Royal Servant & Maid

From Elwiki



Korean Server North American Server
  • 11/21/2019 - 12/19/2019 (Laby only)
  • 12/23/2021 - 02/17/2022 (Noah only)
  • 12/23/2021 - 01/06/2022 (Repackaged - Elsword ~ Laby)
  • 09/28/2016 - 10/11/2016
  • 01/17/2018 - 02/13/2018 (Ain only)
  • 01/22/2020 - 02/18/2020 (Laby only)
  • 01/12/2022 - 01/25/2022 (Repackaged - Elsword ~ Laby)


Royal Servant/Royal Maid
Character South Korea North America International Japan Taiwan China Europe
Elsword Yes
Aisha Yes
Rena Yes
Raven Yes
Eve Yes
Chung Yes
Ara Yes
Elesis Yes
Add Yes
Lu Yes
Ciel Yes
Rose Yes
Ain Yes
Laby Yes
Noah Yes No

Set List

Image Name Stats
[Royal Servant Battlemode Set]/[Royal Maid Battlemode Set]
Royal Servant Hair
Royal Maid Hair
Costume Hair:

Physical Attack +35
Magical Attack +35

Awakening Charge Speed +5%

Royal Servant - Reform Hair
Royal Maid - Reform Hair
Royal Servant Top Piece
Royal Maid Top Piece
Costume Top:

Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25

HP Increase +4%

Royal Servant - Reform Top Piece
Royal Maid - Reform Top Piece
Royal Servant Bottom Piece
Royal Maid Bottom Piece
Costume Bottom:

Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25

HP Increase +4%

Royal Servant - Reform Bottom Piece
Royal Maid - Reform Bottom Piece
Royal Servant Gloves
Royal Maid Gloves
Costume Gloves:

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Action Speed +2%

Royal Servant - Reform Gloves
Royal Maid - Reform Gloves
Royal Servant Shoes
Royal Maid Shoes
Costume Shoes :

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Movement Speed +6%
Jump Speed +6%

Royal Servant - Reform Shoes
Royal Maid - Reform Shoes
[Royal Battery System]
Royal Servant Weapon
Royal Maid Weapon
Costume Weapon:

Physical Attack +60
Magical Attack +60

Critical +2%
Resistance to Dark Attributes +75

Royal Servant - Reform Weapon
Royal Maid - Reform Weapon
Royal Battle Mini Accessory (Support Unit):

Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5
Physical Defense + 5
Magical Defense + 5

Critical +2%
Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacking +2%

Royal Battle Black Mini
Royal Servant Winged Monocle
Royal Maid Headdress
Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Critical +2%
HP Increase +3%

Royal Servant Silver Winged Monocle
Royal Maid Black Headdress
Royal Servant - Silver Earrings
Royal Maid - Silver Earrings
Accessory (Earring):

Physical Attack +35
Magical Attack +35

Critical +3%
Action Speed +2%

Royal Servant - Gold Earrings
Royal Maid - Gold Earrings

Set Effects

Type [Royal Servant Battlemode Set]
[Royal Maid Battlemode Set]
[Royal Battery System]
2 Piece Effect
  • All Resistances +25
  • Awakening Charge Speed +10%
3 Piece Effect
  • HP Increase +5%
  • Awakening Charge Speed +5%
  • HP Increase +13%
4 Piece Effect
  • Physical Attack +100
  • Magical Attack +100
  • Add. Damage +4%
  • All Skill Damage +7%
5 Piece Effect
  • MP Recovery Attacking +5%
  • Maximize +10%

Related Items

Image Item Name Description
File:RSMIB.png Ice Burner (Royal Servant/Maid) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Royal Servant/Maid set.
File:RSMAinIB.png Ice Burner (Royal Servant, Ain) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Royal Servant set for Ain.
Ice Burner (Royal Maid, Laby) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Royal Maid set for Laby.
Ice Burner (Royal Servant, Noah) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Royal Servant set for Noah.
Ice Sculpture Key (Royal Servant, Ain) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Royal Servant, Ain) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
Ice Sculpture Key (Royal Maid, Laby) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Royal Maid, Laby) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
Ice Sculpture Key (Royal Servant, Noah) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Royal Servant, Noah) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
Royal Servant Gold Medal A material item obtained after using an Ice Burner (Royal Maid, Lu) or Ice Burner (Royal Servant, Ciel). This is required to craft the costumes and accessories from the Royal Servant/Maid set for Lu and Ciel. (South Korea server only)



  • Rena's and Raven's weapons have radically different names compared to their other pieces. Rena's weapons are called "Portable Ballista" and "Black Squall" while Raven's are called "Black Lance" and "Arch Lance".
  • Due to Raven's costume already being primarily monochrome black, unlike other characters, his Reform design is primarily white.
  • Rena's Royal Maid - Lunatic Artillery Hair is the only one that doesn't match her usual hair color. This may be due to her in-game hair being significantly more blonde before her character model revamps.
  • Neither of Add's Royal Battle Minis share the same hair color as their corresponding costumes.
    • These Royal Battle Minis are also the only ones to have different eye colors between variants.
  • Ciel's Winged Monocle accessories have the opposite color scheme of other characters. His Normal accessory is entirely silver while his Reform has golden accents.
    • The Reform version is also called "Royal Servant Black Winged Monocle" instead of "Silver".

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 로열 서번트 Royal Servant
Japan ロイヤルサーヴァント Royal Servant
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 皇室僕役 Royal Servant
China (Simplified Chinese) 皇家仆役 Royal Servant
Germany Diener Servant
Spain Criado Servant
France Valet Servant
Server Name Translation
South Korea 로열 메이드 Royal Maid
Japan ロイヤルメイド Royal Maid
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 皇室女僕 Royal Maid
China (Simplified Chinese) 皇家女仆 Royal Maid
Germany Zofe Maid
Spain Doncella Maid
France Bonne
Italy Domestica Maid
Poland Pokojówka Maid
United Kingdom Maid
  • Elsword
  • Aisha
  • Rena
  • Raven
  • Eve
  • Chung
  • Ara
  • Elesis
  • Add
  • Lu
  • Ciel
  • Rose
  • Ain
  • Laby
Server Name Translation
South Korea 로열 서번트-크림슨 가드
로열 서번트-다크니스 가드
Royal Servant - Crimson Guard
Royal Servant - Darkness Guard
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 皇家僕人-紅衛隊
Royal Servant - Red Guard
Royal Servant - Black Guard
China (Simplified Chinese) 皇家仆役-绯红护卫
Royal Servant - Crimson Guard
Royal Servant - Darkness Guard
North America Royal Servant - Crimson Guard
Royal Servant - Darkness Guard
France [Valet] Bataillon de garde
[Valet] Gardien des ténèbres
[Servant] Duty Battalion
[Servant] Darkness Guardian