Just like his sister who wielded her sword to protect the kingdom, Elsword also rose to the occasion and pledged to fight all evil as a protector of the kingdom.
As a Sword Knight, an elite knight of Velder, he yields to no threat that stands before him!
여행을 통해 엘소드는 각 마을들에 있는 수많은 문제들과 맞닥뜨린다. 그저 적을 쓰러뜨리면 해결됐던 지난 상황과는 다르다. 그저 휘두르기만 하는 검은 상대를 해치는 검이 될 뿐, 자신이 따라잡고 싶었던 누나의 검과는 달랐다.
“내 검 끝에 담을 것이 필요해.”
모두가 제각각의 정의를 가지고 있고, 스스로가 매번 옳은 길을 갈 수 있으리란 확신은 없다. 그러니 맹목적일 필요는 없지만 검을 휘두르는데에 있어 길잡이가 되어줄 기준. 왕국을 지키기 위해 검을 들었던 누나처럼, 자신 역시 무언가를 지키기 위한 검을 들고 싶다.
엘소드는 다시 검을 들었다. 악에 타협하지 않고, 정의를 지키며, 어떠한 위협에도 굴복하지 않겠다는 강한 의지가 담긴 검이었다.
First Class Advancement
Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Sword Knight's Resolve will change your job to Sword Knight.
Sword Knight
Sword Knight 1/4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites
Achieve Level 15
Accept Sword Knight class advance quest
Enter 'Bethma Village' (Right-click from World Map (Press M Key) to see the location.)
As he continues on his journey, Elsword encounters many problems that he wasn't aware of when he was in Ruben. While he was in a safe place beating bandits, was his sister facing these dangers everyday? Can I... be like my sister? Whith heavy heart, Elsword arrived in Bethma where they suspect Wally escaped to.
As Elsword listened to the problems in Bethma, he frowned. He knew defeating the enemy didn't always solve the problems, but he never had to think deep on the matter. 'If I just wave myself, I'm exactly the same as those hypnotized Lizardman warriors.' Elsword headed to Bethma Lake to clear his thoughts.
At first, his goal was to join the El Search Party. Then, he wanted to be a knight that protects the kingdom like his sister. But he can't say he followed his sister's path just by becoming a knight. What does it mean to protect the people and fight for justice? Let's ask advice from Sheriff Stella, who resolved many conflicts during her time.
There's no absolute justice as a correct answer to someone is the wrong answer for someone else, said Stella. But she said having your own justice is helpful when it's hard to make a decision. Something not necessarily absolute, but will act as a guide. Let's defeat the evil that is threatening Bethma at Dragon Nest and decide what justice to live by.
Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.
Additional Commands
: All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.05x multiplier during 1st job.
has been reworked to include Super Armor and inflict hitstun instead of knockdown. Follow up the combo by slashing once more before thrusting forward all while in Super Armor.
After doing the standard combo, charge forward while in Super Armor and finish with a sword smash to launch enemies. Charging can be delayed by holding the first .