Strong Strike/pl

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Revision as of 20:18, 19 November 2020 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "LuCielSkillsKR" to "LuCielSkills")
[Umiejętność Aktywna] Uderzasz prosto przed siebie. Niskie prawdopodobieństwo zwiększenia obrażeń 1.5-krotnie.


Klasa Mistrz Wymagany Poziom Koszt PU Umiejętność Alternatywna
Lu/Ciel Lv. 20 5 2 Hunting Prey


Poziom Umiejętności Wymagany Poziom Obrażenia Koszt PM Regeneracja
Lu Ciel
Frontal Strike (Fizyczny) Heavy Shot (Magiczny)
1 5 385% 308% 30 MP 5 Seconds
2 394% 315%
3 402% 322%
4 6 411% 329%
5 8 420% 336%
6 10 428% 343%
7 12 437% 350%
8 14 446% 357%
9 16 454% 363%
10 18 463% 370%
11 20 472% 377%
12 22 480% 384%
13 24 489% 391%
14 26 498% 398%
15 28 506% 405%
16 30 515% 412%
17 32 524% 419%
18 34 532% 426%
19 36 541% 433%
20 (M) 38 550% 440%
21 -* 558% 447%
22 567% 454%
23 576% 460%
24 584% 467%


Name: Methods to Inflict Agonizing Pain II (더 아프게 때리는 방법 II)

Description: 20% chance of 3x more powerful strike.

Triki i Ciekawostki

Strong hit icon.
  • An icon will show above Lu and Ciel when a strong hit occurs
  • The way this skill is executed differs from each character.
    • Lu forcefully punches enemies in front of her.
    • Ciel fires a strong bullet which pierces enemies.
      • Ciel's Gunblade will also do physical contact damage at close range.


  • 02/12/2015 KR
    • MP Usage decreased to 30.
    • Cooldown decreased to 5 seconds.

Alternatywne Nazwy

Server Name Translation
South Korea ?? Strong Strike
