Abandoned Manor

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Abandoned Manor

Strange equipment lied about the burnt down manor.

The burnt manor seems to have been used as a lab.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Derurung - A baby griffon local to the region.
  • Scratch: Scratch in front of it.
  • Charge: Charge forwards at a constant pace doing multiple hits overtime.
TypeA - Melt - A blob like lava abomination dwelling the lab.
  • Lava Spit: Hurl blobs of lava which linger and the floor and damage targets.
  • Splatter: When defeated, its mass will splatter across the ground into a pile of lava.
TypeB - Wither - A dragon like puddle of lava dwelling the lab.
  • Slap: Slap targets in front of it with its viscous hands.
  • Splatter: When defeated, its mass will splatter across the ground into a pile of lava.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Control Device - The lab is secured and locked. Activate the switches to open the way further.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
TypeC - Inflator - A vile behemoth lava experiment.
  • Shake: Shake its body which causes lava to splatter all around it. This is also its starting animation.
  • Slam Erupt: Slams its hand into the ground, creating a crater, the crater will erupt in fire a few moments later.
  • Lava Spit: Spew three blobs of laval which bounce across the ground and splatter on the floor. These puddles of lava will deal hitstun.


  • Clamor: There are burnt marks... Was there a fire?
  • Noah: I hope it wasn't a waste of time to come here... Let's investigate further.

  • Noah: That symbol...! Is this Rosso's Manor?
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Date Changes
12/17/2020 01/13/2021
  • Abandoned Manor added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 버려진 저택 Abandoned Mansion
China (Simplified Chinese) 废弃府邸 Abandoned Mansion
France Demeure abandonnée Abandoned Abode

  • Noah
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous