Before Joining 1

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1:Before Joining 1

Before Joining 1

Knight Captain's Vacation 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Knight Captain is worried about recent events.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • The archives inside the knights' building, Elesis leaned on the bookshelf and explained the recent events.
  • Elesis: I've accepted Hamel's request for aid and send half of the Red Knights for now. Although that's probably not enough.
  • Elesis: I don't get it. How Senace ended up like this, why they only sent for aid now, they don't make sense. Even the aid request wasn't through official channels...
  • Elesis: This situation might be more dire than we think.
  • Elesis waited for the other to respond, but his eyes were still focused on his book. Elesis continued.
  • Elesis: I've encountered similar enemies before. Though they weren't exactly alike, monsters similar to them used to appear in the forest near my hometown, Ruben.
  • Elesis: There's also Black Forest in Feita. I think we need to take this more seriously.
  • Elesis: -
  • Sir Felford: In other words... the only thing we have to go by, is your hunch?
  • Sir Felford said, with his eyes still on his book. Elesis replied.
  • Elesis: It's not just a hunch. There are those who fought with me in the Red Knights who can testify.
  • Sir Felford: I'm not accusing you of lying, Captain, but that doesn't change the fact that there's no proof.
  • Sir Felford replied, with his eyes still on his book.
  • Sir Felford: I began looking through the records after your report, and sure enough, there were past accounts of mysterious monsters that appeared with ominous aura.
  • Sir Felford closed his book with a snap and stared at Elesis.
  • Sir Felford: They say people learn from the past, but I have yet to meet anyone who does.
  • Sir Felford: Even when the future is evident based on the past, people cannot help but chase the benefit that's right before their eyes. It's true it's not something we should take lightly, but that's not enough to persuade those at the top.
  • Sir Felford: Our kingdom has enough to worry about. It's time to lay low. If you do not have a clear cause, you will find yourself surrounded by enemies.
  • Elesis: But...!
  • Elesis was about to refute, but changed her mind.
  • Sir Felford wasn't opposing her, per se. Just giving her cold, harsh advice.
  • Sir Felford: ... I do respect you as a fellow knight. I hope you take my advice to heart.
  • Sir Felford: ... Need I remind you.
  • Sir Felford: Cronwell, the man behind the rebellion, was punished, but the state of affairs is still unsettled.
  • Sir Felford said with a weary look.
  • Sir Felford: You could seem like an opportunist trying to take advantage of this situation if you're not careful.
  • Elesis decided to be patient.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Knight Captain's Vacation 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Knight Captain's Vacation 1
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Knight Captain decides to discuss with her lieutenant.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: ... So, I decided not to act rashly.
  • Elesis summarized the conversation she had with Sir Felford to her lieutenant, Penensio.
  • Penensio seemed to accept most of what Owen said.
  • Penensio: I must admit, Sir Felford does have a point.
  • Penensio: When the rebellion of Branderk was put down several years ago, no one would have expected the tense atmosphere to continue to this day.
  • Elesis: .......
  • Penensio: I understand Sir Felford's concern, with the situation as is.
  • Elesis: Penensio, I get it. I'm not that big of an idiot.
  • Penensio just smiled, watching as Elesis grumbled.
  • An opportunist trying to take advantage of this situation... If he had to choose one person who matches that description the least, he would choose his captain.
  • Elesis: Proof, evidence, cause...
  • Elesis: I get why you need them, but if we let the situation brew long enough to get proof, it will be too late.
  • Elesis began to think. As the captain of the Red Knights, she can send aid to an allied nation without repercussion, however...
  • Elesis: If she shows up without warning to investigate, claiming suspicious activity in their land...
  • After deliberating some more, Elesis smiled.
  • Elesis: A heart-to-heart never failed me before! Surely it will work if I say the truth?
  • Penensio: Not likely.
  • Penensio said without hesitation.
  • Penensio: Lord of Feita may be willing to hlep. He's always been fairly reasonable.
  • Penensio: However, he would still want a formal request through official channels, as Feita is close to the capital. And...
  • Elesis: -
  • Penensio: Hm... I'm not sure about Elder. You're from Ruben, aren't you, Captain? What do you know about Lord of Elder? Do you think he'll cooperate?
  • Elesis: Hmm... I'm not too familiar with him, but he doesn't really have a good reputation. I doubt he'll be too helpful.
  • Penensio: Is that so...
  • Elesis: Ugh! If only I can investigate Shadow Forest and Black Forest...! Those two worries me the most.
  • Elesis: I haven't been to Black Forest, but I'm very familiar with Shadow Forest. It's not that big, so I could easily investigate on my own.
  • Elesis: Since Feita always has troops stationed at the shrine by Black Forest, it shouldn't be too hard to investigate either. I doubt it will require many people to investigate...
  • Elesis: Ugh! I think I understand why my father decided to be a free knight.
  • With power and status, comes responsibility was it? As Elesis was feeling the restriction that came with her position, Penensio smiled and offered.
  • Penensio: You seem exhausted. Perhaps you could use a vacation.
  • Elesis glared.
  • Elesis: Not you too, Penensio. This is going to be an actual threat.
  • Still, Penensio smiled and offered her to rest.
  • Penensio: You should feel better if you go back home and rest. Why don't you stop by Feita on the way and deliver my message to the commander there?
  • It was then, Elesis finally understood what Penensio was implying and played along.
  • Elesis: ... Come to think of it, I should check up on my brother. You see, uh, the reason for... Yeah.
  • Penensio continued where Elesis trailed off.
  • Penensio: The young noble who requested aid in Hamel was around your brother's age, wasn't he? You must miss him a lot.
  • Elesis: Yeah, that's it! You know, I'm just worried if he's doing well these days.
  • After that, everything went without a hitch.
  • Within the day, Elesis was prepared to leave and left Penensio in command lead the knights to Hamel.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Knight Captain's Vacation 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Knight Captain's Vacation 2
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Knight Captain incidentally find danger as she passes by.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Knight Captain's Vacation 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Knight Captain's Vacation 3
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Knight Captain enters the Black Forest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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