Story/Chapter 64

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64:Hunters' Canyon

Chapter 64: Hunters' Canyon

Torta Arena
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Jecky story quest

The El Search Party finally faces Torta's Incubus King.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (...SLAM!)
  • Champion: ROAAAR!!
  • Eris: As expected! The victory goes to our one and only Champion!
  • Spectator: YEAAAAH!!!!
  • Ricardo: Boring.
  • Ricardo: What fun is an easy win with no fight.
  • Ikus: Still, a win is a win, Boss.
  • Ricardo: A match should go back and forth like tug-of-war, and a champion should be scrawny and petite to have people underestimate them.
  • Ricardo: That way, the hyenas can actually harbor the delusion of taking down the lion.
  • Ricardo: But look at that. That size? Threatening. The muscle and weight packed beneath the tough skin? Deadly. Who would want to challenge that?
  • Ricardo: It's an absolute bore. I'm not going to place my bets on this one.
  • Eris: Next! No other challengers?
  • Ricardo: I don't think there will be any. Get the Champion out of there and bring out the scrubs.
  • Ricardo: They're equally boring, but at least they put on a show with their desperate act.
  • Ricardo: Now what to do with the losers... Shame the Abyss has been closed. Hm...
  • Ricardo: Oh yeah. Tell them, the losers are going to be thrown over the Steel Wall. That should make the show more entertaining.
  • Elsword: ... I thought it was getting noisy, but what's all this?
  • Rena: Fresh air! Finally!
  • Noah: What's happening at the front? I thought I heard cheers!
  • Clamor: Whoa, there's so many demons I've never seen before!
  • Ain: It seems all of Magmelia's guests came here. That means, this is...
  • Raven: ... The Arena.
  • Ricardo: Ohh!? Look who's here! You're finally here, my guests!
  • Ricardo: Ey! Up here! Good to finally see you in the flesh my guy!
  • Raven: .......
  • Laby: Is that the guy Raven mentioned?
  • Ricardo: Yeah! I'm the big bad boss of Torta!
  • Aisha: We finally see face to face, you stalker!
  • Ricardo: Huh? Stalker?
  • Elsword: Yeah. Don't come barging in other people's dreams and say whatever you want! It's annoying!
  • Ara: That's right! And please open the path to the Land of Steel!
  • Ricardo: I like how lively you all are. Finally! A good show! Hahaha...
  • Ricardo: Ey! A new challenger. Get them on the elevator!
  • Ikus: Yes Boss! Will you place the same bets?
  • Ricardo: Are you kidding? The party's just getting started. I'm placing all my winnings on these ones!
  • Spectator A: Placing bets on the challengers? This isn't rigged, is it?
  • Spectator B: You obviously don't know Ricardo. He doesn't care about losing as long as it's entertaining.
  • Spectator C: Did you hear? Those challengers came through the sewers!
  • Spectator C: They defeated Torta's beasts. They can't be half-bad if they managed such a feat.

  • Add: Why are there so many spectators? Move! Get out of my way!
  • Add: There's no other way up... I'll have to look around more to be certain, but if there isn't, the only way up is through the elevator... Damn it.
  • Aisha: Add, slow down!
  • Add: Maybe you should hurry up.
  • Elsword: Pant, pant, at least tell us why you're in such a rush!
  • Add: Can you even understand if I explain?
  • Add: Tsk... The code I put in the device is Nasod Ruler code. It's not a code for Nasods. Now, the only one with the code is me.
  • Add: The code was ideal as a dummy to use for basic troubleshooting, since it's not supposed to react to anything.
  • Elsword: Ah... ok?
  • Add: But it wasn't a malfunction! It caught a signal! For a code that shouldn't exist!
  • Add: Damn it, see? Why ask if you're not even going to understand half of what I say!
  • Elsword: My bad, my bad! We should still know what's going on. Anyway, so you want to check because you found something that shouldn't be there?
  • Add: I NEED to check!
  • Aisha: Let's look if there's a way up together. Together, since it'll be hard to find each other if we get separated, alright?
  • Add: Fine. Damn it...
  • Add: (At least the signal is not moving. Or maybe it's reacting to something similar...)
  • Add: (Sigh... Alright. Maybe there's no reason for me to overreact.)
  • Add: (But.... What if... What if there is...?)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Battle with the Champion
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Torta Arena story quest

An introduction that grips the attention of the crowd comes out of the amplifier and speakers, reverberating throughout the arena.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eris: Hunters, Adventurers, Thugs, and Spectators! We're now at round 4 and new challengers are joining the fight!
  • Eris: They are up and coming fighters that even caught the eyes of our Boss! Rumor has it they have something to do with the recent Abyss...! Believe it or not!
  • Chung: Ugh... Are we really doing the right thing?
  • Eve: I believe Eris gave us sound advice. A 1 on 1 is much more advantageous for us than an all out war with Tortas.
  • Chung: True... But being a spectacle seems to put Lu on edge. Maybe we should have stopped her.
  • Spectator A: Come on! Show us a proper fight! Show them that size doesn't matter, kid!
  • Lu: Who are you calling kid! Do you know who you're talking to?
  • Ricardo: Hm? And who might you be?
  • Lu: I am the Steel Queen, the true ruler of the Steel Throne! So stop this foolery at once and open the path to the Land of Steel!
  • Ricardo: What?! The Steel Queen?! Forgive me, your highness!
  • Ricardo: How could I fail to recognize the Steel Queen... Men! What are you waiting for! Show her the way!
  • Lu: Huhu, at least words still go through that thick skull of yours.
  • Ricardo: ... As if I'd say that.
  • Lu: Huh?!
  • Ricardo: Ah, I'm sick of it! If I had gold for every instance someone claimed they're the Steel Queen, I'd be as rich as the Queen of Gold!
  • Ricardo: The first few, I took them to the wall, but they were all fake! All enticed by promise of the bounty...
  • Ricardo: My brothers! Next time someone claims they're the Steel Queen, beat them up and kick them to the curb!
  • Lu: I, I, I... I won't stand for this offense! I am the true Steel Queen!
  • Ricardo: Yeah, yeah. Take her away and send for the next one.
  • Lu: How dare you! Insolent fool! I won't let you get away with this insult!
  • Rose: ... There must have been a lot of demons who impersonated Lu.
  • Ara: Since Torta's territory is at the border... All those impersonators must have passed through here.
  • Ciel: Then there must be something that can distinguish the true Steel Queen from the fakes near the border. That's useful information.
  • Ciel: (But a wall? I don't remember Lu mentioning one...)
  • Ricardo: I'm done waiting! Bring him in! Let them face the Champion!
  • Raven: .......
  • Ricardo: Come on... Hurry up and show me!
  • Champion: GRRRR....
  • Rena: Let's go, Raven! Win and take him down a notch!

  • (...CRASH!)
  • Eris: Unbelievable... The challenger takes down the Champion! What an amazing feat by the challenger!
  • Rose: Phew, what a relief!
  • Rena: Of course he wins! It's Raven, after all!
  • Ikus: Boss! He's stronger than he looks. For the Champion to go down like that!
  • Ricardo: Of course! I'm the one who picked him, and I'm never wrong.
  • Ikus: It's not something to celebrate, Boss! We don't have anyone to send out! Shall we close doors for today?
  • Ricardo: We can't end the party now. I picked him out, but I know his entourage ain't half bad either.
  • Ricardo: Let's make them fight each other. Oh, it won't do if they get hurt themselves, so make sure to stop them before it gets too heated.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Bidding for Time
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Battle with the Champion story quest

When the champion goes down, Ricardo push for the El Search Party to fight each other. Ciel offer himself to fight against Raven.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: ... What? A fight amongst us?!
  • Elesis: That's no good. I don't think Raven will come down before he gets to fight the King.
  • Ciel: The Champion match did end faster than expected. I'll go. It won't require much if all they need is a time killer.
  • Rose: Will it be alright?
  • Ciel: It's fine. We'll just pretend to fight each other and give everyone a good show. Can you ask around and learn more about the Great Steel Wall in the meantime?
  • Chung: Will do.

  • Raven: What are you doing here?
  • Ciel: They told us to fight.
  • Raven: They're making us a spectacle.
  • Ciel: What can you do. Can't exactly refuse and bring the mood down.
  • Ciel: Your goal is the King anyway. Let's give them what they want for now and see where it takes us.
  • Raven: Tsk, I thought he'd be itching to move by now.
  • Raven: (... I'll have to rile him up then.)

  • (CLANG!)
  • Ciel: A rigged match is nothing to scoff at. My wrists are hurting already.
  • Raven: Ha, I'm sure you'll live.
  • Ciel: I didn’t think I'd ever get to fight you.
  • Raven: Hm? Did you know me before we met?
  • Ciel: I wouldn't say I knew you. I just heard a few things whispered in the back alley.
  • Ciel: A place where people namedrop renowned fighters claiming they can do better.
  • Raven: And they mentioned my name? That's unexpected. I didn't know I was known all the way in Fluone.
  • Ciel: It was when the Black Mercenaries were starting to make a name for themselves. That's how many people first become known.
  • Ciel: I also received a lot of questions, as I was also considered up and coming back then.
  • Ciel: Can you win against the captain of the Black Mercenaries? That sort of thing. It's pretty childish.
  • (CLANG!)
  • Raven: Ha... And what did you say?
  • Ciel: I just showed them three fingers.
  • Raven: Meaning?
  • Ciel: That I only need 3 minutes.
  • Raven: Oh? ... You thought it would only take 3 minutes?
  • Ciel: I'm an assassin. There's no need to fight fair and square.
  • Ciel: All I need is 3 minutes to place poison on the drinking glass or utensils when the other lowers their guard.
  • Raven: Ah, that's reasonable.
  • (CL-ANG!!)
  • Ciel: Ugh?
  • Raven: Then... How many minutes if you face me directly?
  • Ciel: Ha?
  • Ciel: Hm... Let me think.
  • Ciel: 30 minutes... Should be enough.
  • Raven: Interesting. Let's see if you're right.
  • (SLASH!!)
  • Elesis: Oh. What's going on? Are they fighting for real?
  • Spectator A: Oh! It's finally getting interesting!
  • Rena: Wha, what? What are those idiots doing!

  • (CRASH! ... CLANG!)
  • Ciel: Ugh....
  • Raven: Hm....
  • Ciel: My mistake. I overshot my capabilities. I'm not sure I'd even last 30 minutes.
  • Raven: Yeah? I thought the time was very accurate.
  • Ciel: You flatter me.
  • Ciel: We were planning on taking this lightly, but now I'm getting curious. How about we take this to the end?
  • Raven: We probably won't get an opportunity like this again.
  • Ciel: Let's see once and for all who's stronger so we have no regrets.
  • Ciel: Alright.
  • Lu: Wh, what are you doing!
  • Ciel: Huh? Lu? We're dueling....
  • Lu: What are you thinking, playing into their games! Shouldn't you be conserving your strength?
  • Ciel: Wait, but... Lu, you're also...
  • Lu: Stop at once and come down!
  • Ciel: Oh, alright...
  • Lu: You too, Raven. You're both grown men. This is no time to act childish.
  • Spectator: (BOO!!)
  • Spectator B: Spoilsport! Get lost! It was just getting interesting!
  • Spectator C: The fake queen entered the field! It's a three-way fight!
  • Lu: Who! Called me a fake!!
  • Spectator: (HAHAHAHA)
  • Raven: (Hm... Maybe I took it too far. Probably best to end it now.)
  • Raven: (The main fight has yet to begin.)
  • Ricardo: Ku, Kuhuhuhu... Now this is what I call masterpiece.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Battle Request
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Bidding for Time story quest

The fight ended due to Lu's intervention, but it seems Ricardo is satisfied enough. Ricardo's voice from the mike is full of exhilaration.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: And? What are your thoughts?
  • Ricardo: Exactly what I've hoped for. Nice... Very nice...
  • Ricardo: The body full of scars, the terrifying machine arm, the vicious drive displayed in the way you throw your entire body into a fight regardless of the dangers presented!
  • Ricardo: A seasoned fighter whose whole body can be considered a weapon. Hahaha! You're the culmination of my ideal warrior and hero.
  • Raven: You have strange taste. Since I've met your expectation, do you mind giving me some answers?
  • Ricardo: Ah. Sure, go on. What do you want to know?
  • Raven: You used dream walking to spy on us for a while. I want to comment on the method, but we'll skip it for now...
  • Raven: You didn't just call us over for this joke of a business... What is the Wall?
  • Ricardo: Kuhuhu... Thanks for asking. I wanted to tell you anyway. Where should I start...
  • Ricardo: Ey, Spectators! Are you enjoying the Arena?
  • (YEAAAAH!!)
  • Ricardo: Too bad. What you're feeling is all fake.
  • Ricardo: Watching matches from a safe place talking about danger and thrill... Are you serious? You're all pathetic!
  • Aisha: Yikes, the spectators are stirring.
  • Add: A total killjoy. What is he getting at?
  • Ricardo: If you're in denial, let me tell you. We had a goal. A goal that was put aside when too many of our brethren were lost.
  • Ricardo: But now that goal is back with the closing of the Abyss! A path unimaginable for those satisfied with these silly games is just beyond the other side.
  • Ricardo: Understand? A true challenge where you cannot predict the victor, a hunting ground full of dangers is right around the corner!
  • Laby: Where? Where is he talking about?
  • Ain: Who knows what he's pointing from the underground...
  • Ricardo: I will remind our goals to the lucky people presented here today.
  • Ricardo: Torta will conquer the Land of Steel, the Land of Demise!
  • Ciel: What?!
  • Lu: WHAT?!
  • Ricardo: And we will do that with these brave warriors!
  • Ciel: Ha, haha. How about it, Lu? They want to conquer your land together. What do you think?
  • Lu: Hmph! I can't even find the words to describe how ridiculous it is. How dare he covet my land, insolent fool...
  • Raven: Why are you trying to conquer the Land of Steel? Are you also after the treasure that's said to be there?
  • Ricardo: Who cares about gold that only weighs down your body! You didn't jump into the Abyss looking for treasure.
  • Ricardo: When you see a mountain, you climb it. When you see an enemy, you fight it. When you see danger, you jump towards it! That's all there is to it.
  • Ain: ... He's acting like we're friends. Mr. Half-Nasod didn't seem too happy about meeting him in dreams.
  • Ain: Still, we can use his one-sided familiarity to our advantage. Maybe he'll be much more willing to answer our questions.
  • Raven: I heard Dream Demons are not as affected by the plague.
  • Raven: I imagine the dangers of the Land of Steel you speak of have nothing to do with the Contamination... What dangers are you talking about?
  • Ricardo: You're pretty sharp. You're right. There are dangers beyond your imagination dwelling in those lands...
  • Ricardo: But that's all you get for now! If you want to learn more, you have to accept my offer.
  • Raven: I'll ask another question. What will you do if I refuse your offer?
  • Ricardo: Unfortunately that will mean the end of our acquaintance. You'll have to leave Torta immediately.
  • Ricardo: Though let me tell you one thing. If you refuse my offer, you will never be able to reach the Land of Steel.
  • Raven: Are you going to stop us?
  • Ricardo: Nope. There's no need.
  • Ara: That's unexpected. I thought they'd force our stay like the other Dream Demons.
  • Eve: Either he's lying or has done something. Or maybe it's that difficult to get to the Land of Steel. I wonder which it is...
  • Raven: I see. So our options are either to accept the offer, or to leave.
  • Noah: The offer must be to join them as Dream Demons.
  • Chung: Then it's decided. We refuse and look for another way to the Land of Steel. I'm sure we can find a way.
  • Raven: ... Neither options are acceptable. Why don't I make a suggestion? Come down to the Arena.
  • Ricardo: ... Ha? You talking to me?
  • Raven: Yes. You may be satisfied with our performance, but I'm not.
  • Raven: Shouldn't I be able to test if you're all talk, or actually strong enough to lead us?
  • (CLING!)
  • Raven: Draw your weapon, King of Torta! I challenge you to a duel!

  • Eve: So this is how it goes. Can't say I didn't see it coming.
  • Rena: I'm a bit worried for Raven. We fought with beasts on the way here, and then he fought with Ciel. He must be exhausted. Wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?
  • Ciel: Mm... I couldn't help it. The fight got too heated.
  • Rena: Then maybe you should have cooled your head!
  • Ricardo: A duel with me? Hahaha! That sounds interesting! Fine, I accept! Any other conditions?
  • Raven: If I win, you have to open the way to the Land of Steel.
  • Ricardo: Then what will you give me if you lose?
  • Raven: (Eri said he might even accept the short end of the stick as long as he's entertained. Then, let's see...)
  • Raven: ... I will seriously consider your offer.
  • Ricardo: Wow. Should I bow down for your amazing offer? Hm... It's really not a fair trade, but sure.
  • Ricardo: I was dying of boredom, but I think a fight should be fun!
  • Raven: You, the master of the Arena, don't get to fight?
  • Ricardo: I only accept duels that excite me. I'll let you go first. Come at me!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Battle Request story quest

Raven faces with the reason for his insomnia but cannot get into battle due to various reasons that trouble his mind.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
Change in Condition
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Uninterested story quest

The provocation worked on Raven. The Incubus King is satisfied with the sudden fierceness of battle and try to incite even more emotion.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Unexpected Intrusion
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Change in Condition story quest

As the battle slows down to an end, Eve senses someone approaching the arena at high speed.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Torta's New Leader
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Unexpected Intrusion story quest

The chaos unsued by the interloper ends. The El Search Party receives help from the Torta Dream Demons and finally head to the Steel Wall.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] To the Great Steel Wall
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Torta's New Leader story quest

Torta Dream Demons tell the El Search Party what they've learned so far as they challenged against the Great Steel Wall. Now the only thing that remains is to leave.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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