Story/Ara Chapter 41-1

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  • English

Chapter 41-1: Trial of Earth

After arriving to the temple, Ara, Laby and Gaia decide to try and find clues on where they are exactly. After sparring with Gaia, Ara learns why she was hesitant to say something to Eun; she considers him like family. She manages to convince Eun to first help them with resurrection of the lord, then ask questions afterwards, finding the circumstances suspicious.

Shrine in the Forest
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the To Return to the Demon Realm story quest

On the way to the Northern Empire to find Calonne...
The lost party enters a nearby shrine with Ara's guidance.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Gaia: We managed to leave right away, but...
  • Laby: Hmm... Sorry... Laby was only looking at the red needle... So Laby doesn't remember what was around at all...
  • Gaia: I overestimated my knowledge of the area as well. I didn't realize how much the lands have changed since I was asleep. Looks like the the old map I have is useless...
  • Laby: Oh! Laby knows a way if we don't know how to get there! If we jump into the sea, the waves will carry us to the Bamboo forest!
  • Gaia: ... Maybe we should use that after our final resort.
  • Laby: Eh? What's after final?
  • Ara: Master Gaia, Laby! I found a path!
  • Gaia: Oh? Are you certain?
  • Laby: Laby only sees trees.
  • Ara: This flower may look like a common weed, but it actually requires great care to bloom. It's often planted near a shrine to encourage people to visit, and it's never seen in this quantity in the wild.
  • Gaia: So there's a path where people frequent nearby?
  • Ara: From the condition of the flowers, I don't think people come this way anymore. But there are still traces left, so we should be able to find the shrine by following these flowers. Once we find the shrine, we would be able to figure out where we are.
  • Laby: Amazing! How do you know so much, Ara?
  • Ara: Where I'm from... This kind of information is readily available for anyone who's interested... And I used to visit different shrines with my mother when I was young.
  • Gaia: There's not much we know about the Northern Empire. Although, I did hear the people of the Northern Empire believe in the holy beasts...
  • Ara: It's because the spirits here hold more power, as people believe in spirits unlike Velder who only believed in the goddess... Although many only believed in the powerful spirits. There are many guardian spirits, and many believed in different spirits for reasons such as fertility, health, and wealth. I suspect the shrine here was built for one such spirit.
  • Gaia: I'm glad you've come with us. Thank you.
  • Ara: I'm glad to help. Now I'll lead the way, follow me.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Whoa! A house!! Oh! A snake!
  • Ara: Looks like the Shrine of the Two-Headed Serpent. It's a spirit that usually represents harmony between family members and love between siblings.
  • Laby: Are there other meanings?
  • Ara: It also represents sacrifice and revival. The tale of the two-headed serpent starts with the death of the brother snake. It's a story of a snake who wished to save his younger brother. It is said that after days of prayer, the younger brother was restored, attached to his older brother.
  • Gaia: So that's why there are two heads. I'm not sure if it's a happy ending...
  • Ara: I had many siblings. So the adults in the family often told this tale, telling us to get along.
  • Laby: You started your journey to save your family, right? Is it because he's family that you want to save him?
  • Ara: Well... That's one reason... But it's more because he's someone I respect.
  • Laby: Respect... Haivan said he respected Winster... Why didn't he act like Ara?
  • Ara: .......
  • Laby: Winster is Haivan's family. And Nichel grew up like family. Why did Haivan do something that will hurt his family?
  • Gaia: .......
  • Laby: Laby was thinking... But Laby still don't get it. Laby gets sad just thinking about being mean to Nisha. Did Haivan actually really really hate Winster? Did Haivan hurt Winster because Winster is not important?
  • Ara: When Berthe came with an army... Haivan looked surprised.
  • Laby: Yeah, Laby remembers.
  • Ara: I think... Haivan didn't intend to hurt others. He did help us before we entered the secret laboratory.
  • Laby: But... Haivan lied to Winster and Nichel and sided with Berthe! Isn't that still mean?
  • Ara: ... Maybe it's because their goal differed too greatly.
  • Laby: Their goal?
  • Ara: Yes. Everyone has their own path to follow, and that path does not necessarily converge just because they are close to one another. I don't think it's right that he betrayed his family and friend. But... But there must be a reason behind his action. And... I get the feeling... That he didn't want Winster and Nichel to get hurt despite their differences.
  • Laby: ... Laby don't get it. Winster and Nichel looked really shocked because of what Haivan did.
  • Ara: The fact that he hurt them will never go away.
  • Laby: Why did Winster say Haivan didn't do it, even though he knew Haivan lied?
  • Ara: Isn't it because he wished to believe in him? That Haivan never intended to hurt Winster, Nichel, and the villagers. That is was a misunderstanding devised by a nefarious villain... It may be foolish, but there are those who cling on to even a sliver of hope.
  • Laby: .......
  • Ara: I will go inspect the shrine. There may be something inside that shows us where we are.
  • Gaia: Oh, I'll follow you...
  • Ara: It's fine. Please wait for me here, Master Gaia, Laby.
  • Laby: (Ara looks sad...)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Eun and Ara
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Shrine in the Forest story quest

Ara is conflicted between Eun's unknown intention and her own path she wishes to follow.
Gaia offers to spar to clear her mind.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ara: (I said so confidently to Laby... But even I don't truly understand. Maybe I only think this way because I want to believe Aren is not fully controlled by Ran...)
  • Eun: Watch your step, Ara. The shrine is quite old.
  • Ara: Oh! Understood! It's not a big shrine, but the pillars and decorations are all very intricate. There must have been a lot of people who visited this place when it was first built.
  • Eun: ... Yes. I'm sure you're right.
  • Ara: You must have a shrine too, right Eun? I've only seen the one in our village, so I'm curious how it looks like in other places!
  • Eun: I don't think there's anyone who'd waste their time on a sealed spirit, don't you?
  • Ara: Oh...! I shouldn't have said anything! (What should I do? I'm constantly bringing up topics that would make her uncomfortable... I'm such a burden... Here, and in Rigomor, too.)
  • Eun: That lithograph seems to depict the map of this area. You should go check.
  • Ara: Yes!
  • Eun: .......
  • Ara: Oh! So this is where we are. I think I know which direction we should go.
  • Eun: That's a relief.
  • Ara: ... It is. (We'd meet Calonne once we arrive at the village, and I'm sure everyone else would head to the Demon Realm to save Winster... If Eun is planning on refusing Winster's request and stop the restoration of the White-Ghost King... Then maybe I'd be more helpful if I stay away from everyone else. But if I avoid coming in contact with the White-Ghost King completely, I'd be betraying Eun's trust... It wasn't this hard when we first met. I was too busy thinking about my brother. I wonder what has changed since then.)
  • Gaia: Ara? Did you find something?
  • Ara: Oh, yes. A lithograph with a map of the surrounding area.
  • Gaia: Oh? Did something happen? You seem to have a lot on your mind...
  • Ara: Oh, it's nothing! Now that we know where we are, should we get going? Where's Laby?
  • Gaia: Laby is thinking really hard right now. Conversation with you left her a lot of questions.
  • Ara: I see...
  • Gaia: ... When Laby has a problem, she thinks about it until she comes up with a solution. It will take some time.
  • Ara: I'm sorry?
  • Gaia: You said you're from a martial artist family in the Northern Empire, right? I usually focus on fist, so I was always interested in martial arts of the Northern Empire. Do you mind sparring with me right now?
  • Ara: ... A spar?
  • Gaia: From personal experience, sparring or training always helped me when I had too much to think about.
  • Ara: Does that mean you also have a lot on your mind?
  • Gaia: Mmm, I won't say you're wrong... Oh! Don't feel like you're obligated to agree!
  • Ara: ... No... A sparring match... It's really been awhile... I look forward to this match.
  • Gaia: Thank you for accepting my offer. Shall we?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: Oh! I recognize your form! You must have taught Laby how to fight?
  • Gaia: Haha, I can't really say I taught her much. I've only given her some advice when we met. Now she has her own style fighting with Nisha.
  • Ara: A few pointers? It's not easy for one to change existing forms of martial arts to make it more powerful... Laby must be truly talented.
  • Gaia: She is... But I think it's more because she's hard working. Even when she doesn't know, she tries her best to find the answer.... So I should just believe in her...
  • Ara: Oh, is Laby the reason why you have a lot on your mind?
  • Gaia: Mm, well... Please don't tell Laby. She helped me out a lot. Thanks to her, I was able to overcome a difficult time. I think of her as family. But as you well know, she's still... naive. I don't want her to get hurt because of something she has yet to learn.
  • Ara: Come to think of it... Laby said she needed to visit the Demon Realm... Are you worried about her traveling to the Demon Realm?
  • Gaia: Honestly... Yes. But I know I shouldn't get in her way because of my worries. She has the ability to find her own way, and she's not obligated to assuage my worries. Even I don't want that from her. So this... Is just my personal problem.
  • Ara: But... You are worried, aren't you? As family, shouldn't you be able to voice your worries?
  • Gaia: ... Some words can be taken the wrong way. I'm afraid I can't portray myself accurately... Or of how Laby would take my words... It's a bit embarrassing, since I just talked to Laby about the importance of communicating your opinion. But, it's difficult to communicate BECAUSE I think of her as family. Surely, you understand that as well?
  • Ara: (Family... Something that's difficult to communicate because they're family... I see... The reason why I hesitated to talk to Eun... It was so simple. But still... I...) Thank you, Master Gaia. I was able to clear my thoughts.
  • Gaia: Is that so? I just vented out my embarrassing thoughts, but if that helped, I'm glad.
  • Laby: Ara! Bellonde!!
  • Gaia: Oh, Laby! We should get going soon! Now, Ara...
  • Ara: But Master Gaia. I too, think there are things you have to say, precisely for that reason.
  • Gaia: Hm?...
  • Laby: Huh? Were you still talking?
  • Ara: We just finished, Laby. We've checked the map of the area, so I'll lead the way until the road becomes familiar to you.
  • Laby: Really? Laby knew we could count on Ara!
  • Ara: Shall we get going, then? It's best we hurry on our way.
  • Laby: Ok! Let's go!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Eun and Ara story quest


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other