Official Stats

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KR Skill List

Can someone fix the KR skill list? It's showing some skills that shouldn't be there.

  • Clear your cache and see it again? -IceSoulMOG (talk) 10:53, 20 August 2015 (CEST)
    • That's odd. I didn't clear my Cache and I didn't get an email saying that Eve's page was edited, but it seems to be fixed.

One of the Trivias

What's the source for the Trivia that says "She seems to be keeping a diary." ?

Electric Shock

"Electron ball inflict the Electric Shock condition for 3 seconds." Does it do anything aside from the visual effect?

About Trivia

"With element enchantment, given orientation when Eve is facing the player, the left drone will take the stacking element aura, while the right drone will take the instant effect element aura." I think this should be reworded to be more clear which drone has which aura. FlareKyn (talk) 12:55, 11 March 2020 (EDT)

Possible Trivia?

Code: Sariel and Code: Antithese both have issues with her emotional core, the former damaging itself as it leaks energy and the latter overheating due to errors being "corrected". These are also both paths where Eve goes in the opposite direction of what she was created for, the former locking away her emotions which Adrian programmed into her so she could understand humans, and the latter becoming a tyrant when she was meant to become a bridge between humans and Nasods. Code: Ultimate and Code: Esencia, however, neither have any issues with their emotional cores nor go in the opposite direction of what they were created for, with the latter being the most obvious as she begins to readily show her own emotions and calls Elsword her friend in the main story quests, and while the former isn't as obvious, she doesn't abandon her emotions (and is seen smiling for a moment as Code: Nemesis in her path's video), and she uses her destructive power to help the El Search Party. In addition to all this, both Ultimate (magical) and Antithese (physical) have primarily black color schemes and both Esencia (physical) and Sariel (magical) have primarily white color schemes, while base Eve has a nearly-even mix of black and white in her design. FlareKyn (talk) 11:42, 8 October 2021 (CEST)