Charge forward while in Super Armor status to send enemies flying.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost per Level Alternative
Raven Lv. 20 5 2 Breaking Fist

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Damage (Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
1 5 376% 20 MP 4 Seconds
2 384%
3 392%
4 6 401%
5 8 409%
6 10 418%
7 12 426%
8 14 435%
9 16 443%
10 18 452%
11 20 460%
12 22 469%
13 24 477%
14 26 485%
15 28 494%
16 30 505%
17 32 511%
18 34 519%
19 36 528%
20 (M) 38 536%
21 -* 545%

Skill Note

Hm, what? Running is too hard for you? It's not fun? Then, you must improve your breathing technique! Try it now! Wooo Saaaaa! -Kun Nuri

Name: The Running Man (NA) / (신나는 달리기-"Exciting Jog")

Description: Cooldown increased by 4 seconds and MP usage halved.

Tips and Details

  • Burning Rush can be a very useful catching skill due to its quick activation, Super Armor, and low MP cost. After launching, you can catch your target with skills or combos.

Old Version

Video Description
Between its initial release and the 03/29/2012 KR Patch, Raven would dash forward for as long as the skill key is held down. While he was running, he will knock away any enemy in his path.


Date Changes
08/06/2009 08/03/2011
  • Burning Rush added.
03/29/2012 -
  • Added cooldown time.
11/07/2013 02/12/2014
  • Damage increased.
  • Skill note effect changed.
08/06/2015 01/13/2016
  • Burning Rush deleted, functionality given to Over Taker's new >>ZX combo.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 버닝 러시 Burning Rush
  China (Simplified Chinese) 燃烧列车 Burning Train
  France Chasse enflammée Inflamed Hunt