/27/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where "Empowered" trait not work in [Enhanced] level.

Damage increased.

Turning Attack damage decreased.

Swing Attack damage increased.

07/27/2017 -

Damage increased.

02/22/2018 -

Damage increased.

Damage decreased.

04/05/2018 04/18/2018

Damage decreased.

06/20/2019 07/17/2019

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 임팩트 스매시 Impact Smasher
  Japan インパクトスマッシュ Impact Smash
  China (Simplified Chinese) 粉碎斩 Smash Slash
  Germany Donnerschlag Thunderclap
  Spain Golpe trueno Thunderclap
  France Coup de tonnerre Thunderclap
  Italy Colpo di tuono Thunderclap
  Poland Miażdżące Uderzenie Crushing Smash
  Brazil Impacto Esmagador Smasher Impact
