About DA's Story Video

SonicEXE (talkcontribs)

Something that I think was noted awhile back- that is now confirmed with the release of the story video- is that DA never leaves Hamel. The architecture still reads as Hamel. As far as im aware, Every other class reaches Ellianode and receives their third job there, whether it be in Ellianode City or the Sanctum- whatever. Does this mean that DA is the first confirmed playable class to not accompany the El Search Party after their debut region in the story? Or similar implications? Something I was considering in the trivia for this class. Also theres the implication that not only does he disregard the need for strength that is apparently his motive to join the ESP and leave Hamel, but by staying behind- does that make him the only Chung to not choose to pursue his father? (Which I admittedly thought was his motivation to leave- maybe a previous draft of his story, I couldve sworn-) Just some food for thought with the implications of his SV.