Story/Noah Chapter 13

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Noah 13:The One Hidden

[Noah] Chapter 13: The One Hidden

Despite Darkmoon's efforts, she could not help Noah unlock his lost memories that would allow him to face the truth. Thus, Darkmoon proposes a better solution: to do that with help from an unlikely person, the El Lady.

 [Village] Warning
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Noah and Clamor spend time in leisure for a bit. Noah is not used to taking a rest, as he was always chased by time and destiny.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Clamor: Noah, I finished reading. Can you turn the page?
  •   Noah: .......
  •   Clamor: Kid?
  •   Noah: ... Hm? Did you say something?
  •   Clamor: Oh, are you tired? You were up all night...
  •   Noah: It's fine... The Moon Priestess was the one who did all the work. It's not easy approaching a blocked memory, and mine is also tied to my trauma...
  •   Noah: The Moon Priestess said it was like a locked door. That it's more important to make sure what's inside is unharmed than trying to force the door open.
  •   Clamor: That makes sense. Human emotion and memories are delicate.
  •   Noah: She said her power will not be enough, and that she would look for another way... and here I am, doing nothing.
  •   Clamor: Don't worry about it. It's a nice day outside, so take a nap beneath the shade. Relax for a while.
  •   Noah: But... It feels like all I do is sleep these days.
  •   Clamor: Maybe you'll finally grow some inches. Besides, you've done enough. If you consider everything you've been through, I won't be surprised even if you end up collapsing at least five times a day!
  •   Noah: Do you think so...? Oh, you asked me to flip the page, right? Here.
  • (FLIP)
  •   Noah: What are you reading about?
  •   Clamor: The Nasod War. I couldn't understand anything every time you mentioned it, so I just asked Yuria to find me a book on the subject.
  •   Clamor: But apparently, all the books on the Nasods were banned since the war, so she couldn't find anything. That's why I'm reading the history of Elrian Kingdom for now.
  •   Clamor: Here, check this out. It says here that as the war continued, they decided to implement a system where they would transplant Nasod parts into injured soldiers.
  •   Clamor: They were called Nasod Transplant Soldiers. 'Though they were brought in at the end of the war, their fierce disposition left a mark in history...'
  •   Noah: Transplant a Nasod part? How?
  •   Clamor: By adding a prosthetic arm or leg to soldiers who lost a limb during the war. It says they didn't have the technology to replace major organs at the time.
  •   Noah: Do you think we can create your body with that?
  •   Clamor: Hm... I don't know. For one, the Nasod Transplant Soldiers connected the Nasod parts to their actual body, and I don't have a body to speak of.
  •   Clamor: And... though the procedure was considered a success during the war, I don't think it was ideal for the individual soldier themselves.
  •   Clamor: Look at this picture over here. This man had a prosthetic arm, but it's much bigger than an average human arm. His fingers are also more like claws. This is closer to a weapon than a proper prosthetic.
  •   Clamor: This would have been useful during the war, but I doubt they were able to lead normal lives afterwards. You can't even lift a spoon with a hand like this.
  •   Clamor: It also bothers me that all this was implemented in a hurry. I don't think the soldiers were given enough time to get used to their new limbs...
  •   Noah: You mean they were sent out to battle before they were fully healed?
  •   Clamor: Yes... They were basically treating them like cannon fodder. How tragic... This had great potential to help many people in need.
  •   Clamor: Anyway, that's the story about Nasod Transplant Soldiers. I wonder what actual Nasods were like? I'm curious how much Debrian machine technology advanced since my time.
  •   Noah: I asked Yuria about Nasods, so we may be getting some good news.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Darkmoon: This way, El Lady.
  •   Hernia: Thank you, Darkmoon.
  •   Solace: .......
  •   Gaia: ... Solace...
  •   Hernia: Long time no see, Master Gaia. I'm glad to see you're in good health.
  •   Gaia: ... Yes. Greetings, El Lady.
  •   Gaia: I was waiting to lead you the way. Follow me.
  •   Hernia: Yes, thank you.
  •   Noah: (They are the Sun Master and the El Lady...)
  •   Solace: .......
  •   Clamor: ... That man in the black robes... Have you met him before? It looked like he was staring.
  •   Noah: I don't think so.
  •   Darkmoon: Noah, I have something to tell you. I'll be there shortly.
  •   Noah: Yes, Moon Priestess.

  •   Hernia: I did wonder about it when I heard the story from Fenriart, but to think Master Ebalon was...
  •   Solace: So the man we knew was never Harque Ebalon? The one who was designated as the Moon Master?
  •   Denif: That's right. When did you find out that he was an Order member?
  •   Solace: After the El Explosion. I never suspected him beforehand.
  •   Hernia: ......
  •   Denif: You understand why I'm telling you this now. We still do not know much about our enemy.
  •   Denif: So stay on guard. They have weaseled their way in among us to serve their purposes before. There's no telling what they would do next...
  •   Denif: ... We cannot let Elrios go through another such tragedy.
  •   Solace: .......
  •   Hernia: ... Yes. I understand.
  •   Solace: Then, is the boy outside, truly the younger brother of the man who was supposed to be the Moon Master?
  •   Denif: Yes. We already confirmed his identity.
  •   Hernia: I see. I thought he looked familiar... Is it alright if I talked to him?
  •   Denif: Do as you wish.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Knot of Memory
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Warning story quest

Noah looks for a way to get his memory back. Darkmoon suggests getting help from the El Lady. Noah was reluctant, but Hernia is glad to help.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Darkmoon: Noah, I don't think I can reach far enough to where your blocked memories are.
  •   Noah: It's alright. I'm grateful for your help anyway.
  •   Darkmoon: Um... actually, I had a thought while I was searching for a viable method...
  •   Darkmoon: When the El Search Party arrived in El Tower last time, Ain experienced something similar. He couldn't regain consciousness, but was able to recover with help from the El Lady. I was wondering if we could try that.
  •   Noah: Receive help from the El Lady...? But would she be willing to help someone she has never met...?
  •   Hernia: I am willing to help.
  •   Noah: El Lady.
  •   Hernia: ... You really do look alike.
  •   Hernia: I'm sorry. I heard that the man we knew, was actually an imposter.
  •   Hernia: While I served my time as the El Lady, I received a lot of help and comfort from him.
  •   Hernia: The Illuminuous phenomenon... He helped me, as I began to lose myself and my memories when I was fulfilling my duties as the El Lady. I also relied on him a lot.
  •   Hernia: I never suspected it was all a part of his deception.
  •   Hernia: ... I am sorry for the tragedy you and Master Harque had to suffer.
  •   Noah: It is not your fault. The disguise of the imposter was flawless, to the point that I, an actual family member was unable to distinguish them apart... And you are not the first one.
  •   Noah: ... But still... Thank you for your words.
  •   Hernia: The only thing I can do is send you over to that place, and lessen the impact you will feel from the process.
  •   Hernia: Do you understand? I will not be able to help much. Your will is what is most important.
  •   Noah: So it's up to me to retrieve the memory. I understand. I've already done it once.
  •   Clamor: You did have a hard time, though.
  •   Noah: ... It's going to be different this time. I know what I must do. And you're going to be by my side, right Clamor?
  •   Noah: Please, will you help me, El Lady?
  •   Hernia: Yes. I will do my best.
  •   Hernia: Darkmoon. How can I help?
  •   Darkmoon: Based on our previous attempts, directly approaching his memory was met with fierce resistance. Since it's tied to mental trauma, we'll have to approach this carefully.
  •   Darkmoon: Let's approach his memory, using his dream.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Ebalon: ... El Lady, are you alright?
  •   Noah: Imposter...!?
  •   Ebalon: You are awake. Do you remember? We were having a conversation.
  •   Clamor: ... Noah, he thinks you're the El Lady.
  •   Hernia: Noah, can you hear me? I believe my memory seeped in, in the process of transferring my power.
  •   Hernia: I cannot interfere any more, as my presence can alter your memories. I wonder what is happening...
  •   Darkmoon: He should still be in the surface, as if he's in light sleep.
  •   Hernia: In order to reach your memory, you must travel deeper into your mindscape. Once you reach your true memory, the one that's blocking it should reveal its form.
  •   Noah: ... I understand.
  •   Noah: (... This man isn't Harque, but...)
  •   Noah: (His voice... his face... I missed him.)
  •   Ebalon: You must be exhausted. Understandable. Come, sit by my side.
  •   Ebalon: ... I'm sure you feel conflicted. Have you ever questioned why you must sacrifice your life, just because you were chosen as the El Lady?
  •   Ebalon: I am a priest who fulfills the will of the Goddess. Though I understand this is also her will, I cannot help but question this never-ending chain of tragedies.
  •   Ebalon: I apologize if my words seem irrelevant. I wished to console you in some way.
  •   Clamor: ... This imposter... He's saying dangerous things while pretending to be empathetic.
  •   Ebalon: El Lady, did you know? The El is not complete.
  •   Noah: I know. If it weren't for the Nasod War, then...
  •   Ebalon: It's not that I'm talking about. The El was always incomplete, ever since it first appeared in this world.
  •   Noah: ... What? What do you mean? The El was unstable from the start?
  •   Ebalon: Huhu, I suppose you can also see it that way.
  •   Noah: ... What is he talking about?
  •   Clamor: It was unstable... because it was incomplete?
  •   Ebalon: Considering that... I suppose it was only a matter of time that the El would overload.
  •   Ebalon: But when the El overloaded, the Goddess appeared in the form of a human to make sure it didn't stop functioning, as if to protect her creation... That was the El Lady.
  •   Ebalon: I wonder... What will the Goddess do, when the El stops functioning completely?
  •   Noah: (... I almost forgot. This is the man, who not only murdered Harque, but led the world to the brink of extinction by causing the El to explode.)
  •   Noah: (Perhaps he's talking about his motivation for the El Explosion.)
  •   Ebalon: ... Lady Hernia.
  •   Noah: .......
  •   Ebalon: ... You are forgetting yourself due to the Illuminuous phenomenon. I will call you by your name. It will be easier to maintain yourself.
  •   Ebalon: What you are experiencing is the precursor to assimilating with the El. It's a process all El Ladies go through before they are completely assimilated... A natural process.
  •   Ebalon: However... Now is not the right time.
  •   Noah: (This imposter... He knew the El Lady will not remember this conversation...)
  •   Clamor: ... Noah. The space is distorting. I think this means we are traveling deeper into your mindscape. Be careful.
  • (... ... ... ...)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470   N/A   N/A
ED 2911100   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Going Over the Memory
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Knot of Memory story quest

They are back in Ebalon's manor with Hernia's help. Noah goes over his memories carefully with Clamor's prompts.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Clamor: This is... the Ebalon manor again.
  •   Young Noah: .......
  •   Clamor: Look, your younger self is headed to Harque's room. I don't think he noticed us.
  •   Noah: Let's follow him.

  •   Harque: ... I'm glad I can give this to you. May this give you another chance...
  •   Noah: ... Nothing changed... This is just a repeat of what I remember. How can I find my true memory?
  •   Clamor: .......
  •   Clamor: Um, I'm just curious, but... Are you sure your brother died in his room?
  •   Clamor: He was collapsed in the hallway in Titania's illusion.
  •   Noah: That's how I knew it was fake, remember? That night, I went to his room... and everything happened there.
  •   Noah: I still remember clearly, when I opened the door, my eyes met with the intruder's, who was facing away from the window.
  •   Clamor: I'm sorry to keep casting doubt on the memory you're so certain about, but I just don't get it.
  •   Clamor: If your eyes met with the intruder who had his back to the window, that means the intruder was inside, away from the door.
  •   Noah: What about it?
  •   Clamor: Wouldn't it be natural for the intruder to have his back to the door? Why would your brother let a stranger inside his room so late at night?
  •   Noah: It does sound strange when you put it that way... But there might be a reason why he let him inside. The imposter can change his appearance, after all.
  •   Noah: Maybe he disguised himself... as me...
  •   Clamor: ... Alright, if that's the case, I concede that it makes sense why the intruder was inside the room.
  •   Clamor: I thought Titania's illusion might be closer to the real memory, but maybe I'm off...
  •   Noah: Hm... Now it's bothering me... For now, let's walk to Harque's room from mine. We do pass by the hallway on the way. Maybe that's why I have my memories mixed up.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Noah: Here. We have to pass by the hallway in order to go to Harque's room from mine.
  •   Clamor: It's quiet.
  •   Clamor: Hey, I was just wondering... It's not really important... But is everyone usually asleep at this hour in a noble's household?
  •   Noah: ... Huh? What do you mean?
  •   Clamor: Well, uh, I read in books where servants would still be working late at night!
  •   Clamor: Like a maid, walking down a dark corridor, relying only on a single, flickering light...
  •   Noah: Oh, that's right. Servants usually work in shifts. Sometimes they work late at night, or sometimes, they work from dawn.
  •   Noah: Haha, but really? 'relying only on a single, flickering light'? Where did you get that from? A horror story? Do you enjoy those kind of stories, Clamor?
  •   Clamor: When you read whatever you get your hands on, you end up with... Anyway! That's not important!
  •   Clamor: You sneaked to your brother's room that night, right? Did you see anyone on the way?
  •   Clamor: I just can't imagine someone capable of escaping the notice of everyone inside a noble's manor, even if it's late at night. That seems too daring and well planned out.
  •   Noah: Oh, I get it. Of course not. I definitely saw...
  •   Noah: Wait... I swear I saw someone that night. It was...
  •   Clamor: So you sneaked past that person to go to Harque's room?
  •   Noah: ... Yes. Why didn't I notice it before? I thought my memory was complete an natural.
  •   Noah: Is it because Clamor was poking holes in inconsistencies that I didn't notice before...?
  •   Noah: Clamor! Keep asking me questions so I can remember!
  •   Clamor: O... k? I'll keep asking? About the person you saw, was he a family member, or a servant?
  •   Noah: A servant! I don't remember clearly, but he was carrying something.
  •   Clamor: What did you do when you saw him?
  •   Noah: I... talked to him. I asked, urgently...
  •   Noah: That doesn't make sense. Why did I do that? I wouldn't have done anything so noticeable before seeing Harque...
  •   Clamor: Maybe you're getting your time period mixed up? It might be a memory from daytime, or early in the evening.
  •   Noah: No, it was definitely at night. That servant was carrying folded sheets. They only do that at night. That means...
  •   Noah: ... The order is different!
  •   Noah: I sneaked to Harque's room at night. I didn't see anyone on the way. Then, I saw the intruder in his room, and Harque was attacked, trying to protect me.
  •   Noah: When that happened, I tried to escape and asked for help. After that...
  •   Ebalon: ......
  •   Clamor: Noah! Look! The spell that locks your memories!
  •   Noah: She said it will reveal itself when we reach my true memories. That must be it...!
  •   Ebalon: ... ... ... ...
  •   Clamor: He's casting a spell! Let's go, Noah!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470   N/A   N/A
ED 2911100   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Truth Beyond the Knot
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Going Over the Memory story quest

After he slowly goes over his lost memory, Noah finally unravels the tied knot of memory. The hidden truth was truly surprising.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Harque: Kugh...! Who are you? What did you do to everyone...!
  •   ???: ......
  •   Young Noah: Harque...?
  •   Harque: Ugh, Noah?!
  •   ???: ... ... ... ...
  •   Harque: It's too dangerous! Take my hand! We have to get out of here!
  •   Harque: It's alright... I'll protect you...
  •   Young Noah: Harque? What's going on?
  •   Harque: There's no time to explain. We need to head outside!
  •   Young Noah: What about mom and dad?
  •   Harque: No... We can't ask help from anyone. We must call the guards outside...
  • (THWACK)
  •   Harque: Uuhh...!
  • (THUMP)
  •   Young Noah: Harque!
  •   Harque: Noah... Go...! At least...
  •   Young Noah: I... I...! I'll go look for help!
  • (TA TA TA TA-)
  •   Servant: .......
  •   Young Noah: Help! Harque is hurt!
  •   Servant: .......
  •   Young Noah: Wait...! Don't go! Why are you ignoring me?!
  •   Young Noah: It doesn't matter what happens to me, but... at least you can save Harque...!!
  •   ???: It's no use. They are merely puppets that follow my every order.
  •   Young Noah: Ah, Ahh...
  •   ???: You should have listened to your older brother. If you headed outside, you might have managed to escape... for now.
  •   ???: There, there. Don't be afraid. You're still useful, so I won't be getting rid of you now.
  •   Misty: Master Dantelion...?
  •   Dantelion: You're late, Misty. I already took care of everything.
  •   Dantelion: Hm? What's wrong? You look surprised.
  •   Misty: Oh, it, it's nothing. It's just that... you look so alike...
  •   Misty: What will you do now? Will you head back to Seven Tower?
  •   Dantelion: No. Now that I have this form, I'll play along for a while then head to El Tower. I must awaken what sleeping inside the El.
  •   Dantelion: Why do you ask, Misty? Tired of me already?
  •   Misty: ... I will do everything that you ask. But the El... How do you know the thing that you speak of, actually exists?
  •   Dantelion: Of course I know. I saw it.
  •   Misty: ... What?
  •   Dantelion: Oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't actually see what's sleeping inside the El.
  •   Dantelion: But, I'm certain there is one, since there was something inside the Dark El.
  •   Misty: Certain... you say.
  •   Dantelion: With this form, it will be easier to approach the El to work on it. Now...
  •   Dantelion: ... My, I thought you would be unconscious.
  •   Young Noah: Uh... Ah, ahh...
  •   Dantelion: Don't cry. I told you. You're still useful.
  •   Dantelion: I look forward to it. What will we make of you? Or perhaps you won't even make it...
  •   Dantelion: There's no way of knowing now, but I will wait for the day you come searching for me. I'm very good at waiting.
  •   Dantelion: Now sleep. What happened today will be our secret before the curtains rise on the stage.
  •   Young Noah: Uuuhh...
  • (THUD)
  •   Misty: What did you do?
  •   Dantelion: I casted a spell to block his memories. He won't remember anything when he wakes up.
  •   Dantelion: Misty, will you take this child to his room? I'll get rid of the evidence.
  •   Misty: ... Yes.
  •   Dantelion: What do you have in your hand?
  •   Misty: This, this child dropped it.
  •   Dantelion: .. Is that so? Then I suppose we should return it to its rightful owner.
  •   Dantelion: I will let you handle it.
  •   Misty: .......
  •   Misty: Noah, this is yours. Harque wished for you to have it...
  •   Misty: ... I'm glad I can give this to you. May this give you another chance...
  •   Misty: ... I'm sorry. To you, and Harque...
  •   Misty: Please, do not forgive me.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Noah: The one to give me the pendant... Even though Harque made it, the one who actually gave it to me was the Moon Priestess.
  •   Noah: I resented her. But... it seems I owe her one.
  •   Noah: ... And that man. He said I will be useful, and that he'll be waiting for me to find him...
  •   Noah: Does that mean he knew I would eventually unlock this memory and face the truth
  •   Noah: ... What is he planning?
  •   Clamor: ... Mm.
  •   Clamor: Dantelion... That's the name of one of the Seven Sages of Seven Tower. I told you before, right? The Tower of Mirage.
  •   Noah: Are you saying those two are the same person? How old does that make him?
  •   Clamor: They might just share the same name... Though, it's not really a common one. Or, since he can change appearances, Dantelion could be one of his many personas.
  •   Noah: What did that scholar named Dantelion do?
  •   Clamor: Well... I don't really know. There's information that he was one of the Seven Sages, but not much else is known about him. He wasn't really... notable.
  •   Clamor: I wonder if they are the same person...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5154470   N/A   N/A
ED 2911100   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] Purpose of the Faceless
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Truth Beyond the Knot story quest

As he learns the truth, Noah hears the name of the imposter. He must inform everyone of what he learned.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Darkmoon: Noah, Noah! Are you awake?
  •   Noah: ... Mm, yes. I'm alright.
  •   Hernia: You are safe. Did you manage to unlock your memories?
  •   Noah: Yes. I faced the truth. I now understand why it was important to get this memory back.
  •   Noah: El Lady, have you ever discussed about the El overload with the Moon Master?
  •   Hernia: The El... overload? I can't say I have. I don't remember talking about it with the Moon Master.
  •   Noah: As I suspected... I believe I witnessed, not only my own lost memory, but yours as well..
  •   Hernia: Mine...?
  •   Noah: Yes. ... Now I have another reason why I must go to the Demon Realm.
  •   Noah: I'll tell you everything when everyone is here. Could you please let everyone know?

  •   Noah: ... That man named Dantelion said he needed to wake something that was sleeping inside the El. I believe that was his motivation for causing the El Explosion.
  •   Artea: What was sleeping inside the El...? Master Denif, do you know anything?
  •   Denif: No. The El being incomplete even before the overload? That's no something mentioned in any of the books, nor did I hear it from anyone.
  •   Solace: Something 'sleeping'...
  •   Gaia: ... I do not understand. They shattered the incomplete El to awaken what sleeping inside?
  •   Ventus: The Order started moving after the Large El was restored. Before that, there was nothing. As if they never existed.
  •   Gaia: What? But Elrianode was sealed before the restoration, how did you...
  •   Gaia: Oh, right. You were able to wake up sooner, thanks to Lincy.
  •   Ventus: Yes. I thought it was strange. They should have been most active with the El Masters gone, but nobody even knew of their existence.
  •   Artea: So the restoration of the El, affected Henir's Order somehow.
  •   Sasha: Just as Master Ventus said, I've never heard of Henir's Order before coming to Elrianode.
  •   Gaia: ... Was the Order waiting for the restoration of the El?
  •   Ventus: They must have come to Elrianode because they knew the Large El was restored. But their actions... Should I say they were careless? Or impulsive?
  •   Ventus: I don't think Hennon's decision to steal the Primal El and attack El Tower was in the plans.
  •   Artea: I thought it looked spontaneous as well. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this correctly... but it seemed he was taking advantage of the opportunity presented to him.
  •   Darkmoon: I heard he introduced himself as 'someone who will soon become the most powerful member of Henir's Order.'
  •   Clamor: ... The Order member we took down, said something similar. That it's human nature to want to climb to the top.
  •   Solace: That might be a shared value within the Order, in order to ensure unwavering loyalty.
  •   Sasha: Ah, if Noah's suspicion is correct, and the Order's headquarters is located in the Demon Realm, shouldn't we inform the El Search Party?
  •   Sasha: If the Order finds out they're the ones who restored the El...
  •   Denif: ... I should have told them. It's my fault.
  •   Rosso: It's because you didn't want them to needlessly worry about it. It was a reasonable decision. No need to get emotional about it, Old Man.
  •   Ventus: What a surprise! I wasn't aware you were capable of comforting someone!
  •   Rosso: Shut up. I'm just saying it was the best decision given the situation. There's no point in dwelling on our past mistakes.
  •   Rosso: So you, what's your conclusion?
  •   Noah: He said, since there was one inside the Dark El, there would be one inside the El. Then, if I learn the secret of the Dark El, I should be able to learn more about the El.
  •   Noah: ... I will go to the Demon Realm. Please help me.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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  • Region 13~18
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  • Noah
  • Lithia
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  • Region 13~18
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  • Noah
  • Lithia
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