Memory of the Sword

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Revision as of 12:57, 15 January 2025 by Shironsaki (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - ": Intensity" to ": Fan of Blades")
Endless training has burned the memory of the sword into your memory, allowing you to use dangerous techniques from pure muscle memory.
May throw additional Conwell with successful command attacks. Using Conwell Skills will increase skill damage and will create shadow sword. (Hyper Active excluded)
Conwell Skills


Class Level Required
Immortal 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Conwell Summon Upon 3
Self Buff
After 2
Self Buff
Shadow Sword  Self BuffMemory of the SwordSelf BuffMemory of the Sword
Chance Conwell Strike (Physical) Reactivation Cooldown Damage (Physical) Max Hits Next Conwell Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
1 99 50% 1560% 2 Seconds 462% 6 10%
1 99 50% 184% 2 Seconds 156% 6 10%

Tips and Details

  • Shadow Sword inflicts hitstun, catching enemies from skills that launch enemies otherwise.
    • Shadow Sword can deal up to 2,772% (1,104% in PvP) Physical Damage
  • While the Conwell Summon is counted as a command, meaning it can trigger effects, it is not affected by Awakened Will: Infinity Sword, neither gaining the 100% critical rate nor stacking the buff's effect despite being a Conwell attack.
  • If activated on , the Conwells summoned by this skill will go backwards.
  • The "excluding Hyper Actives" part of the description is not actually relevant, since despite the description stating "next skill used", the damage increase effect only applies specifically for the next Conwell skill used, which neither Hyper Active counts as.


Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • Memory of the Sword added.
06/28/2018 07/11/2018
  • Conwell Strike damage increased.
09/20/2018 10/11/2018
  • Conwell Summon Chance increased.
  • Conwell Strike damage increased.
10/11/2018 10/31/2018
  • Conwell Strike damage decreased.
  • Reactivation Cooldown added to Conwell Summon.
  • Conwell Strike now count as command.
06/20/2019 07/17/2019
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Hitstun of Conwell Strike attack removed. Cannot Mana Break.
  • Conwell Use effect changed to appear as a buff.
12/19/2024 01/15/2025

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 검의 기억 Memory of the Sword
Germany Erinnerungen des Schwertes Memory of the Sword
Spain Recuerdos de la espada Memory of the Sword
France Souvenirs de l'épée Memory of the Sword
Italy Ricordi della spada Memory of the Sword
Poland Pamięć Miecza Memory of the Sword