Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!

In Elsword, the bank is a separate storage that can be accessed by all players in towns.

Basic Information

The bank can be accessed by talking to Luriel in any town.

Number of Spaces

Image Membership Rank Number of Spaces Cost
  Basic Membership 8 N/A
File:Cash 213460.png Silver Membership 16 60 K-Ching
File:Cash 213470.png Gold Membership 24 120 K-Ching
File:Cash 213480.png Emerald Membership 32 180 K-Ching
File:Cash 213490.png Diamond Membership 40 240 K-Ching
File:Cash 213500.png Platinum Membership 48 300 K-Ching

Bank Share

The shared bank is a separate bank that is shared between all characters within the same account.

Sharing Limitations

The Bank Share System can not transfer the following items:

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media