Spirit Synchronous: Millennium Fox

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Revision as of 03:49, 12 April 2024 by G123u (talk | contribs)
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Achieve the perfect union with Millennium Fox: Eun while in [Celestial Fox Mode].
While in Awakening Mode, Secret Exorcism Arts - 'Night Parade of One Hundred Souls' area of effect and damage is increased while ignoring the enemy's damage reduction stat.
Also, Secret Phantom Fox Arts - 'Pulverization' has increased damage and MP gain and increased the chance for all hits to deal critical damage.
Certain skills have been enhanced due to the stronger meld of the Asura and the Millenium Fox: Eun.
  • [Spell: Thunder] ignores the enemy's guard and gain a chance to deal critical damage.
  • Increased the number of enemies that can be affected by Mana Drain.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Asura: Transcendent 90 Power of Transcendence Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Secret Exorcism Arts - 'Night Parade of One Hundred Souls'
(During Awakening Mode)
Secret Phantom Fox Arts - 'Pulverization' Spell: Thunder Mana Drain
Size Increase Damage Increase Damage Reduction
Stat Ignore
Damage Increase Critical Increase MP Gain Increase Critical Chance per Hit Max Drain Increase
1 90 30% 20% 100% 20% 50% 100% 50% 1


Date Changes
07/28/2016 09/28/2016
  • Spirit Synchronous: Millennium Fox added.
11/16/2016 -
03/16/2017 -
07/04/2019 07/31/2019

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 강신 : 요호 Spiritual Synchro: Phantom Fox
China (Simplified Chinese) 降灵:妖狐 Necromancy: Phantom Fox
Germany Kraft der Götter:: Geisterfuchs Power of the Gods: Spririt Fox
Spain Poder de los dioses: Zorro espectral Power of the Gods: Spectral Fox
France Puissance des dieux : esprit renard Power of the Gods: Spirit Fox
Italy Forza degli dei: Volpe spettrale Power of the Gods: Specter Fox
Poland Moc Bogów: Upiorny Lis Power of the Gods: Phantom Fox
United Kingdom Power of the Gods: Spirit Fox
Brazil Sincronização Espitirual: Raposa Fantasma Spiritual Synchro: Phantom Fox