About me


I'm a 16 year-old (at time of writing) boy that loves playing Elsword (obviously hahaha....). I prefer PvE, or straight out I only do PvE,'s PvE. Hobbies include baking, roleplaying, swimming and grinding light novels. I prefer to go by the name of Danny, it makes me feels comfortable.

My characters and server

First of all, I'm a Voidling. Because simple, I'm too damn broke for a slot B in public servers (and to lazy regrinding chars for one hahaha). Although I do drop by public servers here and there but only for the sake of testing stuff, I still remain at Void. Easier to breathe. Second of all....... My chars. I do ranged char mostly, maining CBS, EE and OpT. I'm kinda paranoid, so I always socket MP Gain on Hit more than needed (40% up). Still using +8 Heroic Weapon and +7 Heroic Armors so my stats are quite tilted owo