Talk to the blacksmith of the town to upgrade. (Indicated as a "Sword" in town) You need an upgrade stone and money to upgrade any equipment.

Upgrade stones-> need the correct version (level ) of the stone to upgrade.

lv1 1-21

lv2 21-30

lv3 31-40

lv4 41-50

can not use stone lv2 to upgrade an lv31+ equipment nor an equipment level below 21. Must be within the range given above.

5 outcomes when upgrading -succeed / not succeed / downgrade (failure type 1) / break (unusable)(failure type2) / Reset

1.When succeed in upgrading, stats of the equipment increases. ( number of "+" increases)

2.Not succeed, nothing happens except you waste your money and one upgrade stone.

3.downgrade (failing) decreases the stats of the equipment (number of '+' decreases)

4.Break (failing ). equipment becomes unusable. Can become usuable again by purchasing a cash item.

5.Reset ( Failing). Equipment goes back to +0 from whatever it was

Equipments may

-not succeed from +2,

-downgrade from +4

-Break or Reset from +6.

Success rate decreases as the number of successful upgrade increases. e.g +5 to +6 has higher chance than +8 to +9

Broken weapons are "untradable" hence can not be posted between your own characters.

(Recommendation -> +6 equipments are good enough. try using upgrade scrolls to get past +6)

  • Upgrade Scrolls*

Given out in event (Ice Breaker) -right click the scroll and click on the equipment you want to upgrade. upgrade the equipments to the number corresponding to the scroll. Can not being used on equipments that have a higher number then the scroll itself.

e.g +6 scroll will upgrade any equipment to +6 instantly.

Scroll exists from +5 to +9

  • Cash upgrade stone *

-can be purchased by nx cash -occasionally given out in events

work the same as normal upgrade stones except they prevent -1 (failure type1) and "resets", Equipment may still break by using this special stone.

These stones can be used until the equipment is +10. From +10 , you must use the ordinary upgrade stone to get to +11 or higher. (Not recommended, +10 weapons are already strong enough)