Demonic Venom

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Revision as of 19:23, 27 August 2023 by G123u (talk | contribs) (Minor cleanup; added Related Skills section)
Successful Bounding combo decrease Skill Cooldown for Bounding Skills. Bound enemies are  Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned for a short duration.


Class Level Required
Diangelion 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Skill Cooldown Decrease
(Upon Successful Bound Combo)
 Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned
Physical Defense Decrease Duration
1 99 50% 20% 3.5 seconds

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • The  Enemy DebuffStunnedEnemy DebuffStunned debuff prevents dashing much like  Enemy DebuffLeg InjuryEnemy DebuffLeg Injury, but it additionally prevents jumping.
  • The debuff is only applied on the first [Standby] character hit (right after pressing the key), making Demonic Venom useful to prevent targets from escaping your combos and increase your damage output.
  • You can also cancel your combo after using the key, opting to instead use skills while your enemy is debilitated.



Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • Demonic Venom added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 마기 : 독기 Demonic Energy: Poison
Germany Dämonenenergie: Gifthauch Demonic Energy: Poison Breath
Spain Energía demoníaca: aliento venenoso Demonic Energy: Venom Breath
France Énergie démoniaque : souffle empoisonné Demonic Energy: Poison Breath
Italy Energia demoniaca: miasma Demonic Energy: Miasm
Poland Energia Demonów: Trujący Ziew Demonic Energy: ?
United Kingdom Demon Energy: Poison Breath
Brazil Poder Demoníaco: Miasma Demonic Power: Miasm