Код: Сариэль

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Код: Сариэль
Имя Ева
Класс Код: Сариэль
Моби и Реми
, Электронные лучи
Возраст Неизвестен
Раса Насод (Второе поколение)
Древо Классов {{

Дата Появления 8 Февраля 2018
7 Марта 2018
7 Марта 2018
7 Марта 2018
7 Марта 2018
8 Марта 2018
22 Августа 2018
Дата Появления Мастер Класса 13 Февраля 2020
11 Марта 2020
9 Сентября 2020
Скорость: Медленно Средне Быстро
Дистанция: Малая Средняя Большая
Сложность: Легко Нормально Сложно Маг.
Код: Сариэль, активация.

Код: Сариэль

[Королева Ослепительного Света]

Она уничтожает врагов мгновенным выбросом фотонной энергии.

[Mod] - Giga Stream
Create a large force field midair that fires beams downward. Use to eliminate nearby enemies.
[Carbon Detonation]
Amplify the power of the core to unleash energy upon your enemies. A powerful attack against nearby enemies.
Release all energy at once by activating Code: Sariel. Unleash a truly powerful attack.
Enhance command attacks by activating force field. Can use command attacks in various ways with the force field.


Королева Ослепительного Света. Она уничтожает врагов мгновенным выбросом фотонной энергии. После того как Ева разблокировала Код: Боевой Серафим, она постоянно сталкивалась с неизвестной ошибкой. Единственной необследованной областью было ее ядро эмоций, которое она заблокировала. При попытке проанализировать ядро высвобождается огромное количество энергии, вызывающей перегрузку и отключение системы. Каждый раз при активации Код: Боевой серафим вступал в конфликт с ядром эмоций, создавая электрические искры до тех пор, пока вся накопленная энергия от попыток проанализировать ядро не высвобождалась.

И хотя наиболее верным решением было удаление ядра...

"... ..."

Используя эту особенность ради своих целей, Ева создает Код: Сариэль, позволяющий постоянно применять перегрузку от сбоев. Однако высвобожденная энергия раз за разом запускает цикл отключения и восстановления системы, который медленно повреждает схему памяти. Но несмотря на это, она не может заставить себя извлечь ядро и вновь оказывается на полях сражений.

Пока перегрузка необратимо разрушает ядро эмоций, Код: Сариэль становится все сильнее.

Third Class Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Code: Sariel's Key Code will change your job to Code: Sariel/ru.

Code: Sariel/ru
Code: Sariel/ru 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

System error- Emergency code activated, initiating shutdown. Eve came back online after several minutes. She found an unknown error during routine maintenance, but when she tried to analyze further, her system forcibly shutdown. She no longer has any remaining energy. Since the Water Master claimed the Elrian Sanctum is full of El energy, she should recharge there.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Code: Sariel/ru 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Code: Sariel/ru 1/5

As she starts defeating the monsters, Eve attempts to recover her memory during maintenance, but the Henir energy surrounding the area hinders her attempts. Let’s defeat Chrysalis, emanating Henir energy, and obtain Source of Power."

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Code: Sariel/ru 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Code: Sariel/ru 2/5
  • Collect Mysterious Circuit (Skin Splitter, Elrianode) 0/20

As she defeats the monsters, Eve realizes that she has strayed back to the entrance of the sanctum. Instead of analyzing the anomaly at hand, Eve decides to look through her recovered memory during her routine maintenance. It seems that her locked emotion cores have been collecting energy whenever it clashed with Code: Battle Seraph, and the sudden release of all the saved up energy led to a system overload, forcibly shutting down her system. After briefly considering the possible side effects, Eve decides to utilize this energy to her advantage. This phenomenon of releasing energy bursts due to system overload will be called ‘Code: Sariel.’ First, let’s find material that can withstand the overload.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Code: Sariel/ru 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Code: Sariel/ru 3/5

Eve refines the Henir energy in the materials and combines it with the energy extracted from Chrysalis to create a working support system. To effectively use the volatile Code: Sariel system, she needs more battle simulations. Let’s start defeating more Henir Mutated Monsters to get used to the enhanced power.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Code: Sariel/ru 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Code: Sariel/ru 4/5

ystem error- Emergency code activated, initiating shutdown.' Eve came back online after several minutes. 'Report.' 'Total number of shutdown: 108' It was never possible to fully control Code: Sariel. The mere fact that system crash is not something she could control meant Eve had stepped into a territory completely out of her domain. Eve tried to check her memory, but finds 12 hours of memory missing. A warning message pops up, informing her it is impossible to restore the missing memory. '...' There was one thing that she noticed when she entered Elrian Sanctum. She sensed a Nasod with the same energy wave as her, deep within the sanctum. Eve got the feeling, like when she first encountered the error, that she must meet with this being. It’s not too late. The system will no longer malfunction if she removes her emotion core. However... I... Eve headed towards the sanctum. Perhaps 'She' would have an answer for her at the heart of the sanctum.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 3rd Job Change Promotion Cube x1 N/A
ED 71,600 [Cobo] 3rd Job Useful Items Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 New Power: Force x1 N/A
AP 0

Upon advancing to third job, you will receive a [New Power: Force] cube which contains:

You can advance into Master Class upon reaching Rigomor.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives

Level 99
Master Class

Mod Skills
Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.
Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.

Additional Commands

 : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.15x multiplier during 3rd job.
Image Description Damage
Power Ball

After doing , fire a single faster moving electron ball which explodes upon contact.

167% Phy. Damage
206% Phy. Damage
303% Mag. Damage

Power Shot

While doing Code: Battle Seraph's Spinning Spiral Spectrum, fire off a fast electron ball at a downward angle during any of the spins. You will be left in a neutral air position after this is used.

193% Phy. Damage
150% Mag. Damage (5 MP)
150% Mag. Damage (5 MP)
150% Mag. Damage (5 MP)
303% Mag. Damage


Code: Sariel/Skills

Master Class

Master Class Advancement

Complete the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Mark of Awakening (Code: Sariel) to advance to Master Class.

  1. Clear any Rigomor dungeon 5 times.
  2. Collect 20 Apparitions of Will from any Boss in Rigomor region dungeons.
  3. Clear any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell) once.
  4. Collect 10 Origin Artifacts from any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell).
  5. Clear any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell) 5 times.

Artifact System will be unlocked after achieving Master Class.


Code: Sariel/Master Skills


Full Gallery: Eve/Gallery




  • Sariel is an archangel of death, whose name means "God's Command". He's one of the seven most powerful archangels and is sometimes known as a healing angel.
  • As Code: Sariel, Eve maintains a cold and unfeeling demeanor due to her damaging what was left of her emotion core beyond repair.
  • While using her default face option, Code: Sariel does not open her eyes completely.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 코드: 사리엘 Code: Sariel
Japan コードサリエル Code Sariel
China (Simplified Chinese) 混沌女王 Chaos Queen
Germany Nasod-Sariel Nasod Sariel
Spain Sariel nasod Nasod Sariel
France Nasod Sariel
Italy Sariel Nasod Nasod Sariel
Poland Nazo-Sariel Nasod Sariel
United Kingdom Nasod Sariel
Brazil Código: Sariel Code: Sariel
