Glaive Master
Full Name
Glaive Master
Red Wind Dragon Glaive

File:Raven 1-2.PNG Ifooboo, the Glaive Master

Weapon: Red Wind Dragon Glaive, Impaired Nasod Arm

Fighting Style: "That of a Blade Master, but I prefer using Glaives."


These are the skills Ifooboo currently uses. (Or will use in the future.)

File:STSactive1.png File:RavenNew2.png File:STSactive4.png File:ExS.png

File:Wolf Fang.PNG File:RavenNew3.png    

File:Raven 3-2.PNG Chickenz, the Recent Commander

Weapon: Sir Lancelot's Sword, Crow Mercenary's Arm

Fighting Style: "Almost getting yourself killed so you can use your firepower... Yeah, just like those Veteran Commanders."


These are the skills Chickenz currently uses.(Or will use in the future.)



File:Elsword 2-2.PNG Fulvous, the Rune Depender

Weapon: Lunar Sword, Luna Blade, Various Runes

Fighting Style: "Ever heard of a Rune Slayer that goes by the name of Elsword? If you know his style, you basically know mine."


These are the skills Fulvous currently uses.(Or will use in the future.)