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  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
/*! maphilight 30-05-2021 */

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  // fill the shape
  fill: true,

  // fill color
  fillColor: '00adda',

  // fill opacity
  fillOpacity: 0.2,

  // outline the shape
  stroke: false,

  // stroke color
  strokeColor: '000000',

  // stroke opacity
  strokeOpacity: 0,

  // stroke width
  strokeWidth: 0,

  // fade in the shapes on mouseover
  fade: true,

  // always show the hilighted areas
  alwaysOn: false,

  // never show the hilighted areas
  neverOn: false,

  // The name of an attribute to group areas by, or a selector for elements in the map to group. 
  // Or an array of the same
  // If this is present then all areas in the map which have the same attribute value as the hovered area will hilight as well
  groupBy: false,

  // If true, applies the class on the <img> to the wrapper div maphilight created.
  // If a string, that string is used as a class on the wrapper div.
  wrapClass: true,
  // apply a shadow to the shape
  shadow: true,
  shadowX: 0,
  shadowY: 0,
  shadowRadius: 12,
  shadowColor: 'ffffff',
  shadowOpacity: 1,
  // Can be 'outside', 'inside', or 'both'.
  shadowPosition: 'outside',
  // Can be 'stroke' or 'fill'
  shadowFrom: 'fill',

var usesClass = (function () {
    var reCache = {};
    return function (element, className) {
        return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className);

/* JavaScript for rounding borders
   Source: */

function NiftyCheck() {
    if (!document.getElementById || !document.createElement)
        return (false);
    isXHTML = /html\:/.test(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].nodeName);
    if (Array.prototype.push == null) {
        Array.prototype.push = function () {
            this[this.length] = arguments[0];
            return (this.length);
    return (true);

function Rounded(selector, wich, bk, color, opt) {
    var i, prefixt, prefixb, cn = "r",
        ecolor = "",
        edges = false,
        eclass = "",
        b = false,
        t = false;

    if (color == "transparent") {
        cn = cn + "x";
        ecolor = bk;
        bk = "transparent";
    } else if (opt && opt.indexOf("border") >= 0) {
        var optar = opt.split(" ");
        for (i = 0; i < optar.length; i++)
            if (optar[i].indexOf("#") >= 0) ecolor = optar[i];
        if (ecolor == "") ecolor = "#666";
        cn += "e";
        edges = true;
    } else if (opt && opt.indexOf("smooth") >= 0) {
        cn += "a";
        ecolor = Mix(bk, color);
    if (opt && opt.indexOf("small") >= 0) cn += "s";
    prefixt = cn;
    prefixb = cn;
    if (wich.indexOf("all") >= 0) {
        t = true;
        b = true
    } else if (wich.indexOf("top") >= 0) t = "true";
    else if (wich.indexOf("tl") >= 0) {
        t = "true";
        if (wich.indexOf("tr") < 0) prefixt += "l";
    } else if (wich.indexOf("tr") >= 0) {
        t = "true";
        prefixt += "r";
    if (wich.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) b = true;
    else if (wich.indexOf("bl") >= 0) {
        b = "true";
        if (wich.indexOf("br") < 0) prefixb += "l";
    } else if (wich.indexOf("br") >= 0) {
        b = "true";
        prefixb += "r";
    var v = getElementsBySelector(selector);
    var l = v.length;
    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        if (edges) AddBorder(v[i], ecolor);
        if (t) AddTop(v[i], bk, color, ecolor, prefixt);
        if (b) AddBottom(v[i], bk, color, ecolor, prefixb);

function AddBorder(el, bc) {
    var i;
    if (!el.passed) {
        if (el.childNodes.length == 1 && el.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3) {
            var t = el.firstChild.nodeValue;
            var d = CreateEl("span");
   = "block";
        for (i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) {
            if (el.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
                el.childNodes[i].style.borderLeft = "1px solid " + bc;
                el.childNodes[i].style.borderRight = "1px solid " + bc;
    el.passed = true;

function AddTop(el, bk, color, bc, cn) {
    var i, lim = 4,
        d = CreateEl("b");

    if (cn.indexOf("s") >= 0) lim = 2;
    if (bc) d.className = "artop";
    else d.className = "rtop"; = bk;
    for (i = 1; i <= lim; i++) {
        var x = CreateEl("b");
        x.className = cn + i; = color;
        if (bc) = bc;
    } = 0;
    el.insertBefore(d, el.firstChild);

function AddBottom(el, bk, color, bc, cn) {
    var i, lim = 4,
        d = CreateEl("b");

    if (cn.indexOf("s") >= 0) lim = 2;
    if (bc) d.className = "artop";
    else d.className = "rtop"; = bk;
    for (i = lim; i > 0; i--) {
        var x = CreateEl("b");
        x.className = cn + i; = color;
        if (bc) = bc;
    } = 0;

function CreateEl(x) {
    if (isXHTML) return (document.createElementNS('', x));
    else return (document.createElement(x));

function getElementsBySelector(selector) {
    var i, selid = "",
        selclass = "",
        tag = selector,
        f, s = [],
        objlist = [];

    if (selector.indexOf(" ") > 0) { //descendant selector like "tag#id tag"
        s = selector.split(" ");
        var fs = s[0].split("#");
        if (fs.length == 1) return (objlist);
        f = document.getElementById(fs[1]);
        if (f) return (f.getElementsByTagName(s[1]));
        return (objlist);
    if (selector.indexOf("#") > 0) { //id selector like "tag#id"
        s = selector.split("#");
        tag = s[0];
        selid = s[1];
    if (selid != "") {
        f = document.getElementById(selid);
        if (f) objlist.push(f);
        return (objlist);
    if (selector.indexOf(".") > 0) { //class selector like "tag.class"
        s = selector.split(".");
        tag = s[0];
        selclass = s[1];
    var v = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); // tag selector like "tag"
    if (selclass == "")
        return (v);
    for (i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
        if (v[i].className.indexOf(selclass) >= 0) {
    return (objlist);

function Mix(c1, c2) {
    var i, step1, step2, x, y, r = new Array(3);
    if (c1.length == 4) step1 = 1;
    else step1 = 2;
    if (c2.length == 4) step2 = 1;
    else step2 = 2;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        x = parseInt(c1.substr(1 + step1 * i, step1), 16);
        if (step1 == 1) x = 16 * x + x;
        y = parseInt(c2.substr(1 + step2 * i, step2), 16);
        if (step2 == 1) y = 16 * y + y;
        r[i] = Math.floor((x * 50 + y * 50) / 100);
    return ("#" + r[0].toString(16) + r[1].toString(16) + r[2].toString(16));

function doRoundEdges() {
    if (!NiftyCheck())
    Rounded("div#nifty", "all", "#FFF", "#D4DDFF", "smooth");

/* IE Correction Code **********************************************
 * Description: This is code to fix known bugs in IE
 * Detects if an IE browser and applies browser-specific code
 * Author: User:Bigfoot Lover @ Bionic Wiki
 * Added: 8 October 2007
 * Modified 18 October 2007 to fix ie imagemap bug

// setStyleById: given an element id, style property and 
// value, apply the style.
// args:
//  i - element id
//  p - property
//  v - value
function setStyleById(i, p, v) {
    var n = document.getElementById(i);[p] = v;

function performIE() {
    if (-1 != navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")) {
        /* perform Microsoft Internet Explorer-specific subs */
        var Divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
        var divCnt = 0;
        var divID = "";
        if (Divs.length > 0) {
            var CurrDiv = Divs[0];
            var s = "";
            while (Divs.length > divCnt) {
                s = eval("");
                if ((s != "") && (s != null)) {
                    divID = "mapDiv" + divCnt;
                    CurrDiv.setAttribute("id", divID);
                    setStyleById(divID, "top",;
                CurrDiv = Divs[divCnt];

//Get Ad Dart Number
var randDARTNumber = 0;

function genSetRandDARTNumber() {
    randDARTNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000000);

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