Story/Chapter 51

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51:Strange Theater

Chapter 51: Strange Theater

Searching for their friends, they find themselves in the stage of the Puppet and the Puppet Master. The group are forced to watch and participate in stage play directed by the Dream Demons.

Theater You Can't Leave
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The missing allies were found, but the El Search Party is still stuck in the strange theater.
A strange short play is repeating on stage before them, showing what seems like a fairytale of the Demon Realm.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Laby: Wow, it looks like everything here is made of paper.
  • Rose: The sound of wind blowing through a paper field... What a novel experience.
  • Lu: ... Ciel, cut the ground slightly.
  • Ciel: Hm? ... Like this?
  • (CRUMBLE... ... PSSSS....)
  • Elesis: Oh, the paper is mending itself back together.
  • Lu: As I thought. This place is also controlled by someone like the Magician's house.
  • Ciel: I'm not that well-versed in magic, but is it supposed to be this easy to create places like these?
  • Ain: If you wish to hear the answer to that question, I suggest we hurry to find our friends.
  • Narrator: ... The people blessed... ... for all eternity.
  • Aisha: ... I told you! I definitely heard you asking me for help! You said, Aisha! Help! You're the best magician I know!
  • Rena: I hear them! That way!
  • Elsword: And you bought that? I don't sound like that at all!!
  • Chung: You fell for that same trick. Ara, Elsword, and I have been here for a while.
  • Ara: We were all struck here watching this boring play over and over again...
  • Laby: Everyone! You're all here! Are you ok?
  • Elesis: I'm glad to see you're unharmed, but you all look awfully cozy in your seats.
  • Elsword: ... We didn't mean for it to happen this way.
  • Ciel: You didn't mean to sit around in comfort? Look, even the cushion looks soft...
  • Aisha: No!! Don't sit down!!
  • Elsword: You can't sit down! Or your body sticks to these seats and you can't get up no matter how hard you try!
  • Elesis: What are you saying! Here, give me your hand. I'll help you up.
  • Elsword: Ow... Owowowow! Sis, my arms/ gonna fall off!
  • Elesis: Wow, you're not kidding! Not even a budge! Maybe if I hold on to your neck...
  • Ain: I think you should stop, Ms. Knight-Captain. You might harm someone.
  • Ara: Sigh... We've been like this ever since we came here. I lost count of how many times they've repeated the play.
  • Elsword: Fifth magician, the being that hides in the shadow.
  • Narrator: ... Fifth magician, the being that hides in the shadow.
  • Chung: He disappeared, never to be seen.
  • Narrator: ... He disappeared, never to be seen.
  • Rena: Oh dear, you memorized all the words already?
  • Elsword: I'm sick of it. I can't stand it anymore.
  • Raven: Be careful not to sit on the seats and let's find a way to get out of here.
  • Eve: What about the ones who already sat down?
  • Elesis: Maybe lift them up by the seats and carry them out...?
  • Add: Who's going to lift them...
  • Narrator: (BZZT-) The play will start once everyone is seated.
  • Clapping from Unseen Audience: (CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)
  • Chung: Uuhh, it's starting again...
  • Eve: ... Maybe we should all sit down?
  • Aisha: But... you'll be stuck.
  • Eve: I briefly examined the seats, but there were no adhesives or other special mechanisms. And... it seems like this place is governed by some kind of rules.
  • Eve: I do not know what kind of rules apply here, but I believe we must follow them if we wish to progress.
  • Chung: But... Will it be alright? If we're all stuck, we might not be able to fight back.
  • Eve: Doesn't it seem too well-made for it to be a trap? The Dream Demons love and cherish this village.
  • Eve: If this is their kingdom, I don't think they'll do anything to harm it that easily.
  • Raven: .......
  • Raven: ... Considering the Magician earlier showed no intention of harming us, perhaps this is another one of their strange tricks.
  • Noah: It leaves a bad taste, but maybe it's just another game for Dream Demons.
  • Add: Tsk, forcing a rule on me... I don't like it. If we're all decided, then let's sit.
  • Elsword: Add, what's the bunny doll? Strange thing you got there.
  • Add: Shut it.
  • Laby: Shall we sit, too? Here! You sit right next to Laby, Nisha!
  • Noah: Do you think you're included in that everyone, Clamor?
  • Clamor: ... Just se me on the floor.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rose: Everyone in your seats? Hm, it's true. I can't move. It's like I'm glued to the seat.
  • Narrator: ... One day, in a chaotic land, five magicians appeared. They were prophets and visionaries.
  • Narrator: The first magician gave the land a new name, and left golden seeds all across the Demon Realm.
  • Elesis: Nothing's happening. Are you sure this is not a trap?
  • Rose: This opening act just began. Maybe it'll start after this?
  • Laby: True. If they just stop in the middle and start a new play, everyone who came in late won't know what happened!
  • Elesis: Is this what bugs trapped in a spider web feels like? I don't like not being able to move. Alright, I'll wait...
  • Narrator: ... The second magician roamed around and met people suffering from an unnamed plague.
  • Narrator: The magician taught them the cure, and the people blessed each other as they danced around for all eternity.
  • Narrator: The third magician gave one man a prophecy. The man who received the prophecy was very grateful and shared his treasures.
  • Narrator: The man was victorious, just like the prophecy said, and soon became the king.
  • Narrator: The fourth magician found youth searching for truth. He was greatly pleased and showed them new land.
  • Narrator: The youth found new waves. But then... what did the fifth magician give?
  • Narrator: Fifth magician, the being that hides in the shadow.
  • Narrator: He disappeared, never to be seen.
  • Clapping from Unseen Audience: (CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)
  • Aisha: Ahhh... We're the only ones here... Who could be clapping?
  • Rose: ... What a strange play. Is it a fairytale of some sort from the Demon Realm?
  • Raven: It doesn't sound like the kind of story with a happily ever after. It sounds more like a prophecy told by bards.
  • Lu: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Twisted Puppet Show
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Theater You Can't Leave story quest

A strange play begins...
The El Search Party is shocked when they learn who's going to be starring in the play.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (BZZT-)
  • Laby: Oooh, something's about to start!
  • Narrator: (ANNOUNCEMENT) This adventure begins in a dry, desert land where sand storms rage.
  • Add: ... I can already tell this play is going to be a flop.
  • Narrator: (ANNOUNCEMENT) The main act will begin shortly. Actors, please get on stage.
  • Chung: How do you know it's going to be a flop from just the opening?
  • Add: You think they'll have a proper play with cardboard backgrounds? Kugh?!
  • Elsword: Huh? Add, where are you... Gah?!
  • Ciel: Wait, where are you going? W, we still can't move!
  • Aisha: No! It's like... Our body is moving on their own!
  • Noah: What... Who's still sitting?
  • Rose: ... The five of us. Me, Lu, Ciel, Laby, and you.
  • Raven: Ugh... Something invisible is pulling us.
  • Ain: ... Strings... Can you cut it?
  • Add: Damn it! I'm trying! But when I cut one, ten more of them appear...!
  • Elesis: What are they playing at?
  • Narrator: Bow to the audience before the start of the play!
  • Clapping from Unseen Audience: (WHOO- CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)
  • Rena: Don't tell me... we're the actors?
  • Narrator: Now, let the play begin!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eris: Ack, I got shot in the leg! I cannot go any further... Leave without me!
  • Iccus: But Eris!
  • Eris: Go!
  • Narrator: That moment, the archer swept he long blonde hair back and smiled evilly. She said,
  • Narrator: Ahahaha! You will all die here. Kyahahaha!'
  • Rena: Aha... haha... You will... all... die here. Ahaha...
  • Narrator: The archer's hair was dyed red with the blood of countless Dream Demons she killed.
  • Eris: Of course, I cannot forgive them... But... But I cannot lose you too.
  • Iccus: Sob... But I cannot leave you here!
  • Rena: Hey! I never bullied you like...!
  • Raven: Calm down, Rena. If we don't follow the script, we might have to start all over.
  • Rena: Mrrr...
  • Narrator: Boom! With a sound of an explosion, slow, but determined footsteps approached them.
  • Narrator: The artilleryman strikes a pose with his cannon and says narcissistically. 'Boom, boom! Hahaha... It's so much fun demolishing them all!'
  • Chung: ... It's... so much... fun... demonlishing them all. Which one should I use as a target next?
  • Chung: No matter how many there are, I can sh, shoot... all of them down.
  • Chung: (Is this... what they think of me? A mad bomber and a serial killer...?)
  • Elsword: (No, Chung! You're not... This is ridiculous.)
  • Aisha: (Nobody likes their assigned parts here. I'm some kind of a mad shaman reading the path of the stars!)
  • Raven: (... And I'm an evil swordsman who traded his left arm with the devil. It's absurd.)
  • Narrator: 'Huhuhu, leave some for me.' The woman wielding a spear appears with a bewitching laugh.
  • Narrator: But continue bitingly, as if she turned into a completely different person.
  • Ara: Kya... haha... That one's liver is mine! I'll, uh, sh, shr...
  • Ara: Uhhh, shred it to pieces! Roar!
  • Eun: (... I must have lived for too long. I didn't think I'd ever witness something like this.)
  • Ara: Uuuuh... Not you too, Eun...
  • Lu: Aha, I understand why we were left in the audience. This stage is reenacting the events at Sander, isn't it?
  • Elesis: Come, my minions, I shall pardon you if you win, but if you lose... Off with your heads!
  • Ciel: ... Never mind the content, it looks like Elesis is having way too much fun.
  • Rose: She's just someone who gives it her all no matter what the task is.
  • Ain: Haha, this damned...
  • Rose: But the way, Ain hasn't said anything yet, do you know what his role is supposed to be?
  • Noah: I believe he's a silent monk... I missed most of the details, since they breezed through the explanation.
  • Laby: Laby's starting to feel bad for the Dream Demons.
  • Noah: Surely... they weren't actually like that...? How long do we have to watch this?
  • Ciel: Even though I got that the demons here specialize in mental attacks, I never thought it would involve something like this. How terrifying.
  • Lu: Well... Yes. THey do live off the attention and emotion.
  • Lu: I'm sure even a crude stage like this will bring up emotion. Like... anger. Whichever it may be, I do hope they're not too affected by them.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • Eve: ... Why should I have to fight in a battle for peasants. I do not wish to get my clothes dirty, so I shall rest in the shades.
  • Eve: Ahh, will you fight for me, m, my p, p, prince...?
  • Narrator: ... Hellooo? Next line!
  • Add: Damn it all... Y, your wish is my command, m, my pr... princess...
  • Rose: The lines are quite romantic, yet the mood is quite murderous. How did those two end up as a prince and princess duo?
  • Laby: Weren't you paying attention, Rose? Those two are princess and prince with a machine heart. They are normally cruel and ruthless, but the love they have for each other is true!
  • Laby: But they are actually half-siblings. It's a forbidden love, but they don't know that yet. Only the machine princess has some suspicion.
  • Rose: Aha... Is that the setting?
  • Lu: It's painful to watch. If my arms weren't held, I would have at least covered my ears.
  • Ciel: Really? I'm just getting into it. It's giving us so much blackmail material.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • Karis Role: Now, my beloved brethren, my friends, leave this to me, and go! Haa!
  • Elsword: (Ugh, why do I have to say this!)
  • Elsword: Kugh, defeated by a mere demon? I will not forget this...!

  • Narrator: ... The show has ended. Now final bow for the audience!
  • Aisha: ... That's it? Is it truly over?
  • Clapping from Unseen Audience: (WHOO- CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)
  • Aisha: Ahhh that was the worst! Did you see that scene where I fawled out my eyes because the cloudy sky prevented me from receiving any message from the stars? It's ridiculous!
  • Elsword: Hey, I barely had any lines except at the end. Why was I on stage if they weren't going to make use of me?
  • Rena: Be grateful you were an average swordsman. You saw what they did to the main characters.
  • Chung: Serial bomber...
  • Ain: Ha, can I speak now? Moving accordingly to the whim of demons was irritating. Very irritating.
  • Add: Am I... that obnoxious and cringey? This humiliation is the worst...
  • Elesis: Calm, my prince. You shan't bother yourself with jests of us lowly peasants.
  • Add: Do you want to die?! Are you boasting that your role wasn't as bad?!
  • Eve: ... I cannot forgive them.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Master of the Puppet Theater
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Twisted Puppet Show story quest

When the El Search Party caused a ruckus on stage due to the ridiculous play, the master of the theater shows up.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: Before I criticize your subpar stage and inferior writing, I must point out all the inaccuracies.
  • Eve: First, I am not a princess, but a queen that represents the Nasod race.
  • Eve: And I am not so irresponsible that I will leave my friends and brethren to serve as my shields in battle, leaving my safety in another's hands!
  • Eve: I can forgive your tricks no matter how rude they are, but to insult the Nasod Queen is to insult the entire Nasod race!
  • Eve: I shall not tolerate such unseemly behavior! Moby, Remy, Oberon, Ophelia, Ferdinand, come out!
  • Ain: My, it's been a while since Ms. Queen summoned all her vassals. She must be furious.
  • Elesis: Wait, if Eve managed to summon her Nasods... That means we can move now! It must be because the play is over!
  • Noah: Let's all head to the stage!
  • Rena: You! You better be prepared for a fight, provoking us like that!
  • Diana: Yikes. I, I think they really hated it...! I don't understand! Everyone loves being the main character... Iccus, maybe you shouldn't have adapted the story so much.
  • Iccus: Ah... But it's a necessary process, my lady. The raw story is never as interesting.
  • Iccus: You have to process the story so it's clear yet obscure, out of reach like a mirage yet familiar to the taste, to become sensational.
  • Iccus: Oh, but having a Queen does sound charming. Princess and prince, and Queen and... knight?
  • Eris: Oh! That's good! Queen and knight! How romantic.
  • Chung: Nothing about that play was good!
  • Aisha: You're absolutely right, Chung! We have to break all their pens so they won't dare to do something like this ever again!
  • Rena: Yeah! And get us out of here!
  • Iccus: Uahhh... Please, my esteemed guests, calm down! You cannot barge on stage like this!
  • Eris: We borrowed this stage! If you cause any more ruckus, Master will definitely show up!
  • Raven: Master? Do you mean Ran?!
  • Elsword: All the better. Since you know who we are, there's no reason to hide anymore. Now, tell us where Ran is!
  • Elesis: ... You know, you really sounded like a villain just now.
  • Iccus: Huh? Ran? This is Puppet Master's...
  • Eris: Kyaaa! What do we do! Puppet is about to come out!
  • Vasili: Ah, we need more time for merging...
  • Diana: But binding is likely complete, so let's go inform them! If we waste anymore time, the magic will disperse with sunrise.
  • Diana: We'll leave the rest to you, Puppet. Good luck!
  • Chung: Ugh, is Ran the source of the noise?! Where is he coming from!
  • Raven: Not the sides. Look up!
  • Aisha: Kyaa! It's a giant hand...!
  • Puppet Master: (KYAHAHAA... KYAHAHAHA!)
  • ADD: Puppet Master... A puppeteer?
  • Raven: It wasn't Ran. Perhaps we can leave the place once we defeat it.
  • Elsword: This time, the true heroes will win! Watch with your eyes peeled!
  • Lu: You definitely look more like the villain...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Puppet: (KEEHEEHEE, SHEESHEE...)
  • Noah: Is it finally over? It seems we were constantly made fun of ever since we arrived...
  • Chung: It was like we all became puppets in a show instead of actually battling.
  • Elesis: It's bothersome, but at least it wasn't a crazy doll that spits fire everywhere.
  • Rena: This wasn't exactly a cake walk, though. I'm sore all over from being thrown all over the place by the giant hand.
  • Aisha: Yeah! And it's laugh was so creepy!
  • Eve: ... Hmph! But it didn't even compare to that horrid play.
  • Chung: Oo... of course! You're right! You're always right, Eve.
  • Rose: The Dream Demons escaped while we were fighting. Let's get out of here.
  • Puppet: .......
  • Laby: Oooh! Are you saying goodbye? Hehee, we had fun too! So long, Puppet!
  • Noah: Mm... I don't want to see another doll for a very long time.

  • ... ... ... ...
  • Raven: Is this... the entrance to the Magician's house? No tricks when sending us back, I see.
  • Elesis: Tricks or no, this whole situation is a bother. Those Dream Demons... How dare they make fun of us like that, after pretending they didn't know anything!
  • Rose: We also made a lapse in judgement. The bright, playful atmosphere was merely a sweet looking trap.
  • Rose: These demons are dangerous. Especially since we have no idea what they're scheming.
  • Aisha: The Magician's house... We were all split up in a blink of an eye. Even when we went on the Puppet Master's stage, we couldn't move despite trying.
  • Aisha: The whole situation was so silly that I didn't think about it, but we really could have been wiped out.
  • Elsword: Why didn't we think about that? Even after Asella warned us... And what are they after?
  • Chung: Maybe they're trying to steal power by stoking our emotion, just like Lu told us.
  • Noah: The longer we stay, the less favorable it is for us. We have to get out of this village!

  • (TAP TAP TAP...)
  • Noah: The exit is just around the corner!
  • Ain: ... Strange. I saw several demons on the way, but none of them are trying to stop us.
  • Ciel: And there's too few of them... There were definitely a lot more before we headed inside the Magician's house. What are they up to?
  • Add: Hey, think about that once we get out of here.
  • (CRASH!!)
  • Add: Ugh...!
  • Laby: Add! Are you ok?!
  • Rose: What did we collide into? There's nothing here!
  • Eve: ... We didn't collide. Everyone, look at your neck. There's some kind of shiny chaains around it.
  • Noah: Clamor, is this why we can't leave the village?
  • Clamor: Ahh... Just as I feared. You can't even make a dent to these with basic removal or release spells.
  • Add: Damn it, I hate this! Out of all things, why does it have to be...!
  • Elsword: Stop scratching, Add. You'll end up bleeding.
  • Aisha: Check where the chain is connected! We might find the caster there!
  • Ain: ... I think I already found her. Look over there at the square.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other