
From Elwiki
Revision as of 00:37, 13 May 2021 by Armaros (talk | contribs)
File:MasterClass(Rosso).png Grecalis File:MasterClass(Rosso).png
IGN Grecalis
Class File:Tiny - Diangelion (Lu).pngFile:Tiny - Diangelion (Ciel).png Diangelion (Master Class)
Weapon +11 Flames of Judgement - Demonic Dual Weapon
Armor File:Rainbow Top Piece (Extreme).png +10/r15 Amethystine Prophecy - Crimson Top Piece
File:Rainbow Bottom Piece (Extreme).png +10/r15 Amethystine Prophecy - Crimson Bottom Piece
File:Rainbow Gloves (Extreme).png +10/r15 Amethystine Prophecy - Crimson Gloves
File:Rainbow Shoes (Extreme).png +10/r15 Amethystine Prophecy - Crimson Shoes
ERP 303
Server European
Nationality Italian

Current objectives

  • Write an in-depth guide about Innocent
    and learn everything about Diangelion
    (except PvP)
  • Upgrade armors to +11
  • Drop Vestige of Soul - Dual Weapon
    and build it up
  • Obtain the following titles:

File:ElrianodeGuardian.png Guardian of Elrianode (299/1000);
File:SecretBarrierGuardian.pngGuardian of Secret Closed Space (150/300);
Black & White (locked);
Reaper (locked);
File:10-6Title5.png Eclipse (locked);

  • Get a decently paid job irl so he can actually whale


  • Loves when he's having fun with this game.
    • However, it is easily ruined whenever laggy or incapable teammates are around. Gets toxic, but never shows it.
    • He's of the opinion that whoever plays an international MMO should at least communicate with basic English when needed. When this does not happen, he gets easily triggered.
  • Has a thing for cute stuff. This translates into a love for children (as long as they are not his).
    • Although not the decisive factor, this is one of the reasons he mains Lu/Ciel.
    • Shares this trait with Ciel.
  • IGN is inspired after the Gregale wind, the name of which translates to Italian as "Grecale", as a tribute to the player he considers as his first mentor,
    File:LKTiny.png Maestrale, whose name translates to English as "Mistral" and is a wind name as well.