Sonicow (talkcontribs)

So I don't have much of a problem with the trivia about laby most likely having child as her job name due to her mentality being deleted , but the reasoning for its deletion I worry might make people believe she's 100% without a doubt a child. I mean KoG's artstyle in general makes most of the characters look no older than 18 aside from a very very select few individuals. Some people call aisha a loli, even in her final job.

I'd just rather people not have the wrong idea about laby due to her innocent nature, as its understandable since she's been stuck in a forest all her life. A professional KR translator also said that she doesn't agree with the idea that she has a childish mentality but that she suppose her body is "child....ish?" so aside from her looks, in KR she may just have more of a pure disposition about her rather than a childs, which is possibly implied by her theme song in KR which the producer says has a more "naïve and innocent" feel.

Again, I understand the premise behind deleting the trivia and summarizing the new one, but I cant help but think how other people will think if they dont know the story of the character

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Bellonde from Black Forest Cemetery: "She looks like a child...!"

I will confess that I didn't know about Bellonde saying that when I deleted it, but she appeared around the same age as base Elboy & Aisha to me, which is why I deleted it.

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Oh yeah, Nenya also says that his ambition was stopped by a "mere child" in the story quest "Don't Wait, March", which is referring to Laby.

Sonicow (talkcontribs)

Before i edited my entire original comment, I did mention this, but many people also referred to the el search party members as children in the story many times, most recently in the tirnog, despite the fact that there's only 2-3 people that could be seen as kids. The only legitimate person i can see having called laby a child is elesis who questions why rosso told a kid to mind her business

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

The Tirnog one was said by a demon, which, like Rena, have longer lifespans and slower maturity rates than humans, so yeah, I can see why she called them kids.

Sonicow (talkcontribs)

Thats true, though Rena and Eve dont look much older, which is why i chock it up to KoG's general art style

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

Rena looks noticeably older to me, but you also have to take into account that she's an elf with a much longer lifespan and slower maturity rate than humans. As for Eve, I kinda get what you mean since she does kinda grow in her advancements (something most Nasods can't do), but you have to remember that she's a machine and that she's been powered down for ages until Elsword accidentally woke her up. There's not really any reason for her to grow when her body isn't receiving any energy in the first place.

Sonicow (talkcontribs)

Wasn't the concept for job changes be that the characters grow and matured? If KoG still is sticking by that ideology, wouldn't it make sense to make the characters look youthful at base and then slowly age up the characters along the jobs? Ya know similar to pokemon and its evolution. At least Lu has an inlore reason for her looking older, but laby, eve, rena, raven, and basically any adultish/old characters shouldn't really have changed much from base to final job

Also due to variations between translating languages, there may be biases when it comes to interpreting what the host language means. You see it a lot in animation where the sentence in the home language doesn't fit well in the foreign language, thus is either changed to fit the culture or misinterpreted

FlareKyn (talkcontribs)

I kinda get what you mean, but being an adult does not suddenly make one stop growing. I will confess that I find Rena's physical growth a bit odd, but I can also kinda guess it's because of all the exercise she gets from having fought so much. Same for Raven.

As for Eve, one possibility is that she's modifying her own body, but my own personal interpretation is that because Eve's designed to be human-like, her body is designed to be able to grow naturally. And Eve's body doesn't really look like an adult's at base job.

Laby's physical growth is far harder to explain, since she's confirmed to have lived in the forest since before the Nasod War. However, she's also a being who was able to separate her sadness into an entirely separate being, Nisha, so it could be something about her unique biological makeup or power, and may even be connected to her mentality, since she does grow mentally between leaving the Black Forest and arriving at Elrianode.

Edit: Just realized I misspelled exercise.

Sonicow (talkcontribs)

ya know what thats actually extremely fair. Considering lu can just choose not to age up, this leads me to believe that a demon's growth is based on their self image. This could just be a demon lord thing but considering Laby is similar to a demon and quite possibly an important component to the realm, I can see her aging from her growing maturity.

You make compelling cases, I'll concede