Steel Edge

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Revision as of 23:00, 2 May 2011 by Shiza (talk | contribs)

[Special Active] Strike the enemy twice with the destroyer (causing them to flinch), then charge the destroyer at them and create a circular explosion before you. Steel Edge ignores all enemy defense.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Chung Lv5 0SP

Skill Information

Skill Lv MP Usage
Physical Damage Magical Damage Cool Down
1 100 MP 43% 505% 5s
2 52% 606%
3 60% 707%
4 69% 808%
5 (M) 82% 959%
6 ?% ?%
7 ?% ?%

Skill Note

Explosion range increased by 30%.

Additional Notes

  • Steel Edge requires and consumes 1 ammo on use. It also bypasses enemy defense upgrades (like Magic Defense Up, Physical Defense Up) but it does not do full damage on enemies that are knocked down, or enemies that are blocking.
  • Steel Edge's first hit turns shield mobs around, allowing the 2nd and 3rd hit to do full damage, unless the shield mob is Super Armored.
