The Party List System is a system that allows players from across the same server to make parties on a list for people to see. You can see the list by going into the dungeon tab and clicking on the icon on the dungeon queue button.

Dungeon Queue Button with List Icon

Party List

Party List System Interface

Once you click on the icon, you will be shown the party list system interface. The party system list interface includes:

  • The list of parties
  • A filter to check only available parties
  • A Refresh Button that refreshes the list
  • A Region and Dungeon Select
  • Page Scroll
  • Party Name Search

If you select a party, you will also be shown the players within that party and their Combat Power. You can also view their equipment via the magnifying glass next to their Combat Power. Currently glitched, the Combat Power indicated in Party List may be inaccurate.

Creating a Party

Party Creation Box

When creating a party, you are prompted to enter the title of the party that will be shown in the party list, to select a region and dungeon in said region. The different regions and their dungeons are as follows:





Master Road: Hell and Normal


Pruinaum Outskirts:

Party Recruitment

The Party Recruitment Interface

When you make a party, you will have an interface that shows the name of the party, a gear next to the name that allows you to change the name of the party and the list of people who applied for your party. The list will show:

  • The applied members In-Game Name (IGN)
  • The applied members Combat Power
  • The magnifying glass to look at their equipment
  • A X to decline their application
  • A O to accept their application

If you are recruiting a raid party, the list will also show the raid progress the applied members have


All parties, except the normal raid, Twisted Time and Space - Fahrmann's Peak, Elrianode City, Titan's Grotto, Spirit Sanctum and Plegas's Labyrinth will have a max of 4 members able to join, with the exceptions having 6, 3, 6 and 2 players in that order able to join the party.

When a member applies for your party, you will get notified by a sound effect and a ! above the icon that shows up when you start your recruitment. However, there is no sound effect or any notification elsewhere if you get accepted to a party.

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media