The El's Restoration

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Prophecy of the World's Root

Sasha and Artea soon arrived to Lanox, with all six El Priestesses assembled, they would finally be able to open the prophetic gate said to show the road to the El Lady. The Priestesses travel across Lanox to reach the far edge of the Elrios continent, the Distant Ruins. There they find a hidden shrine that was only revealed after the demon's commotion. The six priestesses offer their prayers and a light shines from the shrine. The El Search Party all prepare themselves as they step into the light which would take them into the unknown. With the El Search Party gone, the El Priestesses reflect on their decision, Sasha worrying that they have tasked them with problems that they should be dealing with. Ignia and the other priestesses decide to quell Sasha's worries. Artea, trusting Elsword that the El Search party will do their best. Rekindling their purpose to the world, they all strive to do whatever they can, they return do whatever they can to protect their El.

Returning to Lanox, the Priestesses were soon met with Rose and Zero, whom Anduran had telepathically helped some time earlier in Sander. Foreseeing Rose's arrival and soon learning of their past and purpose, the Priestesses decided to sent the two to seek out the El Search Party as well. Using Zero's coordinates from their initial landing in Atlas, the Priestesses use the prophecy to whisk them away to the El Lady.


The Other Dimensional World

Passing through the pillar of light, the El Search Party find themselves in the completely unfamiliar Atlas Station and are greeted by Yuno. He introduces himself and his companion Nono as the area's Nasod Director and apologizes to Eve who he immediately recognizes. Elsword asks him about Solace which Yuno then stutters before an alarm signals indicating that Diceon Cubes were detected missing from the mines.

The El Search Party help investigate the cause for the alarm and discover the Dekal had been stealing the S grade Diceon and sending it to Solace. Elesis then gets a headache at the mention of Solace as the El Lady's power begin to take root inside of her. Following the transport tubes, they deduce the supplies are headed to Atlas City so they follow their trail.

When they approach the city, they are all spotted and the alarms start to ring. The security system has them pinned as the Diceon Cube thieves. With security high, the group flee the city. When they return back to Atlas Station they they find that Yuno has taken on a different form, he reveals that he was once Elysion's architect, Herjuno. Herjuno regained memories he had previously lost when Atlas City reactivated its emergency protocol and remembers that he has betrayed by Solace and was cast down into Atlas. He realizes that he needs to get back to Elysion, that he knows that Solace is planning something. Herjuno hacks Altas City's system to trace the missing cubes to Elysion Tower.

A Certain Farewell

Bypassing the security system, the group manage to ascend using the cargo transport tubes and reach the very top of the tower. The tower's commander, Maya spots the intruders but also notices that Herjuno was still alive. Not allowing any unauthorized travelers to Elysion, Maya attacks the El Search Party and Yuno. She is defeated but in a last ditch effort to prevent anybody from reaching Elysion, she causes the teleporter to self-destruct, hurling it down the tower. Yuno in a desperate attempt to get the party to Elysion, leaps off the tower and dives for the teleporter core. Using his own core, he jams it into the teleporter causing it to send the El Search Party up to Elysion, sacrificing himself.

When the El Search Party land in the outskirts of Elysoin, Eve notices that she had a fragment containing some of Yuno's memories. She gives it to Nono who then projects the memory of Yuno thanking the entire group for the short time spent together, and his final farewells. Elsword is filled with a new determination not only to find the El Lady, but to avenge Yuno's sacrifice.


Land of Angels

Now in Elysion, after the group gather themselves, Eve decides to sent Moby and Remy to scout but then she starts feeling signals from the Nasods in the area. Using Eve's authority, she manages to mask the El Search Party as Atlas Troops so the surrounding Nasod would not find them as intruders. Now so close, the El Lady was able to reach out and spoke to Elsword faintly. When they reached the gates of Elysion, the guardian statues come to life as Solace congratulates them for coming this far. Elsword lashes out and Solace tells them to stop playing their little game and tells Elsword that he must be the one to decide. Defeating the statues they finally make it into the village of Elysion.

Elsword hears the El Lady again, urging the Guardian of El to come to her. In the village, they meet with the chief, Bernard and learn the city have been put on lock down and communication with Adrian's Palace has ceased due to a barrier. Seeking aid, Bernard directs them to Durenda, who has them gather Nasod Wokers who've gone missing outside the village, the group recover one of the attacked workers and are able to read its memories, they find that the Nasod had information on Solace's Fortress. Without any way to get directly to the palace, with Hugo's aid, they deduce the barrier is being held up by somebody on the outside and eliminating that factor should grant them access.

Father of the Nasods

They manage to find Dekal as the barrier's gatekeeper, upon defeating the scientist, the barrier is lifted and they travel upwards towards Adrian's chamber. At the highest point, they come face to face with Elysion's current acting leader, Herbaon. Herbaon quickly sees that they were not Atlas Troops as the systems said. Herbaon assumes the El Search Party are with Solace and prepares to fight. Eve tries to calm the Nasod down but he assumes they had altered her code. After a battle, Eve explains that she is acting on her own will and Elsword tries to tell Herbaon their current situation. He cautiously accepts, under the condition they keep their distance. After Elsword explains the situation up to this point, Herbaon understand them and agrees to help them awaken Adrian. Eve and Herbaon connect to Adrian's hibernation capsule and are able to hack it, allowing Adrian to awaken prematurely.

Adrian Nasod awakens, but realizes that it was not the proper time for his reawakening. He sees Eve and is surprised to see his creation alive, having assumed she was lost long ago during the Nasod War. Eve explains to her father all the events that had transpired up to this point. Adrian expresses his regrets for what he had done to Herjuno. He then retells the events of Solace and the El Lady's arrival to Elysion. Elsword asks if Adrian knew what Solace was planning but he did not know himself, but given he is tapping into Elysion's central energy, Adrian says his actions may affect the entire continent. Adrian tells the El Search Party of a hidden path that will lead them into Solace's Fortress, and he returns to his hibernation capsule to resume his stasis.

The Dark Flame Sun

They descend down underneath the palace where they find the entrance to Solace's Fortress. Immediately they are greeted by Nasods enhanced by Solace's power and the Diceon energy, unable to defeat these machines, they retreat. Theodore introduces himself, and reveals the existence of some strane Diceon device at the Fortress's core he isn't able to reach. They managed to traverse the fortress and destroy the cores until they managed to reach the center of the operation. As they get deeper into the fortress, the El Lady calls out to Elsword. When they arrive to the very center, they find a massive device with a Diceon core. Elsword feels a familiar sensation, one that he describes as being similar to that of the original El. Ain asks Elsword if he still desires to restore the El, Elsword replies that he'll do it no matter what. Ain begins to fear that the restoration of the El will cause him to disappear, but he trusts Elsword's judgement. The ground begins to shake and a large scabbard breaks through the floor, sending the El Search Party below.

The group get back their feet after the surprise fall, and they notice right before their eyes, is the El Lady herself in a type of stasis pod. Being so close to the El Lady, Elesis's begins to have severe headaches, completely disabling her. Solace appears before the group, he tells them that the El Lady has chosen Elesis as her successor and calls upon Elsword's decision to choose the fate of the future. Solace however, prepares to combat the El Search Party as a final test. Rose, performing her own investigation, winds up falling in the sidelines of the El Search Party's confrontation with Solace, she and Zero keep a low profile as they watch from afar. Solace manages to defeat the El Search Party, they all find themselves collapsed on the floor as Elsword remains the only one barely standing. With just the two of them remaining, Solace turn on his device and the entire room is consumed in a blinding white light.

The Past and the Future

Elsword, alone, was in the blank white void. He begins to hear voices, then he finds his surroundings changing before his eyes. Elsword is shown the memories of Solace himself, the story of him and the El Lady, Hernia.

Choice Between a Diverging Path

As the story ends with the fateful day when the El exploded. Elsword finds himself in a new location, with Solace before him. There, Solace reveals his plan, that he intended to create this device in order to circumvent the need for the El lady. He hoped that by connection his device to the large Els of the world, and with the contribution from all life that blesses the land, he could create a sustainable world that did not require the El Lady in order to slave away as a sacrifice. He leaves the decision to the Guardian of El, Elsword. The boy told Solace that he promised that he would restore the El no matter what, but Solace urges that doing so would only make history repeat itself, with his sister Elesis being the next casualty. Solace tells Elsword that he alone cannot change the world, that the cooperation between he and his friend are what shape their destinies. He leaves the boy to make the final choice.

Elsword hesitates, but he begins to hear words of encouragement from his friends, though they themselves do not see Elsword. Ready to make his choice, Elsword decides on neither of Solace's proposed solutions. Elsword sees beyond what Solace had said, and worries for Elysion under Solace's plan, realizing sacrifices have to made no matter what. Instead, Elsword decides that he is unwilling to sacrifice anybody he cared about, sacrificing himself. All the El from around the world to reunite and reform the original El, with Elsword himself in its core.


The Boy and the El

With Elsword having sacrificed himself, his will restored the El. The seal that Denif had placed on Elrianode was lifted and the El Master began to awaken from their slumber. Additionally, all the El Priestesses were teleported to the reawakened city, where they met Denif. Ain, much like he anticipated completely lost his form when Elsword restored the El.

Back in Elysion, the other members of the El Search Party regain consciousness and Hernia awakens from her long slumber. Hernia tells the group she has been watching them and apologizes to Elesis. She tells them that Elsword had restored the El, but she fears that if left, he will disappear into the El. Aisha panics, but Solace tells them that he managed to inject the El with Diceon, temporarily halting the El's absorption. Hernia tells them of somebody in Elrianode who can help them while Solace and Hernia stay in Elysion investigating the ones responsible for the El Explosion. Hernia uses her powers to teleport the party to Elrianode.

Rose, unaware of what had transpired noticed Zero has ceased to function. Hernia confronts her, already aware of their presence as she'd been watching them for some time. Believing the Large El may restore Zero and wishing she aid the El Search Party, Hernia gives her her blessing and sends Rose down to Elrianode.

The El Search Party arrive in Elrianode, Denif spots them as the Earth Priestess Artea introduces them as the El Search Party. Aisha tells Master Denif about he situation regarding Solace, Hernia, and Elsword. Denif agrees, but warns they may get consumed as well. He opens up a gap in the El for the group to enter. While inside, each member is split up and faces a person trial as the El tries to test their wills. They all manage to successfully resist the El temptations. Ain's lingering spirit sees the value in the El Search Party and in an act of defiance, goes against his original mission and decides he must save Elsword. In that moment, Ain's allegiance switches from the Goddess Ishmael to the God Elria. Elsword's friends start to call for the boy, they all reach out to Elsword and manage to free him from the El.

During that time, Rose arrives in Elrianode and meets with Denif holding a token from the El Lady to gain his trust. Denif takes her to the Large El and sends her into the Hall of El where Zero regains consciousness. While in the Hall of El, the two begin to see visions of Elsword.

Back outside the El, Denif assures the group that he and the priestesses will do their part in maintaining the El. However, when the Diceon runs out, he is unsure if they can keep it stable, suggesting the group seek out a hidden relic which had been sealed in Elrianode by Denif's ancestors. Ain find himself alongside his friends, now no longer a spirit tied to Elsword's memories, but his own being.

Restored Elrianode

With Elrianode return, Hennon and his minions had their opportunity to return to the lost city. With pre-existing knowledge of the location of Henir's Passage, Hennon and his colleagues went to Debrian Laboratory underneath the old palace almost immediately. Using that portal device in the lab, they access the Demon Realm for themselves. Hennon was able to extract a piece of the Demon World's Dark El for himself, with half of his plan already completed, he only needed to get the Primal El located in the Water Dragon Sanctum.

Denif takes the group to the Water Dragon Sanctum where Aisha is able to undo the seal which locked the area off. The group scout the sanctum and when Elsword approached a pedestal, the ground opened up and an oddly unremarkable El rose out. Before they could take the stone, Hennon swoops in and takes the Primal El. Aisha realizes the man was the same one who stole the Ring of Mimir from her. Hennon flees and zealots of Henir's Order begin to show themselves, injecting themselves with the Seed of Life and transforming into Freak Beasts.

While Hennon was fleeing, Ventus who soon arrived to Elrianode after Henir's Order, managed to sneak by and nab the Primal El away from the cult leader, replacing it with a nearly identical stone.

The El Search Party manage to catch up with Hennon but he summons a Skin Splitter who distract the El Search Party while he makes his escape into the city. The group manage to obtain one of the devices from the cult members.

Rose exits the Hall of El with a revitalized Zero. Tipped off by Denif, they seek out the El Search Party, but trail behind their wake. While in the Water Dragon Sanctum, Zero begins to project visions of the El Search Party's deeds just prior to their arrival, though this power swiftly runs out and they head back to Denif.

Invasion of the Order

Afterwards, the El Search Party alert Denif of these intruders and show him the device. Ain proposes the possibility they may be Henir's Order, which Denif finds likely. Seeking leads, the group then take the device to Glave. He reveals he is the one who invented the device and runs through his past as a scientist at Seven Tower. He tells of a laboratory under Elrianode's Palace where Henir research was once conducted, however is unable to tell them its exact location. With that in mind, they search through Elrianode City.

Rose overhears the conversation and decides to conduct her own investigation. The El Search Party deal with portals of Henir being opened up and spilling more Freak Beasts all over the city. As they were being overwhelmed, Solace appeared to help out. When they meet back up with Denif, Solace confirms their suspicion of Henir's Order, he also has found out that certain types of beasts are generating these Henir portals. Solace agrees to stay and defend the tower as the El Search Party go and scout the city once more.

After finding the creatures creating the gaps of Henir, they manage to defeat it, but it tries to land one final attack on Rena. It explodes, but Rena is saved by Ventus. Rena is shocked to see the wind spirit Lincy once again. Ventus introduces himself, garnering their trust by showing them that he has stolen back the Primal El. They all return back to Elrianode to meet with Denif.

While the El Search Party search the city, Zero used his knowledge of the old Elrian Kingdom to help search for the whereabouts of the ancient Debrian Laboratory. Their search proves successful as they find rubble matching that of the old Elrian Palace around a cave. They head to report their findings to Denif.

Henir's Passage

Ventus speaks with Denif and reveals the ancient inscriptions on the bottom of the stone, revealing half of a phrase. Chung brings up the information about the ancient lab they learned from Glave. Denif tells the group of Rose. With Rose and Zero's help, they all travel to Debrian Laboratory. Lu notices that Ain is being affected heavily by the present Henir energy, she tries to tell Ain to back out, but Ain tries to dismiss the demon. Elsword tries to calm the two when Lu suddenly runs off. Ciel, Elsword, and Ara chase after her. Elesis and the remaining party decide they have to press on.

Lu reveals she notices demonic markings and followed them, finding a secret door into a closed off room. She finds signs of research into the Demon Realm and a Seed of Life on the desk and some letters in a demonic script. Reading the letter, she learning of the power of the Primal El. That if the Primal El and Dark El were united, it would unleash an unspeakable power. She quickly gathers the material and rushes back to the other group.

Ain begins to fade due to Henir's influence but Lu suddenly bursts in with the Seed of Life. Lu uses the device on him which absorbed all the Henir corruption out of his body and manifested it as a monster which the group quickly disposed of. Having been saved by Lu, Ain begins to see her in a better light. They then press forward into the lowest part of the facility, there they see the enormous Henir's Gate but are then attacked by the lab's security system. Eve manages changes the control options and minimizes the output from the gate, but they all assume that Henir's Order had already gotten to it and had taken what energy they needed. Lu tells them about the full prophecy and they deduce that Henir's Order was planning to retrieve a Dark El in order to awaken the Primal El's power.

Interdimensional Colossus and...

Hennon discovered that the stone he had was a fake, and in retaliation planned to attack the El Tower.

The El Search Party rush back to Elrianode anticipating an imminent attack. Sure enough, Hennon jumps through a gap in Henir and lands in front of the El Tower. Ready to attack the tower to obtain the Large El and Primal El, he summons hordes of Freak Beasts. Denif hands the Primal El to Elsword to prevent the enemies from getting it if they claim the tower. Hernia appeared in the city, she pleads to let her stabilize the El but Denif denies her request, instead he sets the El Priestesses to use their powers to stabilize the El together. As the monsters advanced towards the tower, all the El Master present prepared themselves to defend the tower at all cost.

While all the El Search Party were distracting with dealing with the monsters, Hennon took the opportunity to surprise attack Elsword. Hennon obtains the Primal El and combines its power with the power of a Dark El. With it, he transforms into a massive interdimensional colossus. After a fierce battle, the group were able to barely take down the enormous beast and clear out the rest of the city.

Hernia tells Denif that she wants to maintaining the El, but Denif once again refuses. Disagreeing with the path of sacrifice, he dismisses Solace and Hernia, allowing them to leave and do whatever they wish. The El Search Party agreed that their next course of action should be going to Demon Realm to seek out of the Dark El.

Twisted Time and Space

After the defeat of Hennon, other members of Henir's order began taking actions of their own. In the process they began running experiments which caused twisted holes in time and space to open all around Elrios. One such portal sent the group back to Farhmann's Peak, but the area had been consumed by Henir. A mysterious member of Henir's Order released Drabaki back into the area to gauge the power of the El Search Party. They faced off against Drabaki once again and were able to slay the beast and escaped the distorted realm. The remnants of the beast were retrieved by the Henir cultist and he was impressed by the El Search Party's performance.


As the El Search Party rested before embarking on the next step of their journey. Ventus approached them with information of places called Elriabrunnrs where the flow of El energy go, places where those of the past used to travel to train. He sent the group off to explore an Elriabrunnr he had just rediscovered, where they each individually hear the voices of the past and had their powers awakened to a new level. When they returned from their training, they came back with new powers and were ready to take on the Demon Realm.

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