[Passive] Physical attack power increase and all magical skill damage will be converted to physical damage. |
Class | Level Required |
Sheath Knight | 15 |
Skill Information
Skill Level | Level Required | Physical Attack Increase This effect is additive to your current stats. A |
PvE | ||
1 | 15 | 6% |
2 | 31 | 9% |
3 | 39 | 12% |
4 | 83 | 15% |
PvP | ||
1 | 15 | 3.6% |
2 | 31 | 4.4% |
3 | 39 | 5.2% |
4 | 83 | 6% |
Date | Changes | ||
KR | NA | PvE | PvP |
12/08/2011 | 12/18/2012 |
| |
05/15/2014 | 09/17/2014 |
| |
12/18/2014 | 07/01/2015 |
| |
02/05/2015 | - |
| |
10/29/2015 | 03/16/2016 |
| |
08/23/2018 | 09/06/2018 |
| |
06/20/2019 | 07/17/2019 |
| |
07/04/2019 | 07/17/2019 |
| |
03/25/2021 | 04/28/2021 |
02/29/2024 | 03/27/2024 |
Alternative Names
Sheath Knight - Skills
Special Active