Story/Side Story/Elesis's Story 2

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Elesis's Story 2

The Legend of the Red Haired Knight 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The day was bright. The Red Mercenary Knights began to move.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • It was daybreak. The man and main forces of the Red Mercenary Knights started their frontal assault on Glornir Plains according to the plan. The girl saw her father and his troops off then turned around to examine the detachment unit she'll be leading. Just like the girl had requested, they were composed of those that completed the El Search Party program and those that specialized in fighting in a forest terrain.
  • Elesis: Our unit will now head into the Marden forest. We have to move through the forest quickly as possible so we'll be heading out right away.
  • As the girl's words ended, detachment unit headed to the entrance of the Marden forest.
  • Elesis: (Monsters here…. are incomparably stronger than those in the Shadow Forest.)
  • The girl swung her sword to defeat a demonic monster in front of her then turned to look around at the other troops. Just as the girl had anticipated, the troops were skillfully facing off against the monsters. These monsters tended to ambush from completely unexpected angles but former El Search Party members including the girl weren't particularly startled by their appearances.
  • Penensio: (Amazing… defeating those demonic monsters so easily….)
  • Detachment unit quickly broke through the forest. End of the forest started coming into view in front of them.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Legend of the Red Haired Knight 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Elkashu and the main forces that were pushed to the end of the cliffs, found out that Elesis successfully completed the operation.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Swords clashed and arrows flew about. Battle between Red Mercenary Knights' main forces and Corkus' Black Tiger Knights was raging on fiercely without any side backing out.
  • Elkashu: This is…!? Everyone scatter! There's someone who can use magic hidden amongst them!
  • The man shouted immediately to his soldiers after he saw a ball of fire flying towards them. Soldiers all scattered in order to dodge the fireball but there wasn't just one fireball.
  • Elkashu: Kugh… they had a magician….
  • Damage was larger than the man had expected. Black Tiger Knights used this chance where the Red Mercenary Knights were in disarray and pushed them all the way back towards the cliff.
  • Rebel army messenger: S… Sir Corkus! This is bad! Our Black Tiger knights' camp has been…!
  • The man was fighting through enemies in order to find the enemy's captain then saw an enemy messenger shouting to Corkus. The man heard what the messenger said and laughed loudly as he instantly dashed up to where Corkus was.
  • Elkashu: (You did it Elesis! Black Tiger Knights' armory and ammo storage are all in flames, and even attacking the enemy's rear by using their own cannons against them….)
  • Corkus: Fancy seeing you here, Elkashu. I don't know how, but how dare you hit our camps from the back!
  • Corkus steered his horse as he swung his sword. The man also met Corkus' sword with his own sword to deflect the attack then swung once more.
  • Elkashu: Isn't attacking enemy's blind spot a basic strategy?
  • Corkus parried the man's attack then aimed for the man's neck. The man hastily pulled back his body to dodge the attack.
  • Corkus: You're quite skilled as the rumors say.
  • Elkashu: (Kugh… my body won't listen to me… I'll get killed by his attacks like this.)
  • The man held his sword up again and steered his horse towards Corkus. He swung his sword to aim for Corkus' neck but Corkus easily blocked the man's attack as if he had anticipated the attack then cut across the man's side with a quick follow-up slash.
  • Corkus: Are you worn out already? It's unlike you for your movements to be dull like this….
  • The man dropped his sword from the pain. His head felt dizzy. He couldn't keep his balance even though he tried to focus. The man lost his balance and fell off his mount, this happened in an instant. Corkus dismounted then stood in front of the man.
  • Corkus: Well…. it still wasn't a bad fight. Then farewell.
  • Sword that was held up high fell down quickly towards the man's neck.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Legend of the Red Haired Knight 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

In the moment when all hope was lost, Elesis appeared.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Corkus: …!
  • Just at the moment when Corkus' sword was about to strike the man's neck, a large sword blocked Corkus' sword.
  • Corkus: Who are you…..!?
  • Elesis: I'm Elesis! Daughter of the Red Mercenary Knights' captain Elkashu!
  • The girl stood in front of the man to protect him then swung her sword widely. Corkus took a look at the girl as he backed out. Still a young looking child, red hair that was same as Elkashu's…. and a genius who was called the 'future' of the Kingdom.
  • Corkus: Kahaha, to think that such famous 'genius' was just a little brat…. Don't they say that geniuses die young? So this place will be your grave. I'll bury you right beside your father.
  • Corkus immediately dashed at the girl after speaking then attacked aiming for the girl's lower body. The girl distanced herself to lead Corkus far away as she could from the man while blocking the incoming attack.
  • Corkus: Come on, let's fight properly! You couldn't have been praised as a genius just by running!
  • The girl didn't react to Corkus' provocation and calmly distanced herself as she looked for an opening. Chance arrived sooner than expected, as Corkus moved behind Elesis' back and swung sideways to stop her from escaping, Elesis quickly dodged the incoming attack by ducking as if she had anticipated the attack, then she turned her body while still seated to aim for the enemy's defenseless stomach. Corkus fell while screaming.
  • Elesis: Red Mercenary Knights! Enemy captain has been defeated! Destroy their remaining forces!
  • At the girl's shout, Red Mercenary Knights all shouted as they ran forwards. Red Mercenary Knights had been pushed back to the edge of the cliff but they completely turned the tide of the battle before long. Enemy soldiers that lost their captain got routed and started to escape into the fortress. It didn't take long for the Red Mercenary Knights to completely take over the plains. Sounds of soldiers shouting out in victory started to be heard from everywhere. In middle of them there was the girl standing with her sword held up and shouting together with the soldiers. New hope of the Red Mercenary Knights' that led the Velder Kingdom into victory in Velder Civil War. It was a moment when the legend of the red haired knight started.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories N/A
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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