Story/Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Secret Truth

Chapter 14

The El Search Party journeys on to Sander, also known as the city of sand. On their arrival in the village, they find the residents struggling to fend off a massive invasion by the Trocks. Elsword and his friends proceed at once to Barren Sander, where they witness the visiting Wind Priestess being kidnapped! The gang must help rescue her, or Sander risks damaging relations with the Caluso Tribe and even possibly setting off a war!

[Village] Major Mission
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Water Priestess Rescue story quest
  • Lv. 60
  • Head over to Sander to meet with Priestess Anudran

According to the Water Priestess, the demons want to find where the El Lady has been revived. The demons have been seen to be moving away from this continent. Not far away from Hamel lies Sander Village. There is a strong power of Wind El emanating form there. Go seek Sander Village's Chief and ask about the Wind Priestess.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Denka: Finally feels like Hamel is turning back to normal. Having a Priestess sure can work wonders.
  • Penensio: Priestess, what was the prophecy of the World's Root?
  • Sasha: The prophecy contained the location of the El Lady.. That is what Ran wanted to get from me..
  • Elsword: I knew it... The El Lady does exist... She wasn't just a myth!
  • Sasha: I haven't met her or her whereabouts but... The prophecy will become much clearer when all six priestesses gather.
  • Elesis: So, one prophecy is not enough...?
  • Eve: Then the demons must be after the other Priestesses as well.
  • Add: Velder's already too late.
  • Sasha: Yes.. The Earth Priestess and the demons are currently on their way to meet the other Priestesses. The closest Priestess to here is the Wind Priestess, just past the desert, I can feel her even from a distance..
  • Denka: Across the desert... So it's Sander.
  • Sasha: Please, save the Priestesses. We cannot let the demons have all of the prophecy.

  • Penensio: It seems like a temporary peace but our work here is done. We're going to finish up here and head back to Velder.
  • Elesis: I'll go to Sander with these guys. Penensio, I can leave the Red Knights to you, right?
  • Penensio: Haha, leave it to me! You like to wander around anyways, please be safe. You have the faith of the World on your shoulders.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Emirate: Welcome to the best merchant village, Sander! I heard you saved Velder and Hamel from Demons, amazing!
  • Elsword: There's also Feita!
  • Eve: Don't be so arrogant, you dummy.
  • Elesis: I heard the Wind Priestess was in this village.
  • Emirate: Are you here to see the Wind Priestess? Unfortunately she is not here, she's in the Caluso Tribe Village.
  • Elsword: What do you mean? She's not here?
  • Emirate: Hahah! Actually the Wind Priestess regularly visits Sander and today's that day! You are lucky!
  • Raven: We just have to wait.
  • Emirate: Go have a rest, you must be exhausted from your travels. I'll let you know when the Priestess arrives.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 193,020 Magic Stone x 6 N/A
ED 646,950 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Click! Clack!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Barren Sander
  • Find the Wind Priestess (Barren Sander)
  • Waldo (Barren Sander) 0/1

The Trocks have invaded us on a large scale. This is bad! The Wind Priestess is coming to town for peace talks and we can't have her be in danger. Go to Barren Sander to investigate the situation.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Emirate: Bad news! The Trocks suddenly invaded our town! Priestess should be nearby this is not a good timing.
  • Chung: Trock? Is that the name of the monster in this area?
  • Emirate: They are creatures that resides on the outskirt of Sander! I've seen them a few times but never in this size!
  • Aisha: Bad timing..
  • Elsword: No way.. Are they going to go for the Wind Priestess?
  • Emirate: She does have guards.. But just to be safe could you please defeat the Trocks and bring the Priestess here safely?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Emirate: What? The Wind Priestess was kidnapped?! Those darn Trocks.. Why did they..? Do you know where they took her?
  • Raven: A giant harpy kidnapped the Priestess, all we know is the general direction.
  • Emirate: Harpy? Those arrogant bastards were with Trocks? That's very strange, something big is happening.

  • Emirate: First, talk to Granny Vapor. She's the oldest and the wisest in all of Sander. She'll have a plan.
  • Vapor: Are you the kids Emirate told me about?
  • Ara (Eun): //Interesting... Her age inside and outside is completely different.//
  • Chung: (Doesn't... Look like a granny..)
  • Elesis: (I'm not hallucinating right? Are they making fun of us?)
  • Vapor: Not a single injury against the Trocks. Impressive, but in order to prove yourself a bit more could you go and defeat a Trock Officer? I wan to witness it for myself.

  • Vapor: Good work, now. Let's hear your story.
  • Emirate: Granny Vapor, you can even understand the Trocks? You are amazing!
  • Vapor: How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Lady! Not Granny!
  • Aisha: We must be careful.
  • Vapor: Wait a moment. One of my disciples should have a language deciphering device. A dummy that fused with a dog during an experiment.
  • Eve: Must have been that loud slurping dog.
  • Vapor: Oh! This is it! It's old, I hope it still works... There! Go ahead and interrogate him.
  • Emirate: Why did the Trocks invade our town? Why did you kidnap the Priestess?!
  • Rocky Trock: The Chieftain will protect us! Trocks are forever! Trock Trock! I want some rocks to eat!
  • Emirate: What is this thing talking about? Is he not aware of his current status?
  • Vapor: You dare spout lies to me? I'll show you fear greater than death... Huuuheeeheee
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,275,680 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 17 Intermediate Hamel Explorer Weapon Cube
ED 681,090 N/A Intermediate Demon Raider Weapon Cube
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Horrified Grandma
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Barren Sander
  • Mysterious Magical Pattern (Buggy Trock, Barren Sander) 0/1

Granny Vapor is suspicious about Trocks using magic. She's asking us to find any Trocks with a Magical Amulet Necklace. Let's try to find some Trocks that fit the description in Barren Sander.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ara: The screams have stopped, is he dead?
  • Elsword: Kh...!
  • Vapor: Now- Let's start again. Why did you infiltrate Sander?
  • Rocky Trock: Trock... We've finally acquired great power! We don't need the Wind Priestess! We will take over Sander with ease, trock!
  • Chung: Fell unconscious..
  • Vapor: As he said. I don't think we can ask him any more questions. Kukuku
  • Ara: Hyaah!
  • Emirate: Oh, recently the guards told me the Trocks had a weird symbol drawn on them... Could that be related to their new power?
  • Vapor: Trocks are using magic? Hmm, I would like to see the Magical Symbol used by them.. Can you go draw one? If you can cop the one that uses a lot of magic!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Gran---.. Uh I mean.. Lady Vapor! This is it! This is the symbol!
  • Vapor: Let's see... Memories are blurry these days.. Hmm.. This is a first for me.. An unknown magic... Where would Trocks find this?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,275,680 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 16 N/A
ED 681,090 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Barren Sander
  • Defeat Trocks (Trock Race, Barren Sander) 0/50
  • Waldo (Waldo, Barren Sander) 0/1

We need to let the Caluso Tribe know that the priestess has been kidnapped. If they find out that the priestess was kidnapped while she was visiting Sander, there might be a risk of bad relations and it may cause war!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elesis: Not only magic symbols but also strange devices.
  • Vapor: A strange device?
  • Rena: A large and red Trock. It looked like some kind of Captain and also had a magical device on his stomach.
  • Vapor: They must be enchaning their bodies using a magical device. Who could do that to the Trocks.. And even get the harpies involved. This is very strange. Emirate! First contact the Caluso Tribe and tell them that the Priestess has been kidnapped! If they find out that the Priestess was kidnapped as soon as she entered Sander, there will be trouble.
  • Emirate: There's just too many Trocks outside to send a messenger.. Can you thin out their numbers while we prepare messenger for Caluso village?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Emirate: You all did a good job. Now the Trocks are defeated and we can dispatch our messenger now. I hope the Caluso Tribe does not come to any misunderstandings...
  • Vapor: Let's look for the Priestess now! You said she kidnapped by Harpy?
  • Emirate: If that's the case...then the first place to investigate would be...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,275,680 N/A N/A
ED 681,090 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nest Hunting
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The priestess was kidnapped by the leader of the Harpies, Kelaino. We need to find and rescue the priestess from the windy zone Garpai Rock.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Raven: Garpai Rock?
  • Vapor: That's right, to the harpies.
  • Elsword: The Harpy that kidnapped the Priestess had a large golden wing.
  • Vapor: Could it be? Kelaino? I can't believe Kelaino would make a move.
  • Aisha: Leader of the Harpies?
  • Vapor: That's right, Steel Wing Kelaino.. The strongest harpy in all of Garpai Rock. Also the leader of the Harpies, full of arrogance. There is no way Kelaino would work with the Trocks under normal circumstances. What happened?
  • Emirate: To start, an you search for the Priestess at Garpai Rock? The landscape is harsh, please be careful.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Emirate: How did it go? Did you find the Priestess?
  • Elesis: We searched the harpy nest but didn't find the Priestess.
  • Add: Damn it, my clothes got dirty.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,500,730 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 10 N/A
ED 729,420 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Promises of the Past
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Considering the area of Garpai Rock, it may be impossible to pick up the trail. Granny Vapor wants us to find the Symbol of Promise from Kelaino who resides in Garpai Rock. The task may be difficult but there's no time to waste. We must proceed.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Emirate: Lady Vapor, they couldn't find anything on the Priestess at Garpai...
  • Vapor: They already moved to another area? I guess I have no choice. Could you show this to Kelaino and bring her here? Even the arrogant Kelaino should come if she sees this.
  • Chung: What is this for?
  • Vapor: Before Emirate came the harpy feathers were very prized and sold for a good sum of money.
  • Emirate: Harpy Feathers are still a forbidden item for our trades...
  • Vapor: That's right, back then because of their value the harpies were constanly hunted and harpies always attacked the merchants and the villagers.. But Sander finally came to a conclusion to illegalize harpy feathers and sign a peace treaty with the Harpies. This is the symbol that we shared during that time. Kelaino will show some kind of reaction.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Vapor: Welcome, you haven't changed at all.
  • Kelaino: How dare you! After all the things you've done, you dare to show me that symbol?!
  • Vapor: Broke the promise? What do you mean?!

  • Kelaino: A few days ago we found our sister stripped naked of its fur. What other species treasure our feathers?
  • Emirate: There wasn't a single feather traded from Sander within the last 3 years! I can bet my life on it!
  • Kelaino: Don't try to fool me... I found human weapons near the corpse. Also sensed dark spirit from the Wind El. This is all because of humans' greed! Aello and Okypete will shred any humans they find!
  • Vapor: W-Wait a moment.. The Wind Priestess..!
  • Emirate: The messengers are in danger... They must be heading over the Garpai Rock right about now!
  • Vapor: First, go to Garpai Rock and stop Aello and Okypete. They are twins, harpies of light and darkness. It should be easy to stop them.

  • Emirate: What of the messengers?
  • Chung: You can rest assured now!
  • Add: I brought them all before they passed Garpai Rock.
  • Emirate: That's a relief! I just hope we can deliver the news to the Caluso Tribe faster.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,500,730 N/A N/A
ED 729,240 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Exposed Truth
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

According to Emirate, there's been a misunderstanding with Kelaino and the harpies. In the Sander Village, Harpy Feathers are illegal items to possess. Granny Vapor is concerned about the imbalance of wind and asks if you can talk to Kelaino at Garpai Rock. Of course, it won't be an easy task to tackle.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Vapor: Kelaino is misunderstanding us and we haven't had any contract from the Caluso tribe...
  • Eve: It's too early to give up.
  • Add: There must be a w--..
  • Vapor: You! Keep quiet! I need to think!
  • Add: ...
  • Vapor: We first have to clear the misunderstanding that Kelaino has. I'll talk to her again.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Vapor: Kelaino, we are not the ones who attacked you, I swear to you.
  • Kelaino: ...
  • Vapor: Why did you kidnap the Priestess with the Trocks? And what do you mean by sensing dark energies from the Wind El?
  • Kelaino: The wind's spirits were slowly turning. It was slowly becoming dark.. And few after the harpies were ambushed a witch came to me.
  • Elesis: A witch...?
  • Kelaino: She said the Caluso Tribe and the Humans of Sander were fighting over the Priestess and because of that greed the El was becoming corrupted. She said we would have to save the Priestess from their greed or the dark spirit will completely take over the El.
  • Vapor: I see.. Kelaino did you know the world was being invaded by Demons right now?
  • Kelaino: ...Hm?
  • Elsword: Right now, the demons are trying to corrupt the El Shard and create a Dark El and they are going to gather all the El Priestess and find the El Lady! I'm sure it was that Witch who corrupted the Wind El!
  • Kelaino: I was fooled... Karis.. You..
  • Add: Kuku... Karis was it? She's pretty good, I'll give her that.
  • Vapor: That Karis took the Priestess? Where?
  • Kelaino: I don't know. As soon as the Priestess was brought over the Trocks and Karis took her.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,500,730 Stamina Potion x1 N/A
ED 729,420 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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