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Side Stories

Adans Willkommensfeier

Hauptartikel: Adans Willkommensfeier

Adam wurde gerade erst beim CoBo-Service eingestellt. Hilf Aranka und Luriel dabei, die Überraschungsparty für Adam vorzubereiten.

Charakter Hintergrundstories

Geschichte von Elsword

Hauptartikel: Resolution

Learn the story of the Elsword, the boy who lives in the shadow of his father and his older sister. The story of a family of warrior and the boy who feels of uncertainty and determination.

Geschichte von Aisha

Main Article: Verlorene Kraft

Uncover the details of Aisha's quest for the mysterious Ring of Mimir. Follower her and her grandfather's journey through the ancient Ellian ruins to uncover the legendary artifact rumored to possess unlimited magical power.

Geschichte von Rena

Main Article: Kindheits-Trauer

Rückblick auf Renas Kindheit, auf Erinnerungen an Kindheitsfreunde und die Entdeckung ihrer Kraft, welche ihr Leben für immer verändern würde. Finde heraus, wie sie die Elfenkriegerin wurde, die sie heute ist.

Geschichte von Raven

Main Article: Short Story of Memories

Discover the academy days of the Crow Mercenary's leader. Raven prepared to challenge the academy's famed Mock Siege Warfare, in doing so he'll create bonds which will change his life.

Geschichte von Eve

Hauptartiel: Adrians Memoiren

Read through Adrian Nasod's records of the birth and advance of Nasods. See how Nasods and the world around them develop. Then learn of the origins of the Nasods Adam and Eve.

Geschichte von Chung

Main Article: The Boy's Resolution

Learn about the past of the young Prince Seiker. The adversities he faced as a weak and frail child. See as he grows and learns to surpass his weakness to become a proud guardian of Hamel.

Geschichte von Ara

Main Article: My Brother & I

Ara's past and the bonds with her step-brother Aren Haan. The timid and doubtful Ara will learn what it takes to become stronger and live up the the Haan name.

Geschichte von Elesis

Main Article: The Legend of the Red Haired Knight

Discover how Elesis got the title of the "Legendary Red Haired Knight". See the young warrior become the leader or legends. Learn of her father and the Velder Civil War.

Geschichte von Add

Main Article: Edward

Add's past, learn of the Grenore family and the childhood of Edward Grenore. The story of his father Asker and his mother Grace as their family was on the brink of being discovered.

Geschichte von Lu/Ciel

Main Article: Nightmare

A nightmare, Lu's nightmare. Ciel find himself in Lu's nightmare, a glimpse into the girl's tragic past. Her place in the demon world and her fall from grace.

Geschichte von Rose

Main Article: The Soldier's State of Mind

The story of the military child Anna Testarossa. Falling into a dark place after her father's defeat, she would meet a person who would give her the drive to push onward.

Geschichte Elsword's WeltSageNPCsGeschichteZeitleiste
Gameplay-Modi DungeonsFelderPvP
Gameplay-Features ErfolgeEldrit-ResonanzEXP-TabelleForce-SkillsQuestsSkill-QuestsSkill-TreeSkillTitelInterface-Guide
Gameplay-Mechaniken MachtboosterCharaktersystemeTeam upManabreakPower-upsSkill-AttributeSpezialeffekreWilleStatistikenStatuseffekteSchwellenwerte
Charakter-Fortschritt 1. Klassenwechsel2. KlassenwechselTranszendenz3. Klassenwechsel
System-Guides BankHeiße QuellenElios StudioItem sperrenMagischer KleiderschrankSchüler-Lehrer-SystemBerufssystemZufallsmissionenHochzeitssystem
Leben-Inhalte AngelnPet-Expedition
Gilden-Inhalte GildeGildenflaggeGildenhauptquartierGildenexpeditionGildenfarm
Items GebrauchswarenWürfelWährungItem-DatenbankMonsterkartenReittierePets
Equipment & Accessories PvP-Sets (S4)BossdropsAusrüstungssetsLegendäre AusrüstungRegions-Ausrüstung

Einzigartige Ausrüstung: Himmelsprisma-AusrüstungElyanod-AusrüstungGeheimdungeon-Ausrüstung

Ausrüstungs-Funktionen Attribut verleihenZerlegenIdentifizierenMagieverzauberungSockelnUpgraden
Cash BingoCharakter-AnpassungErhitzerItem-Shop
Sonstiges TanzbefehleStory-NPCsQuick VoiceSkill-Cut-insSoundtrackWallpaper
Andere Medien AnimationElsword Mobile GamesLight NovelsOffizieller MerchandiseWebcomics